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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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There's no harm in having 2 heels tagging for a bit. They've been in the title scene continuously for 12 months, it's probably time they shuffled them out for a bit, and a nice hate-hate tag team seems like as good a project as anything for them for a month or two.


One thing that British Boot Camp really made obvious in its behind-the-scenes things, which isn't obvious from most of TNA's product, is how big-time it is. In comparison to everything else out there besides WWE, it's a huge production. Because of the Impact Zone though, that really doesn't come across most of the time.


If TNA could go on the road with Impact and have it make financial sense, they would have. They've always been pretty cautious about their growth, not stepping too far and coming a cropper. The live Monday switch was the only thing they had to roll back on. I reckon they'll get there, in a year or two.


Dixie seems like a smart cookie, and she's succeeded in building a wrestling business that has now lasted longer than ECW and pretty much as long as WCW, and shows no sign of falling apart. As and when Hogan leaves, they'll be fine because although she's used him to promote the brand, she's never let it just become the Hogan show. The one thing she can't do is be the Vince McMahon in terms of creative direction. She's not a wrestling person. So the style and tone of the product has wandered all over the place over the years, as WCW did I suppose, depending on who's in favour at the time. But she's never handed the keys over fully, which is probaly why the business is still going, given how shit most wrestlers are as businessmen!


If this Pritchard era is successful, and it seems to be so far, then the signs are good for the company long-term. They'll never beat WWE in the home market, but the fact they're taking the fight to them in the overseas markets is incredible. There's a long-term future in being no. 2 in the US, and big overseas.

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Dunno if this is a topic that has ever been discussed on here - but what do people think about the possibility of Jim Johnston going into the WWE Hall of Fame someday? There's a feature about him on WWE.com just now and it got me thinking. Would it ever happen?


Personally, I think he should.

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Ever wondered what happened to Jeff Gaylord. Probably not.

Jamie Dundee just tweeted this.

Jeff gaylord in prison wow look how much he's changed http://pic.twitter.com/6TqPLlCo


Not even close to what I remeber him looking like may not be legit. Will look him up when I can get to a computer.

Edited by moofasa
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Didn't know where else to put this, but about a week ago, I got my hands on The Attitude Era blu-ray. Dear God, it is fantastic. The documentary portion was a little short, but the special features contain a truckload of great segments and matches that haven't been released in many cases. Some of the more famous stuff, like Austin's beer bath on The Corporation and DX impersonating the Nation is there, but then they have stuff like a Triple H promo from Sunday Night Heat where he rips into JR and "The Office" over the Curtain Call incident, a Buried Alive tag match from Smackdown and a six man tag of Edge, Christian and Kurt Angle vs. Jericho and the Dudleys. For someone who began watching at the time, but was young and limited in viewing opportunities- so somewhere between nostalgic fan and newcomer to the content, it was fantastic, so really I think no matter your background, you would enjoy it. Best DVD I've seen in ages from WWE. It seems like, in addition to tying it in to the WWE '13 game, as soon as the scratch logo issues were solved, the DVD producers up there really wanted to get a quality product out there. Highly recommended.


Also, some of you may remember my misguided complaints about the cover design, well the inside cover, discs and DVD menus address that and are all in the style I had in mind. :p

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What if there was a MITB match for a shot at the Undertaker's Streak? I think that would be a good way to add a bit of dimension to it. "All these men went to war to try and destroy the greatest legacy in WWE history", blah blah.




There wouldn't be much unpredictability to the cash-in. "Ziggler can cash in anytime during this specific WrestleMania." It'd be like the Hardcore 24/7 comedy brawls, or Planet Stasiak always trying to get The Rock.

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What if there was a MITB match for a shot at the Undertaker's Streak? I think that would be a good way to add a bit of dimension to it. "All these men went to war to try and destroy the greatest legacy in WWE history", blah blah.




There wouldn't be much unpredictability to the cash-in. "Ziggler can cash in anytime during this specific WrestleMania." It'd be like the Hardcore 24/7 comedy brawls, or Planet Stasiak always trying to get The Rock.


I suppose I didn't really think that through. It was more for just a scheduled shot, I guess, rather than a shot you could cash in at any time. But then I suppose they wouldn't have to limit themselves to a MITB match - they could battle royales, tournaments, and what-have-you.

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Elimination Chambers, even. They have had matches for a shot at the streak before. Michaels beat Kozlov for it in 2009.


Yes. It was HBK's match that piqued that idea - if he could have a match for it, then surely they could build it up even more by having a more drawn-out and eventful selection process. Elimination Chamber would be a great idea, as the whole theme of "gruelling punishment" surrounding it sort of fits the idea of going into a match with Taker in the first place.

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Dunno if this is a topic that has ever been discussed on here - but what do people think about the possibility of Jim Johnston going into the WWE Hall of Fame someday? There's a feature about him on WWE.com just now and it got me thinking. Would it ever happen?


Personally, I think he should.


Completely agree although sadly the vast majority of fans will have no idea who he is by name. He's been with the company for years too and theres no doubt some wrestlers who wouldnt be quite as popular as they were / are without his work. WCW themes were usually forgetable shit compared to WWF/E themes that he made.

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