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Flair/Foley I Quit is a fun watch (barbed wire chops from Naitch!) and there's a lot of fun easy watching throughout.



The finish is just the worst. Totally shite and everything which is wrong with Foley given booking clout.

Yeah that sucked. The angle the next night wasn't up to much either.

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Also was his first World Title win really because of the Sonny Ono law suit or was it more because he benefitted from the Russo v Hulk Hogan real life feud?



I don't know. WCW was sorely lacking in fresh faces on top at that point and it wasn't like they were overflowing with options. Was there anybody else they could've put in that spot besides Booker?


The Hogan vs Russo stuff was originally a work by the way. Apparently it turned into a shoot because Hogan misunderstood Russo's promo and thought he was legit shooting on him. I say apparently 'cause it's Hogan, and he probably just saw it as a way out of his contract.


Regarding Flair vs Foley, I couldn't get into that feud just because it felt like the roles were the wrong way around. Foley's criticism of Flair in "Have A Nice Day" was valid and actually quite respectful. Flair's response was just petty and unnecessary. As much as Foley's star has fallen drastically in recent years he was the natural babyface there.


Oh, and of course, two old guys fighting over their autobiographies is generally a pretty crap idea for a feud. Especially since the books were ancient at that point.

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Oh, and of course, two old guys fighting over their autobiographies is generally a pretty crap idea for a feud. Especially since the books were ancient at that point.


It's a crap reason for a feud but I wouldn't say "ancient." It was only 2004 when "To Be The Man" came out.


I think the worst part of the feud for me was that watching on TV there was no reason for Melina to be involved other than it was transparently obvious that Mick wanted her to be, for some reason. Which I don't get, because from most accounts, she's a bit of a knob.

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My lasting memory of the Foley/Flair match was that Mick Foley has inch high scars on his chest today because of a nothing spot where he allowed Flair to chop him with barbed wire around his hand. Nobody probably even rememebers it (and you couldnt even see it on the night because Foley has a t-shirt on), but Foley will have to look at it for the rest of his life now. Utterly pointless self mutilation.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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Speaking of utterly pointless self mutilation, I haven't watched TNA in years and years. What's Abyss been up to? Still destroying himself for a joke company?

He doesn't really do anything now except look really bloated in an even shitter looking mask and stinky looking coat and stand next to James Storm



state of it

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Meltzer reckons the people at 2K do old-school promos with just bullet points (I'm presuming this is for in-game storylines, though it could be for promotion of the game), and they've told him that the only person close to hanging with Cena at them is Xavier Woods. I wonder if New Day has given WWE faith enough in him now that afterwards he'll get a good singles run. Prior to them forming, it always seemed like the company loves the idea of him but thought he was too shit to do much with.

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Meltzer reckons the people at 2K do old-school promos with just bullet points (I'm presuming this is for in-game storylines, though it could be for promotion of the game), and they've told him that the only person close to hanging with Cena at them is Xavier Woods. I wonder if New Day has given WWE faith enough in him now that afterwards he'll get a good singles run. Prior to them forming, it always seemed like the company loves the idea of him but thought he was too shit to do much with.

He's absolutely brilliant. Remember when he just turned up on TV one day as R-Truths mate or something. The New Day has been a revelation and just goes to show what happens when wrestlers get input on thier characters and promos. Obviously won't work for everyone but I think we'd be in a much healthier place were we to let some of the performers loose once in a while.

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How did TNA end the whole Joseph Parks bit, with him as his own lawyer brother playing a rookie?


He was actually good at it I thought.

I wasn't paying much attention at the time but I think it just petered out after Aries(?) unmasked him.


Also he (Parks) turned up randomly a couple months ago to answer Bram's open challenge. I thought that was quite special considering it's been long established that the guy was Abyss. I'm guessing that Matt Morgan cancelled at short notice or something

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On the heels of the earlier mention of Flair/Foley from SummerSlam 2006, I just watched it, and felt the amount of bloodshed in lieu of having a wrestling match/telling a story quite, quite disturbing. Never has the phrase "it's supposed to be a work" been more prevalent in my mind. JR uses the phrase "wrestling to eradicate" and Lawler corrects him with "this wasn't wrestling" and he's right. I may have said my piece in the old "Death Match" thread, but while there's a time and a place for a bit of blood or the occasional nasty spot (one, at the end of the match) there is no excuse for this level of twattery and I'm stunned it happened under the WWE banner, and not even in the "do fucking anything you want" Attitude Era. It was smack dab in the middle of the "Flair is a mess and I don't want to see him wrestle any more" period and I hated that he had to do this shit at this stage in his career. I suppose the allure of beating the "glorified stuntman" at his own game was too much for him, but Christ, he shouldn't have had to.


As per my previous remarks about Melina... her pre-match interaction with Foley is rubbish, and not just in a "heel being disingenuous" way, she's just crap. The post-match is also terrible, as I just don't understand what I'm supposed to feel as the heel manager Melina is checking on the battered heel Mick Foley, even though I don't buy that she actually gives a shit about him... am I supposed to feel sorry for the heel? Because he just quit to protect the girl.. even though the girl is at best vapid and a cheating interference runner for the guys she manages, at worst a deceitful cow who's stringing Mick along? I'm not feeling sorry for Mick, he just acted a cockend in the build to and at One Night Stand. At best he's a dick and at worst he's gullible for letting Melina string him along for whatever convoluted reason I can't get my head around. It's a mess. On the whole, I hate the match and the entire angle and really didn't like any of the three involved at the time.


On the flip side.... Queen Sharmell was a cracking heel. What an irritating harpy she was. ALL HAIL KING BOOKER.

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I've been watching Fall Brawl 2000 over the last couple of days in instalments. It's a bit shit frankly, but better than other WCW PPvs from the period. What I want to know however, is did they ask Mean Gene to start swearing all the time? He called the Mike Sanders a "prick", Scot Steiner a "bastard", and he cussed out someone else I'm forgetting. What was this about? Very incongruous.

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Watching some of the old Nitro's on the Network and had a few thoughts;


In August 1996 at the moment - it is amazing I think how much slicker and big time WCW looks compared to the the WWF at the time. The presentation and entrance ramp etc looks well ahead of it's time, makes WWF look poor in comparison.


It;s amazing seeing how agile The Giant is as well. Throwing drop kicks and his chokeslam's look amazing with the height he gets on them. Crazy to think that in just 3 years time he'd be in the WWF and most of that athleticism would be gone. It's like the Giant and the Big Show are two completely different people from here to 1999.


The NWO stuff is really good. The only thing I think that gets a little annoying is that literally the whole show is built around seeing them or wondering what they'll do and the sole focus of the storyline is NWO. There's hardly any midcard storylines as it's fully focused on the NWO. I get that it's a big angle but at the same time the WWF was devoting a lot of tiem to the undercard as well as the main event so it really sticks out.

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