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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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I think he'd be a big hit if he came back now as a heel, bitter about his first run.


I'm probably just saying that because it's a storyline I'm running in my current NXT save in TEW though (and because I nicked the idea from what Evolve are currently doing with Galloway etc).

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Everyone who's seen his appearance on that Australian border control programme knows he can at least kayfabe at a world class level. They could put him on Breaking Ground and tell any story they wanted.

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SummerSlam's card is looking so much better than this year's WrestleMania. I just had to go Wiki WM 32 because I couldn't recall a single match from the card. I can't remember a single thing from the Lesnar v Ambrose match.

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Summer Slam was always going to be a more impressive card due to all the injuries they had around Wrestlemania. Dad Dance Shane coming back for a big match tells you how much they were struggling.


I thought there were plenty of memorable moments. You had Shane jumping from the cell, The Rock wrestling (for 6 seconds) and WWE clearly turning down the audience when Reigns came out. Granted, bell-to-bell it wasn't the strongest, but solid enough.

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It was a fine show for what it was but a couple of months out and it's one I can't see myself watching back with any great regularity like I have been able to do with the two years prior. It'll always be a bit of an awkward bastard of a WrestleMania. An overinflated dark cloud of a show people were dying to hate. Rock bottom to medium-low expectations that were more or less met head on. It'll be remembered for having a fake giant attendance - even though they do that every year - and it going on for seemingly four days.

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No idea what they were playing at with the muting at Mania, you're not gonna make him sound beloved, so why mute the hilariously visceral reaction? Made no sense and I'd instantly lost my iota of interest in that main event by that point. Muting the NXT-heads getting their chants in I could understand but don't fuck with the volume on a bloody entrance!!


I'd like to see WWE do a Network Exclusive from India (as well as all major non-US countries tbh) but especially India as, from the outside it seems as though the Indian fans are pretty much usually on the side on the babyface. It would be a fun dynamic to see Reigns get an Austin pop, or actual heat on the likes of Rollins and KO. 

Edited by sj5522
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It was a fine show for what it was but a couple of months out and it's one I can't see myself watching back with any great regularity like I have been able to do with the two years prior. It'll always be a bit of an awkward bastard of a WrestleMania. An overinflated dark cloud of a show people were dying to hate. Rock bottom to medium-low expectations that were more or less met head on. It'll be remembered for having a fake giant attendance - even though they do that every year - and it going on for seemingly four days.

I thought it was a good show on the night. I've been rewatching WM21 recently on the Network. I think it's the first time I've ever re-watched a WM numbered 20+. It might actually be 17+ but I can't remember if I gave 18 & 19 a re-watch soon after.


Listening to that Dave Meltzer run through of all the manias recently, I'm actually scared of how little I remember all of the Manias since 18. And nearly all of the instantly memorable stuff like Edge/Foley, Vince head shave, Taker/HBK, Taker/HBK 2, Rock/Cena, etc, I'd seriously struggle to tell you which Mania they came from.

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I've just listened to Meltzer's take on all WrestleMania events.  He claims that Vince always planned to put the title on Lex at Mania 10, but after the Rumble match when he could tell the crowd was firmly behind Bret he changed his mind and that's how Bret was crowned champion that night.


I always thought the real story was that Lex got drunk the night before Mania 10 and told everyone in the bar that he was winning the championship at WrestleMania and this was the reason why he fell out of the main event picture as punishment. It does sound plausible as he drifted into mid card land having a feud with Tatanka after that. He wasn't even on the card for KOTR '94.

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Nah, no way. Luger beating Yoko would have kiboshed the whole Hennig deal, for starters. Then he would have to have beaten Bret... so Bret loses twice?! Or Bret beats Owen and kills that whole thing before it gets going? Urban myth.

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Perfect was never seen again until Survivor Series '95 anyway so it wasn't really that big of a deal.  But yeah either way you look at it Bret would have to lose twice on the same night and it would've fucked Bret's credibility.  But Meltzer was adamant that Luger was Vince's pick.

Edited by The Clint
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Perfect was never seen again until Survivor Series '95 anyway so it wasn't really that big of a deal.  But yeah either way you look at it Bret would have to lose twice on the same night and it would've fucked Bret's credibility.  But Meltzer was adamant that Luger was Vince's pick.

Apart from 2 or 3 appearnces on Raw, Challenge and Superstars

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I've just listened to Meltzer's take on all WrestleMania events.  He claims that Vince always planned to put the title on Lex at Mania 10, but after the Rumble match when he could tell the crowd was firmly behind Bret he changed his mind and that's how Bret was crowned champion that night.


I always thought the real story was that Lex got drunk the night before Mania 10 and told everyone in the bar that he was winning the championship at WrestleMania and this was the reason why he fell out of the main event picture as punishment. It does sound plausible as he drifted into mid card land having a feud with Tatanka after that. He wasn't even on the card for KOTR '94.


That's a Scott Keith myth. It's likely derived from the fact that at the TV tapings before the show (for stuff like Superstars that aired after the show) they had a deal where Luger confronted Yokozuna and stole the belt and was then filmed wearing it. That was done just to throw people off the scent.


Luger's talked about being told months beforehand that he wasn't getting the title and debunked the bar story. http://www.pwinsider.com/article/41923/lex-luger-reveals-why-he-didnt-win-the-wwf-title-at-wrestlemania-10-squashes-crazy-internet-rumors-talks-about-how-erik-watts-wanted-to-beat-him-up-and-more.html?p=1


Perfect was meant to feud with Luger that summer but was injured.

Edited by JNLister
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