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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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On the subject of announcers treating you like you're stupid, the very worst thing at the moment is Lawler/Coles forced giggling cos YOU'RE SPOSE TO LAUGH NOW. I can tune it out during May young giving birth or whatever but in a key segment with your biggest star returning it really can just fuck off Jerry you simple memphis manchild. We know you have an inferiority complex but you're not a sitcom yet so drop the canned laughter.


I'm watching Saturday Morning Slam atm (don't ask) which has Sandow/Orton. It's hard to get into cos they keep cutting away from the action during important bits to show Booker sipping some water at the commentary desk. I know there's some weird restrictions as to what they can show in the morning regarding certain moves SO WHY DO THEM IN THE FUCKING FIRST PLACE.


Bit frustrating to watch this.


Holy shit Sandow just gone did a moonsalt. Turn that boy face already. Or later if you want.


Mega Edit;


Speaking of shit nobody watches, here's Big E's debut Flair like promo on main event (ignore the bullshit video title);



Edited by Mr Butternut Squash
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There was that GIF going around which showed cameras accidently cutting back to Tenay and West reacting by reading from a script, wasn't there?


Funny related story from watching my first Rumble aged 9: when Tazz debuted and suplexed Kurt to the outside in a minute in, I was confused how, having been told in the weeks before how when both feet touched, you were eliminated, that the match wasn't over. Looking back, a three hour match, incorporating all the advertised matches, wouldn't have made sense.

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Watching a couple of old PPVs after really enjoying the Attidude Era mode in WWE 13 and man I absolutely LOVE the Ministry of Darkness. They're probably my favourite WWE stable of all time because they were just so cool. Undertaker as the evil, satanic master. The abduction of Mabel at the Rumble to turn him him into Viscera. The Acolytes kicking the hell out of everything. The Brood being badass. Just so entertaining and I love this shit. I know I'm not really articulating myself very well but I guess I put my love for the stable down to my long-lasting interest in the macabre. How are the Ministry viewed on here?

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During this weeks RAW, Cena cut a promo about the Rumble and mentioned something along the lines of "The Winner gets a First Class Ticket to the Main Event of WrestleMania". This won't be the only reference along those lines as there is bound to be more. But during the past Manias it has only been Mania 19,20,21 & 25 where the winner has Main Evented


Really frustrates and to me loses some of the prestige of the Rumble match itself.


With you on this. The title shot you win by winning the Royal Rumble is becoming just another title shot being shoehorned into any old spot on the card. They used to be able to make out that main eventing WrestleMania through winning the Rumble was akin to company immortality. Not any more. Doesn't help, admittedly that the Rumble winner is more and more often a WHC title challenger, designed to give a little more prestige to that particular title match that the WWE title match doesn't need, and therefore intrinsically the Rumble winner's title match will have not been pushed as hard and be viewed as inferior to the WWE title match as the belt has seniority and is the belt most associated with Raw, the A show.


Yeah, and it's got enough tenure as a stipulation to still resonate. Yeah, fair enough, it's not been last as much recently, but 93, 94, 96, 98, 00, 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, and 09 means it's happened more than enough to make it a wrestling truth.


I'm going to disagree, I don't think it rings true at all any more. Undertaker's shot at Batista was half way down the card. Cena/Orton/Triple H has largely been forgotten in comparison to the HBK/Flair match AND Edge/Undertaker main event. Edge's shot at Jericho played 4th fiddle to Cena/Big Dave, Bret/Vince and Taker/Shawn. Edge/Del Rio curtain-jerked Mania XXVII and Sheamus/Bryan was treated the same last year with more time allotted to Rock and Cena's entrances than their match. (Please note, that last fragment is just a fact/observation to support Twinn's point, not the demented complaint of a workrate pervert still clinging on to 9 month old "Danielson was jobbed" angst, and in the cases of 'Mania 26 and 28 NO title match or Rumble winner should have taken precedence over the main events that DID close the shows)


Last match and main event don't have to mean the same thing. Saturday Night's Main Event often started with the main, didn't it? Main Event currently does, too.


Apples and oranges though. WrestleMania is a different animal to television's B show. Perception is reality - we were conditioned very early on with both these shows that one match is declared the "main event" then the next week starts the show. Easy, no ambiguity there at all. With WrestleMania, especially in the era of multiple matches being declared the main event, it's not as simple. Both TV shows will declare their title match to be the main event of WrestleMania, which both can't be true, and two years iout of three the real main event wasn't for either title.


Let's put is this way - when someone asks about the main event of WrestleMania XXII, do you think of Rumble winner Rey Mysterio's rushed 8 minute three way with Kurt Angle and Randy Orton, or the match that went on last - Triple H vs John Cena, which had the benefit of being the most-pushed match on TV, featured souped up entrances, was contested for the "A show" title and went nearly half an hour in front of a molten crowd? And when people ask you what you thought of the main event of WrestleMania XXVII do you say "well, it was short, but that was because Edge was hurt" or do you say "shit match until the Rock came out and saved it," as examples? When we bring up Mania XXV do people not say "Shawn vs Taker should have been the main event"?


The main event of WrestleMania is what goes on last, I can't see what the argument against that is, other than to go with semantics over what your eyes and ears tell you when you watch the show.

