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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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It seems like in WCW they get some interesting peices on the board in terms of characters and feuds but before I can blink, the next month, everyhting changes.


That's a pretty good summary of the company from about 1988 to 1995.

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I know it's an integral part of wrestling, but the Irish whip really is stupid. I'd love to see a savvy wrestler who can't be gently tossed to some relatively springy ropes, and instead just stops dead and twats his opponent for taking the piss

It is stupid, but it can't annoy anyone because it's been normal for as long as any of us can remember. It's just one of those thing we accept as logical in the parallel universe of pro wrestling.


It's also a great retort to rein in those bores who start moaning about stuff during matches that isn't realistic.


I have more of a problem with the stupid looking modern reversals where they feel the need to do a little twisty ballroom dance move instead of a good, old fashioned swivel, Jimmy Powers style!

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Remember in late 98, when Vince got knapped by Austin? Well a few weeks later, Patterson, Brisco and Sgt Slaughter got punished off Vince via him putting all three of them in a cage with the Big Boss Man. The Boss Man has them on their knees begging not to be beaten anymore. Sgt Slaughter was like a main eventer when the Boss Man was pushing for midcard status. He went into WrestleMania some 7 years earlier as World Champion, when Boss Man was struggling with Mr Perfect. Slaughter should have sorted him out on his own.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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Bob Laughter had already been portrayed as totally fucked and past it by that point though, if you remember what a big deal they made of him being a washed-up has-been when he was wheeled out for his Boot Camp match with Trip the year before. Boss Man was still permitted to look hard and vicious for a few months upon his return to the WWF at the end of 1998.


It fries my mind, a bit, how after seeing Boss Man go downhill so quickly in WCW in his reprisal of Big Bubba in the Dungeon and briefly the nWo and as a character-less JTTS under his real name, I saw him as completely washed-up and without any value left when he actually first showed up back in the WWF.... even though he was only 35 at the time, which really doesn't seem that old for a wrestler, and also that Sarge was a completely knackered ex-wrestler who I considered forever past his prime, and yet he was only 50, five years younger than good ol' Stinger today, who's found his way into a marquee match at WrestleMania.

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It fries my mind, a bit, how after seeing Boss Man go downhill so quickly in WCW in his reprisal of Big Bubba in the Dungeon and briefly the nWo and as a character-less JTTS under his real name, I saw him as completely washed-up and without any value left when he actually first showed up back in the WWF.... even though he was only 35 at the time, which really doesn't seem that old for a wrestler.


Younger than Cena or Lesnar today by two years. Hell he was younger than Russell Brand is today by four years.

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I was gonna start a new thread on this but my threads generally die on their arse because they're shit. But anyway, aren't Big Show and Kane so boring and shite. I was racking my brain to see a time when they interested me and the only thing I could think of was Kane's original feud with Big Bro in 97/98 and Team Hell No a few years back. It's the same with Big Show. The best thing he did was dive on his daddies coffin.


Am I missing something? Have I forgotten anything? Anyone care to enlighten me into something else good these two twenty year (fuck me) veterans have done?

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Team Hell No was golden. Anything with Dr. Shelby and Kane in a bucket hat are worth the time.


Big Show's been caught in the face/heel revolving door for too long, there's no way to get him over without cancelling someone's momentum.

Edited by seph
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Only decent thing Big Show has done in the last couple of years is prove that it was Daniel Bryan, not the yes chant itself, that was over when he nicked it for a few weeks before his match with Orton at Survivor Series '13 and no one cared


Did like him during his WHC run matches with Sheamus and Mark Henry in 2011 though


I'd say him and Kane are a massive reason Raw feels so stale now, it's nothing particularly wrong with either of them but WWE have done absolutely everything with them, considering I'd imagine they're both on a decent wedge and draw nothing they should get rid or at least give them both an extended break

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