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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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Bobby Heenan's commentary in the final minute of the Goldberg vs Hollywood Hogan match at the Georgia Dome (and in the immediate aftermath) is one of the under-appreciated pieces of wrestling commentary ever. Fantastic, emotive call.


It's absolutely brilliant. Heenan was just a great announcer. He played the heel sidekick better than everyone, and then when he was a WCW face announcer against the nWo he was awesome. Used to hate how he'd often miss an hour of Nitro in favour of people like Larry Zbysko. Just no.

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Yeah, that is pretty shit. Not sure why it's always done with the IC belt, maybe because it was once regarded as the 'workers' belt and I think it's the personal favourite of a certain section of the audience. Maybe it's just done to appeal to them. And that being why the old version was brought back again. Personally, I wasn't a fan of them doing that when most were.

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Yeah, that is pretty shit. Not sure why it's always done with the IC belt, maybe because it was once regarded as the 'workers' belt and I think it's the personal favourite of a certain section of the audience. Maybe it's just done to appeal to them.

Yeah, but surely at this stage it doesn't appeal, because every fucker who says it is a liar that doesn't produce. Invoking the old Intercontinental names has been watered down to the point of being meaningless, it just reminds us that the current guys who say it don't live up to it. By now, Sandow should be sat on commentary going "I'll bring it back to prominence, like all the greats. Randy Savage... Mr Perfect... The Rock... Cody Rhodes... The Miz... Wade Barrett..." Instead, he's just doing the same lists and false promises that Rhodes, Miz and Barrett were doing. They really made a meal of that aspect with Cody Rhodes as well, when he brought back the old belt and everything, so it's particularly jarring for them to keep repeating it. If anyone brings the 1980s prestige back to the Intercontinental title, it won't be a bloke reciting the same speech that the last twelve heel champs have done.

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Who was the last really great, significant Intercontinental champion? I liked Jeff Hardy and Umagas runs. Drew McIntyre was good and looked like he could have been one of those holding it to be groomed for bigger things, like most of the IC greats that get listed off. But you'd likely forget he even held it now. I suppose you'd be going back as far as Randy Orton and he never actually did much with the belt itself.

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I think one of the better things they did with the IC strap, although it was comedy, was Santino's Honka-Tonka-Meter.


Was quite disappointed it only lasted a few weeks, but I do feel it could be an avenue to explore with the IC title, get a new longest reign on the go, it'd be great for a heel like Ambrose, and although the title may not mean as much now, the possibility of someone beating HTM's record, with faces constantly trying to get the belt off him over the 450 odd days.


With the possibilty of a unified heavyweight title, will the IC be elevated at all do you think?

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I've really liked watching Big E's recent matches on TV; short but really action packed. Good way to make use of a small amount of TV time.


As a kid I thought a lot of the IC title, especially when the likes of Chris Jericho had it. I wonder how the kids look at it today, whether they see it as a cool prize to win and that kind of thing.

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I think one of the better things they did with the IC strap, although it was comedy, was Santino's Honka-Tonka-Meter.


Was quite disappointed it only lasted a few weeks, but I do feel it could be an avenue to explore with the IC title, get a new longest reign on the go, it'd be great for a heel like Ambrose, and although the title may not mean as much now, the possibility of someone beating HTM's record, with faces constantly trying to get the belt off him over the 450 odd days.


With the possibilty of a unified heavyweight title, will the IC be elevated at all do you think?


It has to really. Right now the World Heavy title is serving as the IC title to the WWE Championship. IC and US are relegated to the Euro title level. If they go back to one main title then the IC will need to start having more gravitas. I hope so anyway.

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Yeah, with Big E holding the belt as the two main titles are getting unified, he could well be the man to make the IC mean something again. I 100% believe Big E is going to be big shit in the future, along with Roman Reigns. They teased them two clashing about a month or so back on Smackdown but nothing came of it... and i'm rather glad it didn't. I can see a WrestleMania being headlined by those two hosses doing battle in the future.

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