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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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I thought that outside of the Shane stuff, the Orton/HHH build had a lot of great stuff in it and was by and large an excellent build. There hasn't been a better built WWE Title match since. It's the absolutely terrible execution of the match that makes it worse looking back, combine that with an incredible match between HBK/Taker on the night and it's easy to say that should have gone on last. However, in terms of the build HHH/Orton should definately have been last match for me.

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I thought that outside of the Shane stuff, the Orton/HHH build had a lot of great stuff in it and was by and large an excellent build. There hasn't been a better built WWE Title match since. It's the absolutely terrible execution of the match that makes it worse looking back, combine that with an incredible match between HBK/Taker on the night and it's easy to say that should have gone on last. However, in terms of the build HHH/Orton should definately have been last match for me.


To some extent I agree, but the build wasn't THAT good. It had its moments, but a lot of crap and nothing that made it stand out as must-see considering the many matches they'd had over the previous five years. The execution absolutely balled it up because the match didn't even try to warrant that spot, but they were always on shaky ground putting HHH vs Orton XXXVVVVVVIIII on to close WrestleMania. "For the first time since those forgettable ones last summer!"

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Everything about that match was so dead. No run-ins, a clean win for HHH that killed any momentum Orton had left from that red-hot few weeks around the Rumble... was that brawl in Orton's fake house where they had cameras everywhere before WM or after?


Orton/HHH should have gone on last because Orton had some potential to be really great at the time, but it also should've had a title change and, y'know, been any good.

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IGN have put together a list of the 50 greatest wrestlers of all-time. Starts well, Rick Rude at 50, then Samoa Joe is next. Yikes! Do TNA have a new game coming out or something? Otherwise this must be a mistake.

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Rick Rude would be top 10 or 15 on my personal list (if I had one). He had everything, if he came along now instead of the 80s he'd be a top guy easy in my opinion.


I've enjoyed some of Samoa Joe's matches but he's not fit to carry Rude's robe much less be placed higher than him on any list ranking wrestlers. I know these things are all opinion but that particular opinion is wrong.


Rude was the bollocks.

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A very pissed-up Arch Stanton and friends resorted to pulling off Ryback arm pumping manoeuvres on the dancefloor at about 2:30am this morning. Ergo, Ryback must definitely be over. He's made it as far as I'm concerned. This type of utterly retarded fanny-repelling behavior has previously been exclusive to Scott Hall mannerisms.


There was a lad in the club wearing some awesome HBK spandex tights too (the iconic 90's design). Are you a fellow UKFFer? Own up.

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This type of utterly retarded fanny-repelling behavior has previously been exclusive to Scott Hall mannerisms.


I did the Scott Hall strut through Wrexham High Street at 4am on Friday/Saturday. Hopefully no-one saw.

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