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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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Did you watch the Awesome vs Storm match? If your brain wasnt fried before, it will be during that. NBR was a definitive show for WCW in many ways. It was the show where if you had any hope left, it died that evening.


I think there was something like 6 or 7 genuine contenders for worst PPV ever in the year 2000 from WCW.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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Is it worse than Starrcade 99 for shitty, nonsensical, frankly insulting finishes? My favourite being Nash winning his match just because he told the ref so.

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Much worse. Because Starrcade had the Jarrett/Benoit ladder match which was fucking great at the time. In fact, the night after Starcade was where the hilariously bad damage was done. They did rematches of Benoit vs Jarrett and Goldberg vs Hart. And the nWo got back together. It was pure "THEY" from TNA a few years ago, where the big big big angle they'd ruined all these matches to get to was ... the nWo reforming. If anyone defends Russo's WCW booking, they obviously never watched it.


People can slag Johnny Ace off all they want, but when he got in charge of the finishes in late 2000 (when Russo's brain got scrambled by Goldberg), the bouts improved tremendously.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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Did you watch the Awesome vs Storm match? If your brain wasnt fried before, it will be during that. NBR was a definitive show for WCW in many ways. It was the show where if you had any hope left, it died that evening.


I think there was something like 6 or 7 genuine contenders for worst PPV ever in the year 2000 from WCW.

Oh yes, I didn't even want to get started on anything else on the card! Storm v Awesome was at least amusing, with Rougeau waving his Canadian rule book about. The tag title four-way, the "bonus" tag title match an hour afterwards, Bagwell v Kanyon, Sting's "match"...yep, we could go on...

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Much worse.


Wow, I need to watch this slice of garbage then, I hold Starrcade 99 up there in my "what a bollocks finish" Hall Of Shame. Next time I'm round a mate's house leeching off another mate's Network I'll bully him into putting it on.


Last time, it was the Doomsday cage match from Uncensored 96. His favourite bit was Arn Anderson fucking off to get changed halfway through. We were both devastated that Luger only turned on his team once.

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Re the Raven vs Dan Fitch thing that Herbie put up earlier


Long story short...


Fee agreed 3 months prior to the show with Raven directly only myself and him ever involved in that transaction . We agreed a fee in sterling as he was going to be doing a few shows after ours .


Plans changed the week before and he asked for it in Dollars, not an issue, transferred the money set aside into dollars the night before - as the show was a Sunday there would be next to no where to get money changed on the day, plus we had all costs/fees put aside before the show started.


We get word through contacts at 1PW that there has been an incident at the hotel and police were called that involved Raven, I know of no further details, or even how much was true and that he would be late.


He arrives an hour before going on in an odd mood. We sort out the match, and further travel arrangements (train fare/hotel for the night - all of which he says he no longer needs as has a girl that he is going To go and see instead) putting us around £200 out of pocket.


He was largely fine backstage prior aside from one ex WWE wrestler not being happy with his make shift attempt to create his own dressing room, and with the fans was fantastic . I paid him before his match. He checked it over and was fine.


When we were packing up (which is what you can see) he comes bounding out shouting about his pay being down, one and takes umbrage with one of the other promoters who tells Raven to do one, situation is calmed and I escort him to the back (as you can see) reason for the unhappiness? The exchange rate had changed within the hour and he was something like £10 - £15 down - I paid him and that was that.

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People can slag Johnny Ace off all they want, but when he got in charge of the finishes in late 2000 (when Russo's brain got scrambled by Goldberg), the bouts improved tremendously.

It feels weird for Johnny Ace to be such a hated figure - one of my first internet fan memories is how excited a lot of people were that he was going to WCW, because of his reputation regarding finishes.

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That's due to their favourites bashing Ace while he was SVP of Talent Operations. Cornette being the first one to come to mind, and of course stories like him signing the wrong one-legged wrestler, which made him seem like a genuine dolt.


Is he still a Road Agent/Producer for WWE?

Edited by ColinBollocks
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The fickleness and stupidity behind Internet hate figure choices has been completely exposed by the u-turn on Triple H. For years, he was the evil political burymaster, pulling strings because he was shagging the all-powerful head of creative. And then he became head of creative, and he was still using his evil scheming shovel on Daniel Bryan. But now, somehow the head of creative position is powerless, Triple H can't even get an idea on the telly, and Vince McMahon and Kevin Dunn have seized control of the company.

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NBR (late to the party I know) is the most sadomasochistic watch.

It's awful, just terrible, yet I couldn't switch it off.


I can't actually remember much in the way of result's, either I had more to drink than I thought or my brain just purged it to keep me sane.


Everything is a shoot, untill the next shoot when its made clear the last bit wasn't a shoot....until the next shoot which is a REAL SUPER CEREAL shoot and the last two shoots (which we said were all real, off script and super cereal) weren't... BUT THIS IS!


The stipulations were mental, the finishes were mental from what I do remember and it was like a parody of it's self.


I can't recommend watching that show enough.


As a side was this the show booker was abseiling from the roof as GI Bro or was that GAB?

What the fuck were they thinking with that.

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