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I like the MITB match and breifcase but I hate the "cash in when you want" aspect. It's been done to death and it just means an endless succession of chickenshit heels. I'd change it to a title shot any time you want but the champion needs a week's notice.


A chickenshit heel can be great fun but it seems everyone who isn't at least 6ft 6" or friends with the devil has to be one. Make a strong heel for a change. Have him be a despicable cunt, sure, but one who can win matches. And you'll be absolutley shocked to find that babyfaces who beat the strong hell will be *gasp* stronger!


They should cancel the MITB PPV, move the Rumble to a time when it's not right on top of Mania then give the winner of the Rumble a title shot at any of the next let's say 5 PPVs.

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I like the MITB match and breifcase but I hate the "cash in when you want" aspect. It's been done to death and it just means an endless succession of chickenshit heels. I'd change it to a title shot any time you want but the champion needs a week's notice.


A chickenshit heel can be great fun but it seems everyone who isn't at least 6ft 6" or friends with the devil has to be one. Make a strong heel for a change. Have him be a despicable cunt, sure, but one who can win matches. And you'll be absolutley shocked to find that babyfaces who beat the strong hell will be *gasp* stronger!


They should cancel the MITB PPV, move the Rumble to a time when it's not right on top of Mania then give the winner of the Rumble a title shot at any of the next let's say 5 PPVs.


Yiz are fucking touched. The Rumble would feel less special without the 'Mania stipulation and 'Mania would feel less special without the Rumble winner's journey. They'd be damaging two of their strongest brands for no reason.

Edited by Pinc
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Does the Rumble feel 'special' though? It did as a kid and that was only at the prospect and excitement of seeing some shock entrances.


In reality the Rumble is in desperate need of an overhaul. 


Though as you say it's the WWE's 2nd most popular event so even more reason to move it to a time when it's not right on top of Mania.

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The Rumble is the only PPV other than WrestleMania that never feels like just another Pay Per View, and accordingly it does their second biggest buyrate almost every year. In 17 of the last 20 years in fact, according to this list. Moving it - presumably to accommodate a regular PPV in the January slot - would bollocks up 30 years of branding which can't be reproduced.


There's a reason the Royal Rumble continues to be one of their strongest brands while King of the Ring died a death. Only a complete spanner would move the Rumble.

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Good point about the Rumble and KOTR, maybe they could bring KOTR back with a Summerslam title shot for the winner to make it a draw


They did that the year Lesnar won it didn't they? I'd be up for that as a long term thing. The title shot market place might get a bit overcrowded with the Rumble and MITB as well though. You'd have to either drop one of them or be careful to space them out throughout the year.

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Good point about the Rumble and KOTR, maybe they could bring KOTR back with a Summerslam title shot for the winner to make it a draw



They did that the year Lesnar won it didn't they? I'd be up for that as a long term thing. The title shot market place might get a bit overcrowded with the Rumble and MITB as well though. You'd have to either drop one of them or be careful to space them out throughout the year.

I think the original plan was for the King Of The Ring winner to receieve a title shot at Summerslam, they did it 1994 and 1995, according to a number of different stories (Including Bret Hart) they were planning to do it at the first PPV event in 1993 till Hogan spat his dummy out.

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I like the MITB match and breifcase but I hate the "cash in when you want" aspect. It's been done to death and it just means an endless succession of chickenshit heels. I'd change it to a title shot any time you want but the champion needs a week's notice.


A chickenshit heel can be great fun but it seems everyone who isn't at least 6ft 6" or friends with the devil has to be one. Make a strong heel for a change. Have him be a despicable cunt, sure, but one who can win matches. And you'll be absolutley shocked to find that babyfaces who beat the strong hell will be *gasp* stronger!


I'd rather they done away with it altogether than that. That sounds awful.

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I think the original plan was for the King Of The Ring winner to receieve a title shot at Summerslam, they did it 1994 and 1995, according to a number of different stories (Including Bret Hart) they were planning to do it at the first PPV event in 1993 till Hogan spat his dummy out.


You're retconning a bit there in regards to 1994 and 1995. It was not stated explicitly on TV that the winner of either tournament would be granted a title shot at SummerSlam. While it was a natural storyline progression for Owen Hart to take a PPV title shot at big brother (who he was already wrestling all over the country anyway) it was a subsequent announcement. Mabel in 1995 also was only pointed in the direction of the title after he attacked Diesel during his match with Sid at the July In Your House. I know you might be angling for "plan" in regards to storyline plan, but there is a big difference between those events and the EXPLICITLY stated "winner gets the title shot at SummerSlam" stip attached to the 2002 tournament and what people are suggesting a return to here.


