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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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At UK tapings there was always a guy in a Superman outfit in the front row. I found him on twitter and cringed so hard I nearly turned inside out. Such a mark for himself. He goes by the name 'WWE Superman' I think.

That plank turned up at one of the PCW weekenders a year or so back.


He asked a question at the Q n' A session starting with "You might know me; I'm The Official WWE Superman". The wrestlers (and much of the audience) looked like they wanted to kill him.


He then was handing out these personalised business cards he'd had printed with his Twitter account on to other fans. Most people just didn't know what the fuck was going on.

I was watching that Q&A from the crows nest area in the venue and was so embarrassed for him I ran off to the green screen room. Awful.



I remember him handing out his "Official WWE Superman" business cards all weekend too. Wasnt he asked to leave at some point during the after party for getting drunk and acting like an utter bellend?

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Going back to the superfans who are at lots of shows in the USA, i'm sure many of them have rich parents (noboddy who works for all that money has that much time off every monday to go to a wrestling show on different parts of a huge ass country!), but it wouldn't surprise me if WWE have there own group of "travel bloggers" (a group of young usually privileged 20 somethings who travel around the world blogging and get paid to do it. Claiming it's hard work not daddy's paycheck and how good they look in a bikini that got them the resort reviewing job!). 


I'm sure WWE would have the same as they are so into social media that flying in a few fans with a large amount of followers could be seen as a justified expense in their eyes...is creepy lesnar guy one? no idea. I would guess they prefer people who look like Noelle Foley or Slap Nuts girl more than anything as it's what would give Vince a hard on as well as a lot of the audience. Hell I will admit i'd even click on their twitter occasionally if something peaked my interest, wouldn't follow as not that interested in tweets but would have a nose around. 

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In that Champion of Champions segment that the fans hijack to cheer for Bryan, Cena is utterly incredible at keeping things on point to do the job he's out there to do, but satisfying the fans' need to anoint Bryan as their new hero. Talking about 'work' by using D-Bry to do a little Q&A and then offering him the shot if he wins on Sunday.


I'll take all his kiddie script-reading ones week after week for the times when he brings the goods. Cena is in my top 5 promo guys, piss easy.


It stabs me right in my smarky heart but I have to agree with this. When Cena puts the kiddy-level BS to one side and pours all his fire and passion into a 'real' promo he really is fantastic.


The one he cut on the Rock during their first feud, the one where he points out the notes written on the Rock's arm and says "Dwayne Johnson is a selfish, egotistical son of a bitch", is one of the best promos I've ever seen. Cena was so good that I went into the segment hoping the Rock would humiliate Cena on the mic and in the ring and came out going, "Yeah, fuck the Rock. Hope he loses at 'Mania."

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  • Awards Moderator

I'm sure WWE would have the same as they are so into social media that flying in a few fans with a large amount of followers could be seen as a justified expense in their eyes...is creepy lesnar guy one? no idea. I would guess they prefer people who look like Noelle Foley or Slap Nuts girl more than anything as it's what would give Vince a hard on as well as a lot of the audience. Hell I will admit i'd even click on their twitter occasionally if something peaked my interest, wouldn't follow as not that interested in tweets but would have a nose around. 

Legally they have to disclaim they are being paid to tweet / blog / Instagram by WWE. It's a good idea for them to do it except that WWE fans are just mental enough to do it without dispensation.

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A Mark Dallas post asking for suggestions for 1940s wrestler names popped up on my Facebook feed and I'm in bits reading through it so I thought I'd share some of my favorites:


My housemate has also suggested Herbie "Hanky Panky" Hunkbuckle. I would pay to see a card full of these chaps. 


If you didn't know about it already, you'd probably appreciate checking out these guys.

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Whatever happened to Dave Lagana's podcasts where he interviewed former WWE creative team members about ideas left on the cutting room floor, Vince's weird habits etc.?


I remember them being really eye opening a few years back, would love to listen again but google has given me nothing, his blogs still up but none of the podcast links are still alive it seems.


Anyone know of any links or could share some of the stories they remember to cure my boredom at work tonight?

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Hi WWE, it's me. I have a proposal for you. I am prepared to attend all of your live televised and pay per view events. I'm even prepared to sit at ringside. All you have to do is give me free tickets. Deal?

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Hi WWE, it's me. I have a proposal for you. I am prepared to attend all of your live televised and pay per view events. I'm even prepared to sit at ringside. All you have to do is give me free tickets. Deal?


No fairrrr, if he gets free tickets i want free tickets toooooo

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