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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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He's horrific. I don't subscribe, so only listen to the free shows they put out, but even that's more than I can tolerate. The combination of his whiny voice and 2003 workrate perv opinions is too much.

He loves mark henry and other such big dudes way too much to be called s workrate perv.

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John Cena and a few other stars were on Surprise Surprise tonight, and when showing clips of the WWE from Manchester earlier this year, they had a shot of the massive PURPLE AKI sign in the front row.

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Funny you mention that, as I was only thinking about that myself earlier today. It was the first WrestleMania (and PPV) I had the luxury of staying up for and watching live, having got SKY in late '95 and i'm pretty sure it fell at the beginning of the Easter holidays. Vividly remember that day and staying up for it and the excitement I had. Sitting down for Sunday Roast, my brother mentioning it was on and deciding we were going to stay up and watch it (which i'd decided long ago). Our front room was being done up at the time and had no carpet and really old crappy furniture. I made myself an awesome sandwich just before the main event. Always remember those things in particular and wondering who the fuck the Headbangers were during the first match, but quite liking them but my brother deciding the 10 minute freeview should take precedence. And loving Piper-Goldust, Diesel-Undertaker and yeah, the main event. Amazing how everything blew up over the next few years. That was the main thing that seemed to enter my mind when I thought of it earlier and for some reason thinking how the nWo and Hogan turning heel hadn't occurred at this time yet. Always associated 1996 with where things really started to happen, the big events that would really cause the landscape to change over the next few years. WrestleMania XII was one of those pivotal points. The seeds planted for Brets heel turn, Diesel and Razor on their way out, Michaels first title reign. Really exciting times as a kid. The fact that someone born on that day would now be 18 is quite frightening.

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I had to go to school still on the Monday. Must've broke up for Easter a week later than you. I remember setting my alarm for 5am to watch it before school. But I fell asleep during the main event and had to hurriedly rewind the tape and see who won as I was throwing my uniform on.


I remember being massively excited for the Warrior's return, turned out to be a bit underwhelming but I still enjoyed seeing him kick arse for 90 seconds or whatever it was. I was also wondering at the time why Razor Ramon wasn't in a match. I didn't know any backstage rumours and didn't know he was on the way out, so his omission was a bit baffling to me.


I actually quite liked the big WrestleMania logo on the canvas as well. That's the only time WWE have done that, isn't it?

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* I.R.S., The Headshrinkers, Rick Martel and Jeff Jarrett vs. Tatanka, The Smoking Gunns, Bob “Spark Plug” Holly and The 1-2-3 Kid: WrestleMania X (This was due to happen but got cut due to timing issues after the Ladder Match went over)

Prompting Randy Savage to chew them out with the "It was a good match, but you are very, very selfish" line. Fair play to Savage for sticking up for the 5 who lost out on a pay day there. Loads of others wouldn't. It sort of sums up why it was so important to have Savage in WWF at the time and how Vince considered it a crushing loss when he left. He was the leader of that dressing room. Its why they liked him on commentary as well. His performance on the headset in the 123 Kid vs Bret Hart match was outstanding. He made it seem like that generations Flair vs Sting the when it finished. The six man was by far the thing I was looking forward to as well. Anytime you can get 10 wrestlers in colourful costumes in a match back then, it was always great.


I dont believe for a second Tyson vs HHH was ever a possibility, mind. I always heard it was Hogan vs Triple H they wanted to do.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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A write-up from someone who attended the last NXT try out camp. This is the one Kevin Steen went to I think:


As previously reported, WWE held another tryout camp at the WWE Performance Center earlier this month. The tryouts were held by Bill DeMott, Norman Smiley, Matt
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Was watching the Shawn Michaels Mr Wrestlemania blu-ray and something that has always pissed me off.... WM 14 and the "X-Raided" tag line. Shouldn't it have been "X-Rated"? What were they "raiding"? Surely it was a fuck up by the marketing guys who misheard what was said...but for it to make all the promotional material if it was a mistake is pretty poor. It pisses me off when I hear and see it though. Makes no damn sense to me.

Edited by NorthSeaTiger
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