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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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My journey through Raw '93 has just yielded a most disturbing discovery. They show a bunch of fans talking from Mania IX and they find Vlad, and in his strong Polish (I think) accent, he declares it to be the "best WrestleMania ever." My image of him is shattered forever.

Unusual, I read somewhere that Vlad had been to every 'Mania apart from IX. Maybe bollocks tho.


I'm going through a RAW 93 and 94 set. There's some fookin' good matches to be found too. Just watched Jannetty and the Kid beating the Quebecers, the match was shit hot. Crowd was crazy too.

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Watching a load of 1996/97 WCW PPVs as of late, and Dusty Rhodes is such a tonne of fun on commentary. I always remember he used to be savaged by the Internet community for things like not putting the midcard athletic types over, taking the piss out of all the exotic moves and their names, and basically not ticking the boxes for what a commentator's supposed to do. I dunno, maybe they're right, but regardless, what a bunch of soulless, miserable fuckers. He was a great laugh, even moreso when he was getting all excited, laughing his way though matches - like during all those crazy brawls with weird plunder - rubber sharks, toilet seats etc. That (over)hyped Benoit/Sullivan match in the mens bogs or Sherri/Col Parker for instance are a couple of good examples too...


I could listen to him slabbering on all night. He's far too funky for a white man!


He was infinitely more entertaining than everyone's favourite, The Brain, at that point in time.

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I'm going to assume the Uncensored '97 Heat/TPE match is among that little lot. "Rag tagging on his belly welly" and Dusty going into hysterics at the sight of a cookie sheet or pizza pan. MARVELLOUS.

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I'm going to assume the Uncensored '97 Heat/TPE match is among that little lot. "Rag tagging on his belly welly" and Dusty going into hysterics at the sight of a cookie sheet or pizza pan. MARVELLOUS.

Absolutely. I don't think it's possible to listen to the commentary of that match without being close to tears! :laugh:




You know what would've been one of the greatest things ever - IF Dusty was commentating on that hardcore lucha match with parka and co in mid 99!

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Just watched The Rockers vs La Resistance from Raw in March 05 as the first part of the best week of Marty Jannetty's life post-91. It made my belly all warm and nice when Shawn and Marty first appeared on screen together. It was really nice of them to do all that, and he was in proper good nick for it too.


Poor sod. They should buy him some new feet or whatever the fuck it is he needs.


EDIT: Oh yeah, and the crowd have just found about Edge and Lita too. Edge took some right verbals from the crowd, BY FAR the most over he's ever been as a heel. Easily the most important moment in his career, in terms of making him a proper headliner. Lita was backstage in a segment but I'm looking forward to whenever they trot her out. I remember the boos absolutely murdering her segments around this time.

Edited by NEWM
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NEWM, are you watching Raw '05 in sequence by any chance or just that episode at random?


If you are, please let me know when you get to the Angle/Flair match after Vengeance. I have memories of it being the most BRILLIANT heel vs heel match as their antics are increasingly over the top as they attempt to out-cheat and out-heel each other. I could just dig out the tape and watch it, but I'd like your opinion too upon a fresh rewatch.

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Speaking of WCW entrance themes, Vader was terrifying back when he had this;



That Youtube channel has shitloads of old WCW themes as well by the way. Didn't remember that Scott Hall used what I'd always thought of as The Barbarian's theme in the Diamond Studd days.

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You know what would've been one of the greatest things ever - IF Dusty was commentating on that hardcore lucha match with parka and co in mid 99!


You've piqued my interest. What was this? It sounds right up my alley.

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You know what would've been one of the greatest things ever - IF Dusty was commentating on that hardcore lucha match with parka and co in mid 99!


You've piqued my interest. What was this? It sounds right up my alley.


Great, great Hardcore match from Nitro in 99 which the commentators treat as a total joke because it's a MEXICAN hardcore match.

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Funny you mention that CTX. I've been working my way through the MLW podcasts with Konnan and Court Bauer. If you haven't listened to them I would recommend them, as I think Konnan is one of the funniest guys I've came across in quite a while. He mentoned on one of the shows that he thought Dusty Rhodes was rather racist towards Latinas, for some reason or another. Kevin Sullvan wasn't too fond of "ethnics" either by K-Doggs account, so this attitude doesn't surprise me.

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