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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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And Rick, if you're asking for "evidence" for something as intangible as being over, you're never going to be convinced.

I'm not asking for evidence of whether he's over or not. He clearly is with the majority of the audiences in attendance. I was merely enquiring as to whether "not working" was based on any fact. Poor quarter numbers, poor audience for the PPV, that sort of thing.


As Ian rightly says though, being over isn't cutting it for Reigns. He's not supposed to be over like Bryan, he's supposed to be John Cena.

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Am I being naive in still thinking the whole downturn in Reigns' popularity can be traced back to him being forced to sit around in a chinlock for ages in a too-long "Randy Orton match" at SummerSlam against, well, Randy Orton, instead of smashing fuck out of him? Given how popular Roman was when he was the explosive element in Shield matches, he should be going out there, throwing his opponent around a bit, sell for five minutes after the heel has to cheat to get the advantage, explode again, hit his three moves and go home. I know some people believe that your main event stars need to do a bit more than that, but I prefer to believe in giving the people what they want, and that's what they seemed to want from Reigns.


I also think they've missed the boat twice in not having Reigns plow through Rollins, the biggest heel in the company not named Lesnar. Admittedly if they'd taken the first chance, immediately after the Shield split up, Rollins wouldn't have become as good a heel as he is, perhaps, but they could have got a great reaction for Roman if he'd been able to score a big PPV win over the traitor Rollins in the first couple of months after the split instead of being thrown into the MITB title match which he didn't have a chance of winning and then having the aforementioned Orton match. Alternatively, would Seth have not been a much better choice of opponent at Fast Lane for Reigns - someone people might have been happy to cheer him against, as opposed to Daniel Bryan who most of the fans seem to have openly chosen over Roman? The notion of putting Reigns opposite the ring from Bryan so the fans have to choose explicitly between the two was surely counter-productive, at this stage they need him beating anyone who the people want to see lose. Which isn't Danny Bry.

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Well Daniel Bryan's stock is the lowest its been in years, so I imagine that was a bonus for them.It took awhile but they finally managed it. There's just no way anyone could be that mental on purpose to book him the way he has been. And I'm not just talking about since his return. I'm talking about that feud with Kane in 2014, which is amazing looking back. After that night at Mania where he beat all 3 members of Evolution, with the parade at the end of the night and the whole arena chanting for him, what followed was a total Rey Mysterio job. They'll give him the belt, but then he's going to be made to pay for it with gimmick matches against the WWF's answer to Daffy Duck. They might as well have brought Abyss for that feud. A Last Rites match with Abyss was all that title run was missing. What's funny is the match at SummerSlam was supposed to be Bryan vs Lesnar. So he was basically going to run from Kane for months on end, drive away in his rental car away from a bloke who EVERYONE beats and then get totally murdered by Brock. Its just madness. That would have done nothing for Brock. That magic match Cena had with Lesnar was what Lesnar needed at SummerSlam. Not to beat Grizzly Redwood around the ring for 10 minutes.


Which begs the question, who does Reigns feud with after Mania? Big Show and Kane? Rollins? Orton again? Sting's hair? There's not much around. What with the streak ending, and Cena officially placed in the secondary role and stuff like that, it wouldnt stun me if Cena turns one of these days. They keep rolling the dice to get Reigns over, that might be the last one to try.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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Long term planning killed Reigns.


We don't want to know what's going to be happening in a year. We want to be presented with something exciting going on right now. I think the fact everyone knew he was the next Cena hurt him. It wasn't organic anymore like it felt like during the Shield run (even though it clearly wasn't organic.)


Fans don't want to be told who to cheer. That's why Bryan is over with the live crowd and Reigns isn't.


I'd say that that if Bryan had won the Rumble like he was meant to last year, won at Mania and gone onto a nice little six month run, the fans would have been satisfied, and in turn ready to support Reigns. This could have been done so easily. Bryan faces Brock while Reigns faces heel turn Cena.


Bit pissed so this might be ramblings. If need be I'll edit tomorrow into a coherent argument. But I know I'm right

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Which begs the question, who does Reigns feud with after Mania? Big Show and Kane? Rollins? Orton again? Sting's hair? There's not much around. What with the streak ending, and Cena officially placed in the secondary role and stuff like that, it wouldnt stun me if Cena turns one of these days. They keep rolling the dice to get Reigns over, that might be the last one to try.


Rollins, probably. I would have suggested Rusev would be a good idea for a fresh match that might be an entertaining clubfest, but Rusev will either a) still be US Champion, b) be coming off a loss to Cena or c) both, and neither is right for a challenger to the big belt.

Edited by air_raid
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Long term planning killed Reigns.


We don't want to know what's going to be happening in a year. We want to be presented with something exciting going on right now.


I dunno, Batista's six month build worked well enough.

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Long term planning killed Reigns.


We don't want to know what's going to be happening in a year. We want to be presented with something exciting going on right now.

I dunno, Batista's six month build worked well enough.

How many years ago was that though? The fans wernt as jaded or used to long term planning as they are now. Now we get Rock/Cena matches with a years build up and few appearances from one competitor. Now we get Bryan missing out because he's not in the plan. Ryback being killed on PPV because the plan is for Punk to lose to the Rock so he can lose to Cena.


I can't remember, but did everyone know a year before Batista's push started that it was going to happen? Or did they just pull out the slow burn turn after Orton failed?

Butch you are arguing with a person who may be drunk, I'll just repeat myself till you feel sorry for me and walk away

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Batista was positioned in that way probably 7-8 months before so you could tell where it was ending up. It probably was because Orton failed, but it was certainly a telegraphed long term slow burning build. I mean, it may well have been 10 years ago, but WWE hasn't really changed since 2001, it's been the same since essentially.

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Watching the 'Best Of Raw After The Show' on Sky Sports (which was brilliant by the way), and clocked on that Stone Cold sounds just like HBK. It's the same voice.

When was that on? Shite. I want to see that and all.

Buy the DVD or even better the BluRay. The Sky version was great, but there's some great stuff on the DVD. It's well worth paying for.

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It's the execution rather than a long build. The Lesnar half of the year-long plan has been absolutely perfect from WWE. Just a shame Reigns doesn't feel like a big deal yet - which is due to variety of factors during the build.


We should all be wanking twice a day at the thought of Lesnar v Reigns, but nobody can even be bothered undoing the top button of their jeans. It's been rubbish from WWE the past few months.

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The main difference was ten years ago WWE wernt afraid to fuck long term plans off if they didn't work or something better came up. Now we all know they will do it regardless of it's turning out shit


WWE fucked off best laid plans in exchange of something better for Mania only last year.

Edited by PowerButchi
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Wanking analogies are the best! Your right though. I'm looking forward to the match to see how it plays out. I'm intrigued to see how they will handle the aftermath.

I should be looking forward to a great match and a new star. It's all armchair booker and no emotional investment



The main difference was ten years ago WWE wernt afraid to fuck long term plans off if they didn't work or something better came up. Now we all know they will do it regardless of it's turning out shit

WWE fucked off best laid plans in exchange of something better for Mania only last year.

Only because the backlash was so strong from them not backing off from plans

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