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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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Does it feel like to anyone else that Cody Rhodes and Goldust have already lost the massive momentum they had built?


Does WWE know how to maintain momentum for anyone anymore?


I wouldn't be surprised if there was truth to that Stephanie story. Has there been a single moment since she returned as a onscreen regular where she has looked weak? She's the fucking touch of death I swear. I could write essays about how much I hate her.

The funny thing about Steph is that she's a terrible actor, so you can see there's a lot of truth in her current role. I remember her expression after Dusty did that- she didn't display the typical anger or affront of a heel selling the gesture, it was more like she was gritting her teeth and trying to maintain her composure at someone doing that to her on live TV.


Also in her interactions with AJ- the way she belittles a fellow heel and supposed top Diva in the company, I felt like that was a "message" being sent to not get too big for her boots. That became magnified when heel commentator JBL threw her under the bus talking about the neck tattoo, and then the other week's dehydration angle. WWE can be a truly cutthroat corporate world it seems- in the modern era we have more access to behind the scenes footage than ever, when Vince and Triple H aren't playing their characters, they seem like decent people. Steph seems every bit as cold as her on-screen character.


She is fit though, I'll give her that.

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Steph is not fit, she looks like a young transexual Vince.


I wouldn't say WWE is a cut-throat corporate world...more like a major international media conglomerate that is run by weirdo man-children living in their own delusional bubble.


At the end of the day, if you're going to be a heel character on TV then you've got to be prepared to show your arse and get made to look weak, stupid and silly at times to make the babyfaces look good and make the fans happy. Vince was a master at this. Stephanie and Triple H are pretty much the complete opposites of that and it's the exact reason their whole storyline has been so dull and shit.

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I think there's a hypocrisy there that certainly says she's got a lot of front for being offended, or causing a fuss about it. If only because she's made her fortune, for all intents and purposes, from sexism.


Doesn't get anymore sexist than WWE, really.

Where has this "she was offended because it was sexist" thing come from? Surely she's offended because she's the power player in WWE both on and off-screen and Dusty acted up on camera in a way that wasn't cleared beforehand, not only flubbing his own lines but messing up the flow of the scene by cutting off other people's. If I'm remembering rightly (and I might be confusing it with another interview around the same time), Dusty went way off-book and someone, I think Triple H, had to do some right weird segue to get the point of the segment back on track.


At the end of the day, if you're going to be a heel character on TV then you've got to be prepared to show your arse and get made to look weak, stupid and silly at times to make the babyfaces look good and make the fans happy.

Yeah, except the big boss heel is probably not meant to show their arse in a heat-building interview with an old bloke being bullied into choosing which of his sons to save from the dole queue.

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I think there's a hypocrisy there that certainly says she's got a lot of front for being offended, or causing a fuss about it. If only because she's made her fortune, for all intents and purposes, from sexism.


Doesn't get anymore sexist than WWE, really.

Where has this "she was offended because it was sexist" thing come from? Surely she's offended because she's the power player in WWE both on and off-screen and Dusty acted up on camera in a way that wasn't cleared beforehand, not only flubbing his own lines but messing up the flow of the scene by cutting off other people's. If I'm remembering rightly (and I might be confusing it with another interview around the same time), Dusty went way off-book and someone, I think Triple H, had to do some right weird segue to get the point of the segment back on track.


At the end of the day, if you're going to be a heel character on TV then you've got to be prepared to show your arse and get made to look weak, stupid and silly at times to make the babyfaces look good and make the fans happy.

Yeah, except the big boss heel is probably not meant to show their arse in a heat-building interview with an old bloke being bullied into choosing which of his sons to save from the dole queue.



Well at what point do they show their arse? To be fair Triple h has been knocked out by the Big Show at least, Stephanie hasn't looked weak at any point on screen since this whole crappy storyline began. They aren't going to have any Male wrestler attack her and there's no way she's selling for any of the Divas so we're just left with someone who can heel it up as much as she wants with no chance of comeuppance.


That promo was just the usual shite Triple H and Stephanie have done over the last few months where they insult and belittle the babyface while he has to just stand there and take it like a dope.

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They haven't looked weak at any point though. When the babyfaces insult them they just smile smugly, they don't even act annoyed.


Austin/McMahon is obviously the best example of authority vs babyface and Vince would show his arse and get humiliated all the time but he would always come back with another diabolical scheme to get back at Austin. And in the mean the storyline pulled in loads of other wrestlers who all came out of it smelling like roses. That's what kept it interesting. Obviously WWE can never replicate something on the level of Austin/McMahon the best storyline of all time but Triple H/Stephanie is the complete opposite of this. It's just two heels look strong all the time while the babyfaces look weak all the time and nothing interesting happens at any point and everyone comes out of it looking like shit.

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HHH and Steph haven't helped a single person except themselves in this. They knocked Bryan down the card, they belittle their hand-picked champion, they had The Big Show cry for weeks on end and they've pushed everyone from Brad Maddox to Rob Van Dam around like chumps. They took the piss out of Edge when he appeared and rip into others in a totally non-story related way to get their own egotistical vendettas in the open.

Nobody has got anything from this except HHH and Steph.

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This whole Authority angle has been so deflating it's unreal. I think Cena is the only main guy on the roster right now who hasn't been reduced to shit or complete non entity.


The way things have gone since post SummerSlam I'm pretty much convinced at this point that we will all be talking about Roman Reigns in that missed chances thread in a year or so.

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Well at what point do they show their arse?

WrestleMania. They shouldn't be losing their heat on Raw to a 90 year old bloke with ten speech impediments who was there to draw sympathy for his kids and make Steph/HHH look like bigger tyrants.

Of course you are completely right...


We all remember back in the "good old days" when evil Vince got his comeuppance every year at Wrestlemania and never anywhere else.


That classic Wrestlemania skit where Austin shoved an enema tube up Vince's arse then twatted him with a bed-pan.

That brilliant Wrestlemania moment when Austin made Vince piss himself in the middle of the ring with his "Bang 3:16" toy gun.

Those classic Stunners that Austin only ever hit Vince with at Wrestlemania.

The never-to-be-forgotten Beer Bath segment of Wrestlemania.


All classic Wrestlemania moments, and the perfect (and only fitting) time for Vince to look weak.


Had they done those things on an average episode of RAW, Vince would have lost all his heat and WCW would have won the Monday Night Wars.

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While you make a good point about not needing to wait for WrestleMania to deliver 'moments', Pitcos still has a point when it comes to Dusty being an ancient side character who hardly ever appears.


The problem I can see with the hand in face thing is purely that I don't believe Stephanie wouldn't have squashed him like an ant after that. You kind of expect that character to have completely ruined Dusty after that moment, not let his boys keep theirs and his job by beating The Shield. Maybe that's just me though. Instead she's just ridiculed by an old bloke (admittedly a legend) without absolutely ruining him for his disrespect. I'm pretty sure he gets beaten up after that moment but I don't remember it seeming like a result of disrespecting her.

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