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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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I don't hate Reigns but I see no upside in him. He's boring in the ring and on the mic' and has a terrible look. Get him working a little differently, shut him up, and put him in pants and things might change.


That's just me, though. I get the feeling some fans have come round but nowhere near enough of the visible and audible TV audience to cement it.


And the Bryan vs Reigns argument is a straw man. It was never that it should have been Bryan over Reigns, more that it shouldn't have been Reigns at all.

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With Reigns I just don't see a reason for people to love him. He's good to acceptable at a lot of things, but not great at the stuff that connects to the wider audience. With WWEs lack of flexibility, I dont see Roman getting the leeway to find himself and find the missing piece to connect to the masses. Which is humourous just because I think Ambrose has and they don't care.

Edited by Liam O'Rourke
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With Reigns I just don't see a reason for people to love him. He's good to acceptable at a lot of things, but not great at the stuff that connects to the wider audience. With WWEs lack of flexibility, I dont see Roman getting the leeway to find himself and find the missing piece to connect to the masses. Which is humourous just because I think Ambrose has and they don't care.


Who do you mean by the "wider audience"? Because if anything the women, kids and casual fans all seem to love him. The only people who don't seem to be into him are the "hardcore" fans, the ones who think Dolph Ziggler should be main eventing every show.




He's boring in the ring


Every match he's had since Wrestlemania has been good. He had a belter with Kane of all people on Smackdown this week.

Edited by LaGoosh
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See, I don't think they do love him, I think they like him. They don't live and die with him in his matches at all, and if they do its the exception not the rule.


By wider audience I mean the ability to appeal to everybody.

Edited by Liam O'Rourke
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Terrible look.


But seriously, he's probably got the perfect look for modern wrestling. You can chuck him on a poster, the ladies will love him but he also looks like a badass superhero who can beat the shit out of anyone.

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My cousin's kids are all into wrestling. Their mum fucking hates it. Last week she completely changed her tune though, telling me that they're allowed to watch as much of it as they want now, provided Roman Reigns is featured. Guy's a stud. To say he's got a bad look is completely bonkers. You couldn't ask for a better look. The fact that he's now delivering tremendous match after tremendous match is just an added bonus. I actuslly laughed out loud when they announced that Big Show match for Extreme Rules. Who the fuck would want to see another match between Big Show and Roman Reigns? And then I looked like a complete tit when it was absolutely awesome.


If there's one thing they do need to change about him though, it's those fucking blue contact lenses. They're the most distracting thing ever. Every promo, every facial, no matter what he's doing those freakish looking eyes are impossible not to focus on. Makes him look proper weird and are completely unnecessary. He was aleady a hunk without them. Brilliantly, you can almost imagine it being one of Vince's crazy ideas. "If he's going to be our top babyface he needs baby blue eyes, and I won't hear another thing about it!"

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The blue trim on that gear looks a bit pony, though. Takes the edge off the overall bad-ass, military effect. He really needs to find different gear now, anyway. Once he gets away from the Shield look, it'll be a further visual hint that he's evolving, and there'll be a hell of a pop years later when he and the other two slip back into the riot gear for the eventual Shield reunion against whichever major heel stable they feud with in future.

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Linus is surely trolling, no?


Roman Reigns is a haircut away from looking like David Gandy's twin - a stud. I've noticed random lasses on twitter and Facebook post their appreciation for Roman and his fine looks.


He's great, but as we've discussed to death since the start of the year, WWE didn't half bugger up his big ' Mania push.

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Not trolling, and not talking about his face or his soaking wet hair. His blue eyes are awful and that riot squad shit is terrible. However, as always, that's just my opinion. Obviously you all like someone to not look like a wrestler when they're wrestling :p

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Does he have tits? Why keep him in that gear? Makes him look like a knob, Rollins changed gear after the split and Ambrose had his DDP '98 gear on, Reigns looks like he doesn't know they've split up


The entrance through the crowd is wank too, still think he'll be a star in the end though, in a not moving business like anyone not called Cena in the last ten years way

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Yeah, proper filth. Wasn't she at Uni studying and WWE was flying her in to do Raw? I assumed they got rid of her because she wasn't free for house shows etc.


Not trolling, and not talking about his face or his soaking wet hair. His blue eyes are awful and that riot squad shit is terrible. However, as always, that's just my opinion. Obviously you all like someone to not look like a wrestler when they're wrestling :p

I'll give you the weird contacts. Proper distracting, at times. Edited by ColinBollocks
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I just learned from a Saturn shoot interview that the reason Saturn's eyes were all fucked up and he never smiled was because he suffered from Bell's Palsy when he first broke into the business. This explains so much why I've always though Saturn never looked like another man on planet earth. His face always looked like he wanted to murder someone.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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