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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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I've not seen a script yet where Bray Wyatt's promo was the same as it was on the show, but I've only seen a handful of scripts since he debuted. He remembers fuck all, he makes it up as he goes along.



Also, given they have 3 hours a week or Raw, they should run a few tournaments as well - or a Power Ranking or similar, give all those filler matches some sort of purpose.

If wrestling did have a league system, it would at least stop the same matches happening so often. It'd never work, though, it'd be too stringent and prohibit creativity even more. They do have a power ranking system, but nobody cares about it and it definitely shouldn't get anywhere near television (except maybe the network pre-shows). http://www.wwe.com/inside/power-rankings/power-rankings-august-30-2014

Edited by King Pitcos
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I didn't realise the shows were scripted to that degree. Even experienced heads like Jericho and Triple H are having to reel off crap word for word.


Yup. Roddy Piper lambasted it (or more defended himself against the lambasting people gave him for his shit promos) during his return to WWE in 2003 because he didn’t have the freedom during the ‘80s.

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Also, given they have 3 hours a week or Raw, they should run a few tournaments as well - or a Power Ranking or similar, give all those filler matches some sort of purpose.


I've always had in my mind a 'season' of sorts for the tag team division, within the system it could incorporate the teams having singles matches to. All wins lead to points, DQs points knocked off, Title matches scoring double points etc.


The Title would be defended at PPVs with stipulations for the months, for example most points scored that month, or big spot matches (TLC etc) featuring 3 or more teams (top half finishers in the league that month etc).


With solid teams competing, and also the lumping of singles, come the Wrestlemania blow off to the season you could of it with solid fueds (One member being strong in the team scoring well during singles fights being let down consistently by his inept partner).


But throughout the month there could be so many avenues to explore, the benefits of being a 'Team' in the tag matches, snidey cowardly heel hiding behind his paid for monster partner, The Authority having their guys, losing streak starters to the season coming good towards the end and overcoming differences and hardships.


But then I've always been a fan of Tag Teams being a perfect platform for introducing good young talent that can eventually break off to IC/US level. Happened all those years ago with Harts/HBK/Bulldog, even the likes of Austin I suppose, and present day it's worked wonders for The Shield guys and in TNA Beer Money I suppose.


You could sustain a tag division with 8-10 teams, allowing 16-20 (moreso the 16 I feel) roster members to actually have a purpose to why they are out there each and every week, and from it actual teams could solidify for future seasons, talent could become credible either as a start or as a reintroduction of previously established guys, roll round past Wrestlemania, and start the process again.

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Quite interesting to note that, unless I missed it, HHH mocking John Cena for threatening legal action wasn't in the script.

There's a theory that was a dig at Punk, so it could be WWE got the letter from Punk's lawyers late in the day after that script had been written, or it could be HHH just chucked that line in himself.

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When TNA do their Bound For Glory series, it always improves the content of Impact just by giving the week-to-week tv some shape.  And you get interesting match ups that you wouldn't otherwise see.  Give them a time limit and you've a perfect formula for tv matches.


TDK, I like the idea of it being a Team thing, so tag teams compete both as a team and individually.  This would force some singles wrestlers into tag teams and might actually produce some new combos that work.


I've said it before, but Bellator's tournament system really helps to increase interest.

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With the tag team league idea, what would happen if a team were to split midway through the season? The reason I ask is you could have someone like Heyman securing the services of a better wrestler to replace the lagging wrestler, like a transfer.


The league format hasn't really worked in US wrestling, has it? I guess they want something simple and easy to follow - Guy A wants to beat up Guy B becase he slagged him off or whatever. The league format is less obvious and has different permutations. I'm not against the idea, and I like ideas that are linked to sports, but I can see why they wouldn't want to do it.

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I'm watching RAW from 1995, and the build up to SummerSlam. Shawn vs. Sid had been announced for the card, with a bit of build-up, but it's obviously suddenly changed to Shawn/Razor with zero build-up. What was the script there?

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The problem that iron man matches have is that everybody knows they're meaningless until the end. A longform league or tournament would be that problem writ large -- whereas now, the matches are meaningless, but there's always the possibility that something more interesting than "Swagger picks up three points there" might happen at the end. And it'd only result in "FUCK THIS COMPANY, ZIGGLER IN THE RELEGATION ZONE AGAIN FUCK U HHH" comments anyway.


Speaking of comments, if you want to lose faith in humanity, read the comments on WWE's Facebook post about Jerry Springer.

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I'm watching RAW from 1995, and the build up to SummerSlam. Shawn vs. Sid had been announced for the card, with a bit of build-up, but it's obviously suddenly changed to Shawn/Razor with zero build-up. What was the script there?


Someone looked at the card and realised that on paper it looked like a total stinker, so they changed it so there'd be at least one good match on the card.

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I'm watching RAW from 1995, and the build up to SummerSlam. Shawn vs. Sid had been announced for the card, with a bit of build-up, but it's obviously suddenly changed to Shawn/Razor with zero build-up. What was the script there?


Someone looked at the card and realised that on paper it looked like a total stinker, so they changed it so there'd be at least one good match on the card.


And a good card it turned out to be in fairness. Well apart from the main event.
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I'm watching RAW from 1995, and the build up to SummerSlam. Shawn vs. Sid had been announced for the card, with a bit of build-up, but it's obviously suddenly changed to Shawn/Razor with zero build-up. What was the script there?


Someone looked at the card and realised that on paper it looked like a total stinker, so they changed it so there'd be at least one good match on the card.


I wonder who was planned to face Razor originally?


You'd have thought they'd at least have given Sid something to do also, like a match v Bam Bam or something. There were tonnes of guys left off that show.

Edited by Reznor
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I've never thought about that before, but it's mad that Bam Bam wasn't on SummerSlam that year, after he'd main evented WrestleMania and King of the Ring. Even though Bam Bam was on the downswing after King of the Ring, likely due to his problems with the Kliq (despite the "he can play on our team" line they all give), they could've still cobbled something together with him and Sid for SummerSlam.


I just Googled whether they ever had a match, and they did have one on Raw shortly before SummerSlam that year, building up Bam Bam vs Henry Godwinn at the July In Your House. Sid powerbombed Bigelow in that match, but if they'd held that off for SummerSlam, it could've been an impressive feat for the master and ruler of the world... Although at that time, they still thought Sid vs Shawn was happening, so there wouldn't have been any notion of saving Sid vs Triple B. Still, that Raw match probably could have been used as backstory to do a rematch at SummerSlam anyway.

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