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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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I'm gonna watch most of the Summer of 98 I think.


I loved the whole summer '98. From about May right up until November is just brilliant, with loads of stuff coming to a head at Survivor Series. That summer is one of my favourite times in wrestling though. The Austin-Vince stuff was mental every week, you didn't know what was coming next. You had DX wreaking havoc, trying to invade WCW and all sorts. The Rock really found his feet over those summer months as well after threatening to become something special for months. He really hit his stride during that overtaking Faarooq/Nation vs DX period. You had the Brawl For All, yeah it was a stupid thing to do but I actually enjoyed it. X-Pac was having some blinding matches with D-Lo Brown, Jeff Jarrett, The Rock. Well pretty much everyone. Sable slutting about (I was 13 at the time so this was the best thing ever to me back then. Tits and wrestling all in one place was heaven). The Godfather became The Godfather, I loved that gimmick. I was a Shamrock fan as well.


And I'm a big fan of the whole Austin vs Undertaker 'Highway to Hell' stuff. The actual match at SummerSlam wasn't that good but build up to that was fantastic I thought. Really well done with all the twists and turns starting from Over The Edge, into King Of The Ring, then teasing the Taker/Kane 'in cahoots' bollocks, Vince was great throughout the build up. I liked the Austin/Taker reluctant tag champs bit as well. That spell on Raw where every week you'd have Austin and Taker defending the titles against the Outlaws, Rock & Owen Hart, then adding in Kane & Mankind for that big 4 team match. I was glued to Raw every week that summer. I can't remember a time where wrestling felt that hot or must-see for me. Except at points in 2000.

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Watching the War Games DVD (which is half excellent and half shite depending on what chapter you are watching). Benoit's on there in the 1997 one. They dont edit him out. And my God, Benoit was sensational wasn't he? I know he's the face of evil and all that, but I legitimately haven't watched many of his matches since he died, but you should see him on this thing. I forgot just how amazing this bloke was as a wrestler. He was so fast and intense its boggling how he's doing it at such a pace.


Mind you they said on the Observer update there's been nothing cut out, but there is long periods of silence at the start of the match when Bagwell and Benoit are in there. Something has been cut out for sure.


On the other hand, Buff Bagwell is fucking unwatchable on it. What an annoying cunt he is on it. They should have edited him out.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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Yup, Benoit was amazing in the ring. Looked brutal and tight, could do any style, work with any size and brought the best out of all he worked with. WCW Chris Benoit was better than WWE Chris Benoit also (and Japan Benoit, where he could actually be a bit spotty and backwards), so there is some amazing stuff to be seen there.

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Not seen the War Games match myself, but AFAIK the deal going forward with these comps is that they'll leave the match unedited but they'll clip out any commentary that's particularly praiseworthy of Benoit or otherwise potentially awkward.


On the film point, the Blu-ray of the Cena-Rock feud set has an extra which is their first WM match as a "film cut" which is just the match edited with different camera angles from the ones they used on the live broadcast to give a more cinematic style. Not seen it yet to know if it's any good.

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On the film point, the Blu-ray of the Cena-Rock feud set has an extra which is their first WM match as a "film cut" which is just the match edited with different camera angles from the ones they used on the live broadcast to give a more cinematic style. Not seen it yet to know if it's any good.


They've done this since WM25, they air as NBC specials of Wrestlemania. The Shawn Michaels / Undertaker ones from 25 and 26 looked really good. But again they are glorified highlight packages. To hell with watching those matches in that manner for the first time.


EDIT: check this out:

Edited by TheShowOff
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On the film point, the Blu-ray of the Cena-Rock feud set has an extra which is their first WM match as a "film cut" which is just the match edited with different camera angles from the ones they used on the live broadcast to give a more cinematic style. Not seen it yet to know if it's any good.


They've done this since WM25, they air as NBC specials of Wrestlemania. The Shawn Michaels / Undertaker ones from 25 and 26 looked really good. But again they are glorified highlight packages. To hell with watching those matches in that manner for the first time.


EDIT: check this out:


Yep, though as far as I can tell, the Rock-Cena one is full-length and presumably with the original soundtrack.

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Supposedly it would look like this: Wrestling Revolution preview match. Enter the password 'whattooksolongkatz'. Its a battle royal. Apparently the project is going ahead and they'll be uploading preview matches.


To be honest, I think WSX did it better.


The problem with this sort of thing is I think you're in danger of really sucking the life out of shows. But then I don't think its something that anyone's really done well yet and I think wrestling could probably do with a new way of being presented. I think its difficult to judge the idea until we've seen a real good execution of it, and I don't think we ever will.


Having just watched as much as I could take (which wasn't long) I think its bloody dreadful. If anything to me this type of post production and editing ends up showing a lot of angles that you wouldn't normally use because it almost exaggerates the 'slight of hand' with everything looking 'faker' if you know what I mean.


It also looks cheap and nasty. In fact nothing about this looks good at all IMO.




Furthermore, if you're trying to present it differently especially in terms of filming and editing like this, then the commentary needs to be a completely different style too. The commentary just doesn't fit the visual presentation. The sound mixing is atrocious. Was this rent a crowd too? The chants make no sense. A "This is awesome" chant in a battle royal when nothing is happening for example. Nothing about this seem to work or fit together in fact. In some ways it kind of reminds of WEW lol.

Edited by DannRead
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Wrestling is all about impact for me. And you can't hear anyone hit the mat over the commentary and the fake crowd noises, so the matches are absolutely redundant. They could have break all their necks and shits themselves and I wouldn't have known because nothing seems to get going. I remember Katz talking a good game when this first came out. And this is really bad. Its just dark. There's gritty dark and superstar bright. The shade of grey that is all dark colours and hardly anyone in the background makes it look like they are wrestling in the assembly hall of a church Christmas fair. I dont like the lighting, I dont like the different names for people we actually know, I dont like the commentary.


I've heard the reason he's giving people their money back (and the reason he's taken so long to bring it out) is because Katz himself hates it. Proper got in over his head with trying to hard to make it look unlike WWE and TNA and came out with this shite.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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I actually watched it all the way through earlier, and there's a bit near the end where Chase is almost out, then winds up back in the ring being double teamed, and the commentary repeats (but in a different style, so clearly two different takes) the stuff about Chase almost being eliminated and is on the apron, all while he's in the middle of the ring. So it seems like even the person who edited it together didn't give a toss by that point.

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I actually watched it all the way through earlier, and there's a bit near the end where Chase is almost out, then winds up back in the ring being double teamed, and the commentary repeats (but in a different style, so clearly two different takes) the stuff about Chase almost being eliminated and is on the apron, all while he's in the middle of the ring. So it seems like even the person who edited it together didn't give a toss by that point.


Which would have been Katz himself - who was also one of the commentators. :-/

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