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Raw Discussion 12th March 2012


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I still maintain that having Punk return only a week or so after MITB was one of the worst moves WWE could have made. What they effectively did by having him sign a contract with little to no explanation was put a buffer on his unpredictability. I feel they could have picked up a lot of momentum by having a free agent, Punk do things outside of the company that were totally beyond expectation whilst holding onto the belt. I just feel they could have generated and maintained a lot of interest from that, but by doing it the way they did, they totally dropped the ball.

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Not saying Punk is amazing or anything, but he isn't helped by the fact he's been saddled with a crap meaningless fued.

Feuding with a returning Chris Jericho shouldnt be doing less viewers than Johnny Ace vs Teddy Long. Which gained 225,000 viewers.


It SHOULDN'T but it is because its been handled really badly. Its a really crap after thought of a fued that has been showhorned in.


Jericho returns after a massive build up, dissapoints us by revealing his big return promo was all bollocks, and then challenges Punk on the most rubbish basis; "you think your the best in the world, well I'M the best in the world. *Cries*" Meh.


My point is the fued hasn't been built well and WWE needs to hold some blame for that.


Meanwhile the Long vs. Ace fued has been built up really well and WWE deserve credit for taking what should of been a meaningless midcard match and turning it into something so good. This is WAY BETTER than a MITB match.


Long has been successfully conveyed as a fair and consistant GM. Ace has been portrayed as a power hungry schmuck. They have naturally collided and are now putting it all on the line. It was a little rushed, but very effective.


To make even deeper still, each competitor has ligitimate beef with either GM and all of the competitors NEED to the win this match or there will be serious consequences. The actual ramifications of this match (and the sheer number of them) are actually more intriguing than the ramifications of any of the title matches, and that's preatty impressive.


Personally I think they should of actually of taken the belt of Punk, get it onto Cena for his big match vs the Rock, and Jericho / Punk should of been integrated into this big 12 man tag. After all, Ace has made Punk's life very difficult over the last year, and if there is one man more determined to get rid of him... it's Punk.

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I still maintain that having Punk return only a week or so after MITB was one of the worst moves WWE could have made. What they effectively did by having him sign a contract with little to no explanation was put a buffer on his unpredictability. I feel they could have picked up a lot of momentum by having a free agent, Punk do things outside of the company that were totally beyond expectation whilst holding onto the belt.


Punk doing stuff outside the company wouldn't have helped buyrates or TV ratings inside the company. Internet discussion doesn't always equal money. Of course, Punk being on WWE TV didn't help the buyrates or TV ratings either, but they weren't to know that at the time. They do now, like, and they're persisting with him, fair play to them.

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It SHOULDN'T but it is because its been handled really badly. Its a really crap after thought of a fued that has been showhorned in.

And you think Johnny Ace and Teddy Long feuding over an authority figure role is television worthy of rushing to the telly? The excuses can only go so far. Its been consistantly the same pattern for months, no matter who he's feuding with. You are giving way to much credit to people who watch wrestling. People watch to see the stars. Most people are dailed into what they see on TV, not whats actually going on. Thats why John Cena's storylines can be piss poor. Thats why the Rock can do his lame act. Its why the Undertaker can look like a child molester and Shawn Michaels can turn up dressed as Ted Nugent. Nobody gives a flying bollock about the GM storyline. Its a paint by numbers angle to give everyone something to do. CM Punk and Chris Jericho are the stars they push every single week. There is no excuse for losing that amount of viewers weekly.


On the subject of the Punk thing last year, people seem to either forget, ignore or not realise, is that when they did this whole CM Punk Voice of the Voiceless push last July, house show attendance actually dropped with Cena vs Punk on top and television ratings never budged. One area of interest peaked. The internet traffic. And thats means as much as the letters page in WWE Magazine. Thats why they pulled the plug on this idea that he could take the belt to different places and go to Ring of Honor. The angle flopped and they had to put him back on TV, so they didnt confuse the average viewer. But, when Diesel bombs as champion Kevin Nash cant draw. When an internet favourite bombs, its all a big agenda.

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But, when Diesel bombs as champion Kevin Nash cant draw. When an internet favourite bombs, its all a big agenda.


Everything you said is fair enough and I'm not even gonna bother getting drawn into the argument as I watch wrestling purely for my enjoyment and don't give a shit about buyrates or ratings but this part I don't agree with. Kevin Nash is a big internet favourite from what I read, so I don't agree that the reason people are saying it is an agenda is because CM Punk is an internet favourite.

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I wouldn't strictly call Punk an internet favourite. It may just be because most of the people I know and meet are heavily tattooed but whenever I talk about wrestling people mention CM Punk first. It takes years of pushing a wrestler for them to become a true main eventer and luckily WWE seem to be sticking with him.


The problem I see with Punk being champion is that he just looks like he is holding Cena's belt until he is done with the Rock. Punk needs to show up at mania with either a new belt or a classic one

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The problem I see with Punk being champion is that he just looks like he is holding Cena's belt until he is done with the Rock. Punk needs to show up at mania with either a new belt or a classic one


Uch, that's such a cheap excuse.


