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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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I've always thought Chris Benoit was far better in WCW than he ever was in WWE.


I think I liked that version of Benoit more because he was more mobile. If you just take the first year or so of his WWF run then I think it's as good but certainly after he came back from injuries gassed to fuck, he was never quite as great consistently. Relied a lot more on chops, punches and kicks.


The problem with his WCW stuff is there are so few defining matches. The ladder match and the Owen tribute with Bret are the only ones that really stand out to me.


In fairness, I think that was an issue in WCW overall. Because there were so many matches between name guys every week, things just didn't stand out. WWE has the same problem now. Hundreds and hundreds of 3-4 snowflake matches every year. But hardly any that you remember.

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It's probably keller, no? I mean, he's got to be growing in stature with Austin having him on all the time. I'd be keen to know what the twos subscription numbers are like.


I too can see Bix doing more and more as time passes. Seems to be quality.

Keller is good for analysis if you can hack him but I don't think he's broke a news story in about 5 years.


Think the answer here that is it would be much more fractured if Meltzer ever goes with the news spread out among the likes of Alvarez, Keller, Mike Johnson and the Twitter people Ian mentioned like Rovert, Bix and the Voices of Wrestling, MLW and LAW type people.

Edited by Benno
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The problem with his WCW stuff is there are so few defining matches. The ladder match and the Owen tribute with Bret are the only ones that really stand out to me.


Well, there is the much balleyhooed Best of Seven with Booker T, which the WCW fans embraced at the time and WWE tried to force-replicate in 2005. Hilariously Booker got hurt so Benoit had to lose the decisive match to Randy Orton.


The crazy thing for me is how well remembered the match with Bret from Kansas is, when it isn't even the best match they had with each other. They had a couple on Nitro which were much better and more heated, one in 1998 in particular between Bret turning heel and Benoit getting injured. REALLY heated match, I remember especially the live crowd going nuts when Benoit hit a superplex and again when he briefly applied the Crossface. Let down by lack of a clean finish, which is probably why nobody remembers it.


Benoit also had a remarkably good match with Curt Hennig in 97 not long after Hennig betrayed the Horsemen. I was desperate for The Crippler to beat the fucker. Plus he had two great matches with DDP in early 98, and probably the best remembered match of the Horsemen final revival, he and Malenko's bruiser with Raven and Saturn. They worked some good ones with Rey and Kidman in the same timeframe too.


I miss WCW.

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That the tag match at Spring Stampede 1999? That's ace. Don't really remember any of the other stuff standing out.


The very same. That tag, Rey/Kidman, Bam Bam/Hak and Nash/Goldberg are all very fun, very different matches that make that card very enjoyable. Juvi v Blitzkrieg gets bummed a lot but there are several botches and there are plenty of better cruiserweight matches from late 98-early 99. Possibly gets remembered as awesome because SUPER JUVI DRIVER!!~! OMG!!1

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I watched Spring Stampede a few times. I think it was the first official WCW tape I'd bought since the Sting's Squadron vs. Dangerous Alliance wargames. It's a fantastic show. How on earth they could put on shows of that quality and still felt the need to commit suicide in 1999 is anyone's guess.

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Little fact I realised earlier; a few months back, there was discussion on here about Edge and Christian being the only two wrestlers to hold the tag titles before both going on to win world titles (in WWE, anyway). It's only just occurred to me that you can now add Reigns and Rollins to that list. If anything, Reigns and Rollins have a bigger claim to the achievement than E+C, as they've both won the big belt and Christian only ever won the Smackdown belt. 


Probably boring to most of you but I found it interesting!

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