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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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I recently started watching House from the beginning and there's a season 3 episode where he's watching a Christian vs Abyss match from Lockdown and effectively comes to the conclusion that an 8 year old has roid rage.


I remember watching a film where there was someone watching a clip of Vader vs. Faarooq. Damned if I can remember what film is was though.



Small Soldiers I think it was called. The film about super intelligent army toys hunting down dinosaur toys.


That’s the one! With Tommy Lee Jones as one of the voices, and a young Kirsten Dunst. Was my brother’s favourite film growing up.

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Where did you (or whoever) get those books?


Custom job i had printed. My eyes go funny reading too much on a computer screen, and i've never been one for Kindles or similar. So i knocked up a cover and got a book printed. This is 88-89 (issues 23-59, issues 1-22 don't exist in digital form). Quite chuffed with how it turned out. Should look decent when i have a bunch on the shelf too.

Edited by truthofsin
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This Memphis story is a from a 97 Observer is fucking nuts. 


The angle last week involving Billy Travis being arrested on live television was only partly an angle. Apparently Travis' daughter was flipping the dial on 6/21 and saw her father on the wrestling show. Apparently the ex-wife and daughter had no idea he was back working in wrestling, which is really scary, since he's been pushed there for months. They called the police since he allegedly owes child support and alimony and the police showed up at the studio on 6/28. Jerry Lawler, who apparently knew the officers, asked them to wait until the show was over to take him but they said they had a job to do. Lawler then talked it over with them to try and make it an angle, apparently saying they could take him while he was on TV and he'd fight them off as a work in exchange for them agreeing not to try and add resisting arrest charges which all agreed to and that was what happened. On television to explain the situation they had Brian Christopher claim he pressed charges against Travis for vandalizing his truck to make it part of their feud. Apparently to make matters worse, Travis' daughter was watching TV on 6/28 and seeing the police fighting with her father and arresting him and she went hysterical to the point she had to be taken to the hospital.


Edited by gmoney
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El Ligero posted on his Facebook that he was invited to the King of Trios shows but would have to pay his own flight. He told them where to go and had a go at any wrestlers that would effectively work for free. He didnt mention the names of the 3 UK guys who were going.


The three guys obviously believe they will benefit by paying for their own flights, not that CHIKARA will give them much exposure.


Does Quackenbush still run/own CHIKARA? Isn't he supposedly a tight arse when it comes to money.


Seems fair enough if you can pick up some other bookings, or just treat it as a bit of a holiday. Gives all the BritWres promoters something else to stick on their posters too - "as seen in Chikara".

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It's more a case of it being expected all the time of it happening once or twice and so the (already not great) pay going down as a case of wrestlers themselves as workers being devalued due to dodgy and overly frugal promoters using people that'll essentially work for free. It's a snowball.

Edited by PowerButchi
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Seems fair enough if you can pick up some other bookings, or just treat it as a bit of a holiday. Gives all the BritWres promoters something else to stick on their posters too - "as seen in Chikara".


You're right there. If there's anything casual punters love, it's Chikara. That'll have them flooding in!

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If the Andre stories are to be believed, he'd have died of liver failure before the WrestleMania 2 battle royal and Neidhart would have won it. I imagine he could put it away, but all this stuff about Andre drinking 800 beers before opening a bottle of wine using only his Rab C Nesbitt sideboards seem overblown to me.

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I just find him fascinating, he's like a favourite of mine purely through folklore and photographs. Would never bother to watch his matches but I could enjoy reading stories about him forever. You could never sustain those kind of legends these days, the modern world just can't permit it.

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I was in HMV the other day and noticed the 2015 WWE Annual on display. I found it odd that Shawn Michael's is prominently featured on the cover.

Just checked that out and it is strange hes on there.


Could it be that WWE doesnt feel that anyome else on the roster who isnt already on the cover isnt a big enough star?


Im no big fan of him but surely Sheamus could fill that spot or Wyatt? Even AJ.


HBK wasnt even at Mania 30 which is the theme for the annual.


Very strange.

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