Lots of other people have carried the current WWE title without losing viewers. I like Punk but, then, I have tattoos, like the internet, listen to guitar music and have a beard. I'm the demographic. Punk's failing because outside of that demographic of people who like his look and get his references, he goes down like a fart in a lift. It's the equivalent of sticking a bunch of clean cut guys and one tattooed, arrogant, greasy guy in a room and getting a mother to pick one for her daughter to date, she is never in a million years picking the scuzz ball. And, that is, Punk's problem. In isolation, tattoos or greasy hair or arrogance aren't terminal, but combined together they're a lead enema to the apple pie eating, God fearing folk of Middle America. That, in itself, might be good for his core demographic who don't particularly want someone to appeal to Middle America, but it absolutely shags their chances of getting top ratings and buys with him as your main babyface.


I think it would still have been a problem if you were to drop Punk into the middle of 1999 as he'd have alienated the important 'jock' fanbase, but it's beyond reproach in 2012 in a world of pushy parents and pre-teen children.


CM Punk, in 2012, is absolutely the worst kind of babyface champion they could have.

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The angle flopped and they had to put him back on TV, so they didnt confuse the average viewer.


Did they? Why would the average viewer be confused? Following Money in The Bank, Punk was ignored, the title declared vacant and the show continuing as normal with a new champion. As Punk was flopping so badly from his one month push and only appealing to internet fans, why not pull him from TV for an extended period, let him continue to do his thing appealing to the internet through internet means, let the guys who the fans do already care about carry on, on the show and allow the story time to really develop. It may catch fire so big that eventually everyone else also becomes interested in Punks agenda and a return means something or, it doesn't and he can return and quickly be dethroned and go back to his general role. I don't see why he'd have to be put on tv to avoid confusing the average viewer, if they didn't care about him and his angle to begin with...?

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And you think Johnny Ace and Teddy Long feuding over an authority figure role is television worthy of rushing to the telly?


Yeah actually. Its been a really decent fued that has utilised a lot of the midcard roster. I'm enjoying it and I know I'm not the only one who think so. In fact some of the best moments of TV recently are related to this match; e.g. Santinos US title win.



The excuses can only go so far. Its been consistantly the same pattern for months, no matter who he's feuding with.


How arrogant are you to think that if someone has a belief / reason for something happening it's a "excuse". I'm not making excuses for Punk, Im giving you my opinion as to a contibuting factor to a ratings drop.. In fact I was preatty clear when I originally said "not saying Punk is amazing or anything..."


Absalutely Punk needs to look at himself... but so do the WWE. They pulled the Nash fued out from under his feet, had him buddy up to Triple H when his fued with him was getting REALLY hot, dropped the conspiracy angle and hes not even involved with the possibility of ousting Ace who he has been warring with since the MITB PPV.


Were they right to do all of that? Maybe. But it's still a contibuting factor.



You are giving way to much credit to people who watch wrestling. People watch to see the stars. Most people are dailed into what they see on TV, not whats actually going on.


Nice to know you have such a low opinion on the intelligence of wrestling fans.


Maybe YOUR programmed that way, but not everyone. Personally I do get turned off when a storyline doesn't make sense or if something contradicts a previous event. Hell, several people on here regular come online and bitch / complain when something dosen't make sense. Just because it's wrestling, dosen't mean we have to settle for lower standard story telling. Maybe YOUR willing to accept that, but that's YOU.



CM Punk and Chris Jericho are the stars they push every single week. There is no excuse for losing that amount of viewers weekly.


Every single week? Hardly. Jericho only just came back and Punk has been moved down the pecking order (justifiably or not). How can you say "they are the stars they push every single week" when they clearly arn't the main focus right now? The Triple H / Undertaker fued and the Rock / Cena fued are taking centre stage, so its not surprising the Punk / Jericho fued is taking a hit.


Ultimately regardless of whos to blame, WWE have turned the WWE title match into a midcard filler contest... and that is a real shame.

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Ultimately regardless of whos to blame, WWE have turned the WWE title match into a midcard filler contest... and that is a real shame.


No it's not. Rock is against Cena and The Undertaker is back. In the title match you've got Jericho who has died on his arse after the Rumble and Punk who really hasn't been the focus since just around the Rumble anyway. The WWE Title doesn't mean much really in the grand scheme, it took some major abuse last year when it was jumping all over the place to different people month-in, month-out. Yes it's the main title but Wrestlemania buyers will buy the show. The fact that Rock/Cena is this years bread and butter for the show is enough to hopefully curry some new or old buyers for the PPV. Jericho hasn't done wank all since god knows when. Jericho does not sell PPV's nowadays. He's still a good hand and he and Punk I'm sure will have a good match regardless. After Mania the title will get a boost again.

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The Nash/Punk comparisons are actually quite close I think...


The Diesel that was getting cheered and that Vince felt was his next top face was killed off the minute he turned face and won the belt. The ass-kicker was quickly replaced with smiley Diesel, visiting kids in the Hospital. His run was a flop as business was down anyway and his new face character was shit., and nothing like the character that the fans had started to get behind (the no-nonsense, mean-faced, pissed-off badass).


The CM Punk charcater that was selling record amounts of merch and getting everyone talking was the pissed-off, anti-establishment guy. The minute he re-signed with the company (thus ending his "renegade" status) and found himself in a regular, boring feud with Del Rio he was miles away from the character that the fans were going ape-shit for a few months earlier.



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The CM Punk charcater that was selling record amounts of merch and getting everyone talking was the pissed-off, anti-establishment guy. The minute he re-signed with the company (thus ending his "renegade" status) and found himself in a regular, boring feud with Del Rio he was miles away from the character that the fans were going ape-shit for a few months earlier.

He definitely wasn't selling "record amounts of merch" before he re-signed with the company.

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