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Chris Benoit - 5 years on.


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Aye, Jacko's got his excuses as well. And Glitter might have banged his head during a soundcheck once. There is a difference between them and Benoit, though. They didn't murderise their victims. If MJ had tried to, he'd have ended up burning his hand on a really hot doorknob, or getting an iron dropped on his head.

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Aye, Jacko's got his excuses as well. And Glitter might have banged his head during a soundcheck once. There is a difference between them and Benoit, though. They didn't murderise their victims. If MJ had tried to, he'd have ended up burning his hand on a really hot doorknob, or getting an iron dropped on his head.

Wasn't really going from an "excuses" angle - more that, if someone is going to make the argument that watching Benoit makes them uncomfortable because what made him an entertaining wrestler also made him a murdering fuckhead, by extension of that logic, they shouldn't really enjoy MJ on the basis that what made his musical performance so amazing was also what turned him into a Barney-Suit Volunteer.

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Wasn't really going from an "excuses" angle

Alright then, work-related excuses.


more that, if someone is going to make the argument that watching Benoit makes them uncomfortable because what made him an entertaining wrestler also made him a murdering fuckhead, by extension of that logic, they shouldn't really enjoy MJ on the basis that what made his musical performance so amazing was also what turned him into a Barney-Suit Volunteer.

Reported for trolling.

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Aye, Jacko's got his excuses as well. And Glitter might have banged his head during a soundcheck once. There is a difference between them and Benoit, though. They didn't murderise their victims. If MJ had tried to, he'd have ended up burning his hand on a really hot doorknob, or getting an iron dropped on his head.

Wasn't really going from an "excuses" angle - more that, if someone is going to make the argument that watching Benoit makes them uncomfortable because what made him an entertaining wrestler also made him a murdering fuckhead, by extension of that logic, they shouldn't really enjoy MJ on the basis that what made his musical performance so amazing was also what turned him into a Barney-Suit Volunteer.

It's not the same. When you listen to Michael Jackson records you aren't being exposed to the visual image, or even the sounds, of his father caning him for fucking up his dance steps, which is what was responsible for his loss of a childhood. However, when you watch Chris Benoit's wrestling matches you're watching him bouncing his cranium off of the canvas, turnbuckles, ring posts and steel chairs. You are reliving his physical deconstruction, knowing that every rough bump you watch him take in that ring played a part in scrambling his brain to the point where he flipped and started sending text messages to Chavo Guerrero. That's why Benoit matches make for such horrifying viewing now.

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Aye, Jacko's got his excuses as well. And Glitter might have banged his head during a soundcheck once. There is a difference between them and Benoit, though. They didn't murderise their victims. If MJ had tried to, he'd have ended up burning his hand on a really hot doorknob, or getting an iron dropped on his head.

Wasn't really going from an "excuses" angle - more that, if someone is going to make the argument that watching Benoit makes them uncomfortable because what made him an entertaining wrestler also made him a murdering fuckhead, by extension of that logic, they shouldn't really enjoy MJ on the basis that what made his musical performance so amazing was also what turned him into a Barney-Suit Volunteer.

It's not the same. When you listen to Michael Jackson records you aren't being exposed to the visual image, or even the sounds, of his father caning him for fucking up his dance steps, which is what was responsible for his loss of a childhood. However, when you watch Chris Benoit's wrestling matches you're watching him bouncing his cranium off of the canvas, turnbuckles, ring posts and steel chairs. You are reliving his physical deconstruction, knowing that every rough bump you watch him take in that ring played a part in scrambling his brain to the point where he flipped and started sending text messages to Chavo Guerrero. That's why Benoit matches make for such horrifying viewing now.


I take your point.

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Aye, Jacko's got his excuses as well. And Glitter might have banged his head during a soundcheck once. There is a difference between them and Benoit, though. They didn't murderise their victims. If MJ had tried to, he'd have ended up burning his hand on a really hot doorknob, or getting an iron dropped on his head.

Wasn't really going from an "excuses" angle - more that, if someone is going to make the argument that watching Benoit makes them uncomfortable because what made him an entertaining wrestler also made him a murdering fuckhead, by extension of that logic, they shouldn't really enjoy MJ on the basis that what made his musical performance so amazing was also what turned him into a Barney-Suit Volunteer.
It's not the same. When you listen to Michael Jackson records you aren't being exposed to the visual image, or even the sounds, of his father caning him for fucking up his dance steps, which is what was responsible for his loss of a childhood. However, when you watch Chris Benoit's wrestling matches you're watching him bouncing his cranium off of the canvas, turnbuckles, ring posts and steel chairs. You are reliving his physical deconstruction, knowing that every rough bump you watch him take in that ring played a part in scrambling his brain to the point where he flipped and started sending text messages to Chavo Guerrero. That's why Benoit matches make for such horrifying viewing now.
Exactly, or like watching Misawa take the Burning Hammer or the Tiger Driver '91, I can believe there are stil people marking out when they re-watch those spots.
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You don't write a song called I Love You Love and Austin Idol's theme song with something wrong with your brain. My only thought is that Glitter was framed over a dozen times in several countries on counts of child molestation.