Funnily enough, while everyone pretty much knows while the original plan in 1996 would have been Hunter winning King of the Ring and then a program with Shawn, WWF Magazine ran a few articles in the wake of Austin's win talking about a potential Austin/Shawn feud (I think I remember Russo in his Vic Venom character implying that Michaels really wasn't up for defending the belt against Austin), which suggests to me that they might have considered an autumn time Michaels/Stone Cold series, before they decided that actually Austin might have been worth a little more than keeping Shawn busy until Bret came back and looking at the lights for HBK on TV. Well, I thought it was interesting, anyway.




I still wish they just didn't bother with a MITB PPV and kept the match on WrestleMania. I feel it really added something to Mania.


Nah. It's a really easy way to make an otherwise "B" show seem really important rather than missable. People will watch Mania anway.


I think there is plenty of life in MITB, they just need to be more creative with the cash-ins :


Scenario A - heel briefcase holder earns an additional title shot in conventional methods, like when Edge won Gold Rush in 2005. During that match, holder realizes he might lose, goes apeshit and batters champion with a chair or similar weapon and gets disqualified. Cashes in, wins belt.


Scenario B - heel holder attacks champion unexpectedly DURING a title defence, as opposed to AFTER a really arduous defence, with the challenger in the match incapacitated.


Scenario C - babyface holder attacks a challenger on his way to the ring and when the scheduled challenger is taken off for medical attention, he cashes in mano e mano. Champion is not prepared for the match, but the holder is taking his shot in a more stand-up manner than the usual cheap shot approach. Plus if the babyface casher-in wins the title, you've already set up his first challenger, the heel he just took out.


I dunno, just throwing shit at the wall there.

Edited by air_raid
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I think the original plan was for the King Of The Ring winner to receieve a title shot at Summerslam, they did it 1994 and 1995, according to a number of different stories (Including Bret Hart) they were planning to do it at the first PPV event in 1993 till Hogan spat his dummy out.



You're retconning a bit there in regards to 1994 and 1995. It was not stated explicitly on TV that the winner of either tournament would be granted a title shot at SummerSlam. While it was a natural storyline progression for Owen Hart to take a PPV title shot at big brother (who he was already wrestling all over the country anyway) it was a subsequent announcement. Mabel in 1995 also was only pointed in the direction of the title after he attacked Diesel during his match with Sid at the July In Your House. I know you might be angling for "plan" in regards to storyline plan, but there is a big difference between those events and the EXPLICITLY stated "winner gets the title shot at SummerSlam" stip attached to the 2002 tournament and what people are suggesting a return to here.


Funnily enough, while everyone pretty much knows while the original plan in 1996 would have been Hunter winning King of the Ring and then a program with Shawn, WWF Magazine ran a few articles in the wake of Austin's win talking about a potential Austin/Shawn feud (I think I remember Russo in his Vic Venom character implying that Michaels really wasn't up for defending the belt against Austin), which suggests to me that they might have considered an autumn time Michaels/Stone Cold series, before they decided that actually Austin might have been worth a little more than keeping Shawn busy until Bret came back and looking at the lights for HBK on TV. Well, I thought it was interesting, anyway.

Yeah your right, I think I automatically thought when watching the events at the time, that the winner would get a title shot at Summerslam, bit like you said they never "officially" declared it. I do remember reading that in the WWF Magazine at the time regarding the 1996 event and I could never understand why Austin was relegated to "Free For All" status after coming off the King Of The Ring.

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I could see that with Reigns and Rollins, reminding him time's ticking away and daring him week by week to cash in.

I like the idea of this.


Would be cool if Rollins did run out of time so had to "defend" his contract in a MITB match at this years event.


I could handle another 12 months of Rollins walking around with the briefcase.

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My girlfriend wanted to watch some older wrestling yesterday, so we watched Wrestlemania IX. Both of us ended up cracking up at the ending. Knowing how seriously Bret takes himself, and how much he disliked Hogan, and how important being champion was to him, his first Mania main event ending like that is absolutely hilarious.


I imagine the plan for it originally was him facing Hogan at Summerslam 1993 with Hogan putting him over. Looking back on it now, with all that not happening, it does look rather hilarious. Hulk done him up like a kipper.

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