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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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I've been watching the Wrestle Kingdom 7 show and what's happened to Harry Smith? He's intense as fuck now. He's got ring presence and his facial expressions are pretty good. Is he always like this or was he having an good night? Doesn't even seem like the same planned chubby faced goon we saw in the WWE. He wears a big red skull mask on the way to the ring as well. And he's managed by Taka Michinoku which is always cool.


I like how he kicks exactly like his dad. Like when Davey Boy Smith used to throw his left leg up and jump before kicking someone. Nice touch. He's now got his Dad's suntan as well as his haircut so it looks really weird from a distance.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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If he's sorted his schtick out he'd be the sort of guy the WWE would bring back in an instant I imagine. Japan is like one big training facility for WWE nowadays, isn't it!

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They said on the Observer that New Japan officials expect most of their American talent to be leaving. MVP and Shelton Benjiman are expected back in WWE soon and fuck knows what Low Ki is planning on doing. He wants out for some reason. Alex Shelley wasn't on the iPPV either. I have no idea about Harry Smith.


New Japan has some cracking foreigners at the minute.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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I never really understood the reason why they pulled the rug out from under the Hart Dynasty after the subsequent big push and title win. It suddenly seemed to end, and then they lost the belts to a randomly paired non-tag team. If they brought him back he'd probably be alright back with Tyson for the tag belts.


Any news on Okada signing with WWE?

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Because they were shit and no one cared about them.


Even with the numerous attempts to get Tyson over during the past 6 months or however long, he's still not had any consistency and I'd argue he could easily be cut.


I enjoy him. He's been good on NXT, and he works well with Gabriel but for someone that's been on the roster for nearly 4 years now, he's nowhere.

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They said on the Observer that New Japan officials expect most of their American talent to be leaving. MVP and Shelton Benjiman are expected back in WWE soon and fuck knows what Low Ki is planning on doing. He wants out for some reason. Alex Shelley wasn't on the iPPV either. I have no idea about Harry Smith.


New Japan has some cracking foreigners at the minute.


Benjamin wouldn't surprise me. He's not exactly a full time gaijin and only did two full tours and this and last years WrestleKingdom's. MVP wasn't in Japan last year as much as he was the year before, although I'd only imagine he'd leave if the WWE definitely did confirm an offer.


I wouldn't think Smith, Archer, Low Ki, Shelley, Romero or Koslov would want out just yet however.


Devitt and Anderson definitely aren't going anywhere right now.

Edited by cobystag
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Rumors went about saying WWE had interest in Shelly, when he left TNA, but with him being a champion in NJPW that depends on when he can leave I suppose. Benjamin would, and has been released from his ROH contract, so I presume its to talk with WWE. I'm sure MVP said he'd only go if he was to get a decent push, but I'm sure they told Tensai the same thing when he went.


Not sure about Ki though, I always presumed he was happy as Larry in Japan?

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Smith won't leave any time soon. Why should he? He's a tag team champion and part of their big heel stable. Safe as houses. Shelton's nobody and MVP wouldn't be missed. Low Ki I'd be surprised about, you'd have thought he'd learned enough about burned bridges and second chances to leave now when he's in a reasonably good spot, although maybe all the foreign juniors are expecting their chances of good spots/progression to hit the wall once New Japan get the chance to promote all the possible match combinations of their own native juniors against Aoki, Kotaro and Kanemaru when they rock up. Also, it might be a cost cutting measure, who knows.

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The thing is with Tyson Kidd despite them looking like giving him numerous pushes they always seem to cut the legs from under it. First when the Hart Dynasty split they gave him a Bodyguard and started a feud with Daniel Bryan over the US Title. Then like a week later the bodyguard got taken off TV and released and Kidd slipped off the radar. Then on Superstars last year they started testing him with a new manager each week (Michael Hayes, Vickie Guerrero, Matt Striker, Armando Estrada etc) but again no pay-off. Then this year he started getting that push out of no-where near MITB. He beat Swagger and Tensai and looked like finally getting pushed. But again it dropped off and now he's teaming with Gabriel. If they actually put him back with Natalya as his manager(Fuck Khali) and gave him a sustained push people would actually get behind him.

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Tyson Kidd is a difficult one really. They've gave him a few pushes which haven't been that bad in all honesty. But is the bloke marketable? It's alright saying he's a good worker in the ring and the fans like him. But which ever position on the card lower, middle and upper card there are gonna be crowd favorites. I personally don't think other than a few "feel good moments" i.e. Kidd defeating Tensai; then there is not much to do with the bloke.


He came across cool on his AOW aswell.

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