I blame Alvin Stardust.
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Hmmm been reading some of the responses in this thread and clearly people are passionate!For me I can take it or leave it when it comes to benoit matches. To be honest I don't really care what he or anyone else has done with their lives. People do f****d up, evil things all the time. Be it attacking an innocent teenager with a knife in London , sex offences or a high profile Benoit case. I learnt years ago not to let things bother me too much. I can't change the fact Chris "did a Benoit" so why get worked up over it. I think a lot of people generally like to have something to moan about and/or get on some moral high horse over. Don't get me wrong his crimes were hideous and he should have been put in for life if he had lived. I think I am one of those "desensitised" types who shrug and carry on!! Onto the question of matches ... I can watch his matches no problem but then I was never a big fan to start with. I love his tag w Benoit n angle vs edge n rey ( no mercy 02) but other than that I was never a Benoit mark when he was "great" lets alone now

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Aye, Jacko's got his excuses as well. And Glitter might have banged his head during a soundcheck once. There is a difference between them and Benoit, though. They didn't murderise their victims. If MJ had tried to, he'd have ended up burning his hand on a really hot doorknob, or getting an iron dropped on his head.

Wasn't really going from an "excuses" angle - more that, if someone is going to make the argument that watching Benoit makes them uncomfortable because what made him an entertaining wrestler also made him a murdering fuckhead, by extension of that logic, they shouldn't really enjoy MJ on the basis that what made his musical performance so amazing was also what turned him into a Barney-Suit Volunteer.
It's not the same. When you listen to Michael Jackson records you aren't being exposed to the visual image, or even the sounds, of his father caning him for fucking up his dance steps, which is what was responsible for his loss of a childhood. However, when you watch Chris Benoit's wrestling matches you're watching him bouncing his cranium off of the canvas, turnbuckles, ring posts and steel chairs. You are reliving his physical deconstruction, knowing that every rough bump you watch him take in that ring played a part in scrambling his brain to the point where he flipped and started sending text messages to Chavo Guerrero. That's why Benoit matches make for such horrifying viewing now.
Exactly, or like watching Misawa take the Burning Hammer or the Tiger Driver '91, I can believe there are stil people marking out when they re-watch those spots.
It's not like that at all. Benoit's damage occurred from taking damage like that on a regular basis. The BH and TD91 are incredibly rarely used (the Hammer's only been used a grand total of something like fourteen times since KK started using it in the 90s), for big match occasions, and, AFAIK, nobody's come away from a match having taken a BH and sustained a concussion.
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I can't believe anyone would use Youtube comments in an argument on here. Youtube is either full of nutjobs or there are a lot of people taking the piss. Either way, it'd be nice if a discussion on the UKFF about wrestling could reference opinion from the UKFF. Pretty shit to see a well reasoned argument ignored because it's easier to reference nutjobs/trolls on youtube.I'm with NEWM. I can watch a Benoit match but I can't watch it without thinking about the murders.

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I'm with NEWM. I can watch a Benoit match but I can't watch it without thinking about the murders.

Yep same with me, I've watched a few of his old Mania matches again recently and while I can still enjoy watching them, it's always there at the back of your mind.
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I'm with NEWM. I can watch a Benoit match but I can't watch it without thinking about the murders.

Yep same with me, I've watched a few of his old Mania matches again recently and while I can still enjoy watching them, it's always there at the back of your mind.
Same again for me.
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Exactly, or like watching Misawa take the Burning Hammer or the Tiger Driver '91, I can believe there are stil people marking out when they re-watch those spots.


It's not like that at all. Benoit's damage occurred from taking damage like that on a regular basis. The BH and TD91 are incredibly rarely used (the Hammer's only been used a grand total of something like fourteen times since KK started using it in the 90s), for big match occasions, and, AFAIK, nobody's come away from a match having taken a BH and sustained a concussion.


Woah, woah, woah. That's English for stop a hoarse.


Didn't Musawa die due to a life time of working a ridiculously stiff and hard style well past his body's breaking point? Genuine question because that's how I understand it.


This isn't a knock on him, or the style as I do enjoy it, but if you extrapolate the point Nick is making there it is that Musawa's death was essentially caused by wrestling how he did.


The fact that he only took a burning hammer once in a while is over simplifying the, all be it poorly made, point that watching a Musawa match where he is taking hard bumps and shots time and time again, which were what led to him dying in the ring, is in some way a parallel to seeing Benoit rock his brains knowing that's what made him kill his kid and smoking hot wife.


I'm not looking to get involved on Crispin and this isn't necessarily my point of view as I'm not looking to share my point of view, but it does raise an interesting topic here.

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While I could see where people would love the All Japan style made famous by guys like Musawa, Kobashi, Kawada, etc I always thought it was too stiff and dangerous and therefore didn’t enjoy it that much. Perhaps if Musawa and others shared my view Musawa might still be alive.
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