Edited by air_raid
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Watching a couple of old PPVs after really enjoying the Attidude Era mode in WWE 13 and man I absolutely LOVE the Ministry of Darkness. They're probably my favourite WWE stable of all time because they were just so cool. Undertaker as the evil, satanic master. The abduction of Mabel at the Rumble to turn him him into Viscera. The Acolytes kicking the hell out of everything. The Brood being badass. Just so entertaining and I love this shit. I know I'm not really articulating myself very well but I guess I put my love for the stable down to my long-lasting interest in the macabre. How are the Ministry viewed on here?



Ministry is one of my favourite things of the Attitude era, and probably my favourite version of Taker. Even unsettling to watch now. When the lights go out, you know shits about to happen.

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They are one of my favourite stables ever. The Taker theme when he was in them is a thing of beauty. Takers Goatee, The Stephanie black wedding is one of my all time favourite angles, Brood, APA, Austin on a cross ecw style. The burning teddy bear od stephs at the end of raw with vince on his knees is vintage stuff.

Didnt they fued with one of the worst groups ever in The Union? Shamrock, Test, Foley and Show if i remember.

Apparently from what i have read somewhere years ago - it was Russo who was wel into the angle and Taker wasnt that happy about it, dont know if thats true or not. Loved um.

Edited by Mr Lawrence
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Yeah The Union was terrible, with their 2x4s and Vince's rolled up sleeves - very thrown together to prolong until the reveal of the Higher Power. I think I've seen Taker say how he didn't like where it went with the McMahons becoming the focus, and the incorporation with The Corporation. But yeah, I still enjoy it to some extent. They feature in one of my favourite promo videos from WWE, from the Best of Raw Volume 2 VHS (can't find it on YouTube).

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Things i find Funny............

I find it funny on here people take the piss out off smart fans etc.... then say "apple and oranges" "fun match" "fun little match" ha ha, when all they are doing is quoting people like Cornette.

I find it funny on here when people wank about certain wrestlers they claim they like when really - they do not like them. They just try to be an anti anti smart fan just for the sake of it. Which makes them worse.

I find it funny when people say "gold..........it's not, it really isnt 97% of the time.

I find it funny on here when you can tell people do not like what they are watching but try to be positive just for the sake of not being negative and THEY still trying to hold on to that burning out candle of joy they once had of watching wrestling.


On a side note, i heard this tune on radio 1 the other day and thought/it would suit WM

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Two kids at a show in Swindon tonight, both clearly not even born in 2002, let alone able to remember it.


"Wouldn't it be crazy if John Cena and Undertaker wrestled here tonight?"


"That couldn't happen. They can't wrestle here."


"Why not?"


"They are in WWE. This is the division below WWE."


"Oh right. What's this division called?"


"Well, it's one below WWE, so it must be WW.... F?"

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Two kids at a show in Swindon tonight, both clearly not even born in 2002, let alone able to remember it.


"Wouldn't it be crazy if John Cena and Undertaker wrestled here tonight?"


"That couldn't happen. They can't wrestle here."


"Why not?"


"They are in WWE. This is the division below WWE."


"Oh right. What's this division called?"


"Well, it's one below WWE, so it must be WW.... F?"


Fuck, does that mean Jeff Jarrett is truly the King of The Mountain and the best champion ever?

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Mr Lawrence, care to grow a pair and name and shame?




All said in a Waylon Mercy accent...............

I just find it funny that the smartest mark wrestling forum in the world takes the piss out off smart marks.

I stick to the off topic side of things nowdays

I stick to commenting on things i really like boxing.

You see if i don't really like stuff, i wont comment on it as much, as i find if you do that you end up like jim cornette who people on here take the piss out off but yet still rant like him. ha ha ha


I honestly cannot name and shame as so many do it, but i will mention one.........

Ian Hitman Hart who has had the biggest transformation since Bruce Forsyths barnet in the 70's. Initially, he would quote.........quote.........and quote about the hitman and how he hated shawn etc.....now he's the smart fan, he has lost his passion for the man he once loved, he now refers to him as bitter - how can you turn on a legend like that.


"fun little match.............fun little match" I can imagine Heyman spewing out them words asking what is a fun little match.

Edited by Mr Lawrence
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Things i find Funny............

I find it funny on here people take the piss out off smart fans etc.... then say "apple and oranges" "fun match" "fun little match" ha ha, when all they are doing is quoting people like Cornette.

I find it funny on here when people wank about certain wrestlers they claim they like when really - they do not like them. They just try to be an anti anti smart fan just for the sake of it. Which makes them worse.

I find it funny when people say "gold..........it's not, it really isnt 97% of the time.

I find it funny on here when you can tell people do not like what they are watching but try to be positive just for the sake of not being negative and THEY still trying to hold on to that burning out candle of joy they once had of watching wrestling.


Have you ever been outside?

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Things i find Funny............

I find it funny on here people take the piss out off smart fans etc.... then say "apple and oranges" "fun match" "fun little match" ha ha, when all they are doing is quoting people like Cornette.

I find it funny on here when people wank about certain wrestlers they claim they like when really - they do not like them. They just try to be an anti anti smart fan just for the sake of it. Which makes them worse.

I find it funny when people say "gold..........it's not, it really isnt 97% of the time.

I find it funny on here when you can tell people do not like what they are watching but try to be positive just for the sake of not being negative and THEY still trying to hold on to that burning out candle of joy they once had of watching wrestling.


Have you ever been outside?


who is this? Goerge Michael?

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You've had the biggest transformation since that 2nd account you were posting under. Its funny how you champion commenting on what you really like and look down on someone who doesn't quote every sentence anymore. If I ever return to the days of boring the shite out of everyone by taking way to much time out of my day discussing really tedious shite, I'll let you know.

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