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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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Lister can fill in gaps here, but he was apparently meant to originally come back in 2001 before WM X7 but was off his tits.


Stumbling around backstage, bumping into Chris Jericho applying the Doink make-up (for his surprise attack on Regal), cue Shawn being too smashed to understand it was just for one angle.


"So Chris.... they've got you doing the Doink gimmick now?"

"Ah man, you should never have let them make you be Doink!"

"I just don't understand why you have to be Doink....."


Cue Vince telling Hunter "Get him the fuck out of here."

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Lister can fill in gaps here, but he was apparently meant to originally come back in 2001 before WM X7 but was off his tits.


Stumbling around backstage, bumping into Chris Jericho applying the Doink make-up (for his surprise attack on Regal), cue Shawn being too smashed to understand it was just for one angle.


"So Chris.... they've got you doing the Doink gimmick now?"

"Ah man, you should never have let them make you be Doink!"

"I just don't understand why you have to be Doink....."


Cue Vince telling Hunter "Get him the fuck out of here."



I'd forgotten that story!  

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For anyone interested, this weeks episode of The Fanatics on Sky1 has a lad specialising in WWE. It'll be in the OnDemand if you miss any repeats.

I did better and Nailed the "ultimate" question at the end, and my wife just shot me a 'you need to get out more' look

Edited by WyattSheepMask
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Lister can fill in gaps here, but he was apparently meant to originally come back in 2001 before WM X7 but was off his tits.


Stumbling around backstage, bumping into Chris Jericho applying the Doink make-up (for his surprise attack on Regal), cue Shawn being too smashed to understand it was just for one angle.


"So Chris.... they've got you doing the Doink gimmick now?"

"Ah man, you should never have let them make you be Doink!"

"I just don't understand why you have to be Doink....."


Cue Vince telling Hunter "Get him the fuck out of here."


I wasn't aware of any of this! Wasn't he commissioner during this time for a short spurt too? I just assumed he was only ready to come back in 2002 when he did. Was he cleaned up by 2002?

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So given the timing of Michaels' aborted comeback in 2001, was the plan for him to be the top face in the company while Rock was away filming the Scorpion King? It's mad to think how differently the year might've gone if that was the case. Having a fresh Michaels to programme against Triple H and Austin might've seen the invasion delayed for a good while, for one thing.

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He was going to referee Undertaker vs Triple H of all things. Over a decade before he actually did. Triple H vs Michaels was set for Backlash. There's even an article and an interview with Michaels talking about his comeback in RAW magazine around the time, with him assuming he was already back at the time.


This one.


Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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Was watching Wrestlemania xx earlier and Billy Kidman looked like he had bulked up considerably at this time, cannot reallly remember much of his WWE run to be honest.


I remember he went through a stupid story line where he was afraid to use the Shooting Star Press because it had injured someone.... sigh*

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I remember he went through a stupid story line where he was afraid to use the Shooting Star Press because it had injured someone.... sigh*


Did they not also turn him heel and have him do a Shooting Star press on - I want to say Paul London - where he tucked his knees and they tried to act like he was deliberately trying to hurt his opponent?


Bollocks, either way. Aside from Kidman getting loads of cheers against X-Pac at Invasion, and a decent match where he won the Cruiser strap from Jamie Noble at Survivors 2002, I forget most of his run. Except he and London, I think, were tag champs for a while before he turned, although I can't really remember because I went through a long spell of skipping SmackDown. In fact, did they not beat the Dudleys in what was pushed as a huge upset? Also, Rey had two blinding tag matches with Team Angle on Vengeance and a subsequent TV..... was Kidman his partner? It would probably be fitting of my memory (or lack thereof) of Kidman's run in WWE, that his two best matches there, I'm not even 100% certain he was in.

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Kidman legitimately injured Chavo Guerrero in late 2004, and they made the best of a bad situation and turned Kidman heel based off that. Unfortunately, no one gave a fuck about Chavo as a sympathetic babyface, so the whole thing was dead in the water pretty quickly.


As for Kidman's weight gain, there's a segment from the Global Warning Tour in 2002, where Kidman says his dieting plan is to eat clean once a week, then cheat on the other 6 days. He says it in a joking fashion, but looking at his physique change from when he joined WWF during the invasion to the run in 2004, I suspect that he was actually being more or less truthful.

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