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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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As for Scott Steiner... I didn't see it, but I heard he upset some people in Preston a few weeks ago. Brother Rick on the other hand, who I did see first hand, was a really nice guy.

Heard about Scott Steiner being difficult to work with and what not, but went out of his way to shake my hand on the Friday and say hello, when he didnt need to ( was preparing for his match) and seemed amicable enough. Most of the wrestlers are at PCW are, from what I remember. Colt was okay there too, mind you that was sometime ago now.
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You're not meant to.

No, we're not meant to like Fandango because he's a sleazy character. I just don't like sleazy characters full stop. A lot of folk on here love him because he's a sleazy character. Which adds up to me.
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Okay, why not?Edit: Also AAA's live ippv is apparently working as well as you might expect (i.e. its not). Very glad I decided not to try and watch it live.

Edited by Vamp
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Dunno really. Being honest, I tried to list some names earlier that I didn't like because they were sleazy characters, and it looked like I was being homophobic! Genius, Goldust, and Rico were the three that came to mind. The only one I could think of that bucked the trend slightly was Perfect when he was doing the 'steal Triple H's girl' thing, which ultimately led to him siding with Trips. It's not exclusive to wrestling for me. I don't like people with an over inflated sense of self importance in any walk of life. When Curtis rocked up with the Fandango gimmick, I thought this ain't gonna last. And when it appeared to be quietly dropped, I wasn't surprised. Then when he originally reappeared for the Jericho Mania match, I thought it was a short lived gimmick, to put him against the Dancing With the Stars guy. I still stand by it being a short lived gimmick. I am surprised how over he's got it though. The injury may have come at a bad time for him, because I can see him getting overlooked in his return, when he may have been going to take the IC title.

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Quite disgusting really, and explains a lot about the disdain towards Heyman, Cabana and others by a lot of promoters and workers and even fans.

Raven and Dean Malenko did alright. I imagine a lot of Heyman's shit comes from him being a massive, lying, mouthy tosser. The King didn't break his jaw because he hasn't got a foreskin, but because he's a dick. And that was in 1987. Lord knows how much more of a cockend he became after that. Edited by PowerButchi
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I just don't like sleazy characters full stop.

It's not exclusive to wrestling for me. I don't like people with an over inflated sense of self importance in any walk of life.

You've just given me an idea. Wrestling should start doing some sleazy and/or arrogant baddies, people dislike those traits. Surprised Vince has never thought of it.
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You miss my point, as ever. But to save two days of folks posting shite on here, I'll accept full responsibility for not being capable of making my point. Or something. I'm off to bed.

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Just re-watched Hell in a Cell 2012 and Big Show's performance against Sheamus really stuck out to me. Both guys worked hard to make a great match, of course, but it's really impressive from Show. He could quite easily coast based on his name and size, but he really seems motivated to work his ass off. He's been on top money since he started in WCW, so I wonder what pushes him to go at the level he does?

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