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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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Are they easy to find? Or do the tapes not exist?

Never seen the TV shows (not even sure if they produced them), but back in the day the traders had a handheld of the taping from an audience member. Wikipedia reckons the HD was so it could be shown on the Internet, but that sounds pretty ludicrous in 1994.
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Admittedly not a regular WWE viewer, but just come across some recent house show results. Can't believe the lack of star power on there these days.

WWE House Show Results from Fayetteville, North Carolina 6/9/13Night starts off with Ziggler coming out to a pretty big pop. He says he was confused because he didn't know if the people were booing or cheering the WHC, which lead to him getting booed instead. He says that while he feels great, doctors still haven't cleared him to wrestle so Big E will be filling in once again. The match will be fan active and we'd get to chose from 2 out of 3 falls or No DQ.1st match has the Usos coming out to a pretty big pop vs the Prime Time Players. Usos win after a superb splash.2nd match was Hunico vs Justin Gabriel in a pretty good old-fashion cruiserweight match. Plenty of high flying spots and counter. Justin wins with a lionsault.Paul Heyman appears in a pre-tape with a pretty good amount of heat. Says there's no way in hell he'd be in a place like Fayetteville, but we're lucky to see his new guy wrestle.Curtis Axel came out to a decent amount of heat afterwards, cuts a promo.Match 3: Sheamus comes out to a huge ovation, largest of the night. Overall, pretty boring match but the crowd stays into it. Shamus goes through his usual offense, sets up for the brough kick and Axel rolls out of the ring. Sheamus follows before Axel throws him into the ring post and wins by count-out. Axel eats a brough kick after the match.Match 4: Layla and Alicia Fox vs Aksana and AJ Lee. Aksana came out to the sound of crickets. I've never seen a crowd so dead for a performer. AJ Lee came out to a big pop, bigger than both of the faces. Anyways, Aksana and AJ end up arguing and AJ leaves the ring. Layla wins by roll-up.Match 5: Alex Riley vs Heath Slater. Crowd was pretty dead, A-Ri wins by a TKO.Match 6: Khali vs Jinder Mahal. Khali comes out to his usual pop, thankfully wins in a squash. During his celebration he's interrupted by Big E and Ziggler. Big E attacks him and hits him with the Big finish. Match 7. Alberto Del Rio with Ricardo Rodriguez vs Big E with Ziggler & AJ. ADR and Ricardo received a nice pop. Fan active results are in and it will be a no DQ. There a few spots with the kendo stick. AJ and Ziggler get on the apron at one point and the ref sends them to the back. Del Rio applies the arm bar but Big E powers out. ADR wins after spearing Big E through a turnbuckle table. Crowd enjoyed the match.Overall, the show really lacked star power, and if I had to guess on the crowd size, I would say it was about 2500.Read more at http://www.lordsofpain.net/reports/wwe/hou...R8KZ189dVumj.99

Edited by garynysmon
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Not sure about internet. He taped a series of TV pilots in New York called World Wrestling Network with Funk and Sabu and Hawk and the like, with Heyman helping out on the booking. They didn't go anywhere, though bizarrely were shot in HD despite it being 1994.

Was it definitely shot in HD? The only reason I can think of that it would've been is if it was part-funded by camera/tech companies that were experimenting with HD cameras and transmission at the time, as that was going on in 1994. There'd have been no possible way that wrestling fans were going to be able to see it in HD in the mid-nineties, would there?
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Yeah, but that was a major event and would've been specifically arranged between the Italian bods and NHK, Japan's equivalent of the BBC. They used the technology to do closed-circuit style broadcasts of Italia '90 games in cinemas in Italy and Spain as well, but I don't know how successful they were.If NHK been putting money into World Wrestling Network, it surely would've seen the light of day over there (and been a much bigger deal in general, and their involvement would've been known, I think). The US companies at the time were still developing the technology and infrastructure for HD transmission, and were doing a lot of testing in 1994.

Edited by King Pitcos
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bizarrely were shot in HD despite it being 1994.

I doubt it. HD was known as being years and years away in the 90's despite the technology being there (There was a classic early Simpsons gag where a nutter is getting dragged away screaming about "the government is holding back high definition television") and the price to film HD digitally would have been pathetically high in the 90's. Then capturing the footage onto a system powerful enough to handle it - all for nobody to actually watch. Just not happening. Unless they used film itself, which certain territories dating back to the 70's with the Funks, Polynesian Wrestling etc had known to do, and asked for a HD transfer of that... but again that's mental, albeit slightly more conceivable.
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