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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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I suppose. I think we'd all rather forget that ever happened :)


That's the worst possible thing you could have typed in direct response to Ian. The end of Mania IX is his "greatest moment in the history of Our Great Sport " by golly!

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I've got some money to blow and no random crap in my flat. Where would be a decent place to get a fancy replica belt from? Wanted one when I was 14, and I seem to have accomplished everything else I wanted to when I was that age so I might as well just get one now

I went and brought some belts 10 years ago because i had money to burn.




The IC and WWE belts i think cost me just over £200 each new. The WHC belt cost £100 second hand.

I'm after the winged and 90's tag belts but people seem to want over £300 nowadays.

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I know most people finds Chris Jericho to be a completely up himself tit at times, so this'll come as no shock. I was listening to an old podcast of his where he mentions that his match vs CM Punk Extreme Rules 2012 was better than the FANFUCKINGTASTIC Cena - Lesnar main event, which has to be the dumbest thing he's ever said.


I may start a "Jericho is crud" thread , so get your favourite idiotic Jericho quotes at the ready! I can't believe this is the same guy that worked in WCW, to the point where I'm thinking that multiple people have played the Y2J character, ala The Undertaker and The Ultimate Warrior.

Edited by Ladiesman345
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I may start a "Jericho is crud" thread , so get your favourite idiotic Jericho quotes at the ready!


I don't have the exact quote but he gave an utterly amazing interview about having to work with Fandango at Mania XXIX where he mentioned what a big deal it was for Fandango to be out there with the first ever Undisputed Champion (like that had any remaining relevance in 2013) and he repeatedly referred to himself in the third person, with words to the effect of "there are only so many times you get to go out on a stage as grand as that with a Chris Jericho." It was like reading a journo waxing lyrical about a rookie getting put on the map by Bruno, Hogan or Steve Austin at their peak. Except he was talking about himself.

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I'm pretty sure AAA are using footage ripped from the Skyrim live action trailer to advertise Rey de Reyes. If not they've put a lot of effort into replicating a brief scene from it. Maybe theyre bringing in Dragonborne too.

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I don't have the exact quote but he gave an utterly amazing interview about having to work with Fandango at Mania XXIX where he mentioned what a big deal it was for Fandango to be out there with the first ever Undisputed Champion (like that had any remaining relevance in 2013) and he repeatedly referred to himself in the third person, with words to the effect of "there are only so many times you get to go out on a stage as grand as that with a Chris Jericho." It was like reading a journo waxing lyrical about a rookie getting put on the map by Bruno, Hogan or Steve Austin at their peak. Except he was talking about himself.



The Fandango thing is always good value for Jericho buffoonery. He's said before that the brief Fandangoing craze was down to him. "The next night, he was the most popular guy on the roster because of me."


If his personality has always been the way it is now, it's easy to see how he rubbed everyone up the wrong way when he first went to the WWF.

Edited by King Pitcos
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Very minor observation..... When looking on the roster page over at WWE.com, Hulk Hogan is listed on the 'WCW Alumni' section, but not on the 'Current Roster' or 'WWE Alumni' section, which I find a little odd?

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With the recent Intercontinental title shenanigans, it's made me think of the 24/7 Hardcore title rule. They should bring that back for one of the titles, loved it at the time.

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They shouldn't. It died out very fast after it's original sheen worn off. Minus the Crash Holly lark and Steve Blackman murdering the stip in the summer 2000 it wasn't much cop. Seeing it in 2002 it's a sorry state.

Edited by WWFChilli
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I just checked the trailer and it they are, the daft thieves! I wondered why they were advertising a Mexican PPV with snowy vikings...

Well the winner of the tournament does get a big sword.


It does still seem very blatant and entirely random. I like the fact it cuts out just before the dragon too.

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They shouldn't. It died out very fast after it's original sheen worn off. Minus the Crash Holly lark and Steve Blackman murdering the stip in the summer 2000 it wasn't much cop. Seeing it in 2002 it's a sorry state.


Well, except when Jeff Hardy and Robbie V were fighting over it. Seemed legit then. RVD got to defend it against Jericho and lose it to the Undertaker. It was permitted to look a big deal, for a bit. Bubba Ray could have restored the legitimacy a bit when he got it, since he seemed pretty hard, had they not got bored of it.

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