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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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I actually watched the ending of that match only this morning. Taker's return still is my favourite ever. Just came in and ruined everyone.


Oh I love that bit of it. It's just that Shawn comes back in, misses all the interference, the disqualifies The Rock because of the tombstone about 10 seconds after the clock runs out. Bit crappy. But thought the match was really good. And yes, do love the Undertaker coming in and destroying everyone.

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I was getting fat and depressed as a WWE Creative Writer, mostly assigned to low level talent

Is the creative team smaller now? I can't imagine they have writers assigned to low level talent at all anymore -- or if they do, that guy is either lazy as fuck or gets every single idea shot down.

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I don't if the total number of writers is different, but was that still a time they had separate Raw and Smackdown writing crews? If so, you'd probably have more cases of particular writers working with particular talent regularly.

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Is the creative team smaller now? I can't imagine they have writers assigned to low level talent at all anymore -- or if they do, that guy is either lazy as fuck or gets every single idea shot down.


Doesn't make sense, does it. They've got more TV time than ever with which they could be letting lower card guys actually develop their characters and try something a bit different, but it's almost always the same old stuff. Matches for no fucking reason, repeated week after week with even steven booking and that's it.

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Doesn't there come a point where it does matter? The ratings from this year are at a 16 year low. They're getting worse and worse at creating stars and nobody looks even nearly ready to replace Cena for when his limbs start dropping off. There's no real outside competition, so it's their way or the highway and that has created an awful staleness about the last few months. They've basically killed B-level PPV's with their shitty finishes and cobbled together cards so they're now banking on the network to save them. Something can't go into such a consistent decline over several years and hope to maintain profitability.


If the network fails and they don't get the bumper TV deals they're hoping for next year, then it's going to start mattering pretty quickly.

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Any of you lot watch the JBL & Cole show on youtube?


Basically, you know how WWE likes to think of itself as this wacky world of crazy larger than life interesting characters having fun interactions with eachother? Watching the weekly shows where nothing happens it's clearly not the case. The JBL & Cole show is actually like that though. In 5 minutes a week it has more fun moments and character development than 5+ hours of TV does. The wrestlers when they appear on there seem so much more natural and charismatic and the segments on there are really creative and make the WWE seem like this really fun wacky place filled with lunatics which is what it should be. It's a shame they don't seem able to carry this feel over to the main shows. I highly recommend it.

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I wonder what percentage of WWE's free TV matches this year have been tags?


I've done zero number crunching to back this up, nor do I expect anyone to do so (although go for your life, if that's your bag) but if I were forced to make a wager, I'd say 2013 could well be the first year ever where tags accounted for more than 50% of TV matches.


Could well be horribly wrong, but it certainly seems to have been the case lately.

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Does it feel like to anyone else that Cody Rhodes and Goldust have already lost the massive momentum they had built?


I wasn't too bothered about the rumoured plans of a break up and feud with a match at Wrestlemania as they were so massively over when they got back, but they've been a victim of this even-steven booking that seems to be going on. Remember a few weeks ago on Raw where they jobbed to the Real Americans for literally no reason?


Their mixed together music is awful too.


It's becoming a little too easy to just throw them into these big tag matches and do nothing else with them.

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Dusty putting his hand in Stephanie's face might be catching up to them. Dusty has disappeared. He's was supposed to be 90% of this whole angle, but he's in the shit. If you are going to do that feud, you'd think Dusty should be all over it. The Cody vs Goldust match probably isn't going to happen if we are honest with ourselves. They've had this feud on the table loads of times over the years, and its been deemed not worthy of a WrestleMania match for one reason or another. WrestleMania is 5 months away. That's like 5 years in modern day WWE. Especially when its so easy just to stick 12 men in a multi-man match these days. You need a match for Big Show, Orton, The Shield, Bryan, Punk, Lesnar, Undertaker, Cena, Triple H and a load of others. Cody and Goldust will probably be in the "on the cusp" list with the Usos, Ziggler and Cesaro and Swagger.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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Any of you lot watch the JBL & Cole show on youtube?


Basically, you know how WWE likes to think of itself as this wacky world of crazy larger than life interesting characters having fun interactions with eachother? Watching the weekly shows where nothing happens it's clearly not the case. The JBL & Cole show is actually like that though. In 5 minutes a week it has more fun moments and character development than 5+ hours of TV does. The wrestlers when they appear on there seem so much more natural and charismatic and the segments on there are really creative and make the WWE seem like this really fun wacky place filled with lunatics which is what it should be. It's a shame they don't seem able to carry this feel over to the main shows. I highly recommend it.


Totally agree. I almost see it as a look at what some of these guys would do if they controlled their characters and promos. Ziggler used to cut the promos on Zack's show which were awesome.

I'm hoping when the network launches it will be like an expanded version of their youtube lineup.

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