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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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Talking of main events, Roman Reigns will be only the 5th Wrestlemania main eventer NOT to have won a major singles title before that main event. Name the others :p

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  • Paid Members

Hmm, I guess my definition of a major singles title might be different to yours. I'm classing any main title in a major territory (pre-90), or in one of the big 3 (post-90). So Piper & Orndorff, for WM1, did have titles to their name...

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By main title are you including IC/US level titles or literally just World/Heavyweight titles?  I'll take a stab at:


Mr T


Andre (could well be wrong, but his role as special attraction would suggest not giving him the belt anywhere)

Lawrence Taylor


I can't really remember the main events between 20-29 but I'm going to assume they'd all held titles just because of the timeframe they were held in.




Oh, Bam Bam too I guess unless he held some random regional title you're including.  Think your logic must be too specific.

Edited by CTXRussomark
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I somehow attributed an IC title to Batista he never had, so it's 6 counting Reigns. Sorry.


Anyway, from the guesses so far...


Mr T

Piper: NWA Mid-Atlantic, NWA Americas, NWA US [san Francisco], NWA Pacific Northwest

Orndorff: NWA National [Georgia], AWA Southern, NWA Southern [Memphis], Mid-South North American

Bundy: AWA Southern, NWA American [WCCW]


Savage: AWA Southern, CWA International, NWA Mid-America, Grand Prix International, WWC North American

DiBiase: NWA United National [All-Japan], NWA Central States, NWA National [Georgia], Mid-South North American, NWA North American [Tri-State], NWA Missouri, WWF North American

Warrior: NWA Texas, WWF Intercontinental

Sid: CWA [Memphis], NWA Texas


Lawrence Taylor

Bigelow: AWA Southern

Michaels: WWF Intercontinental

Austin: WCW US, WCW TV, WWF Intercontinental

Benoit: IWGP Jr, WWF Light Heavyweight, WCW World, WCW US, WCW TV, WWF Intercontinental


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