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NXT - Post NXT Takeover discussion in progress


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Pretty fun little battle royale this week.

I'm guessing Carmella will have her match on NXT TV rather than a Takeover. Idk though, I would have probably either:

- given it to Emma, a natural choice

- actually given it to Eva 4 the brutal heat

- 'made' one of either the two Aussie girls or that Liv Morgan who seems to have a decent amount of charisma. I was like 'go on!' when she had Cameron in powerbomb position and then laughed at myself for momentarily thinking Cameron of all people would take a powerbomb over the top rope. But one of them to broaden out the 'main' roster wouldn't have been a bad move

-guessing they're holding off on Asuka for a feud with Nia Jax, or else, duh, Asuka wins. Also Asuka v Eva needs to happen, on a Takeover too


Pretty funny to see that charisma vacuum Aliyah off Breaking Ground included. All the rookies we saw on that show and she actually makes TV first lol, good for her I guess

Edited by sj5522
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Im not sure if that Alliyah girl was in their as a joke, Breaking ground tie in or they actually have made her gimmick in NXT by getting her to play incompetent rookie. I honestly didn't expect to see her again.


I liked the little promos for the girls before the battle royal, especially the more jobber-esque girls. As a development they need to start developing a couple into a place where they can possibly win if they are to have any future credibility. Carmella Vs Bayley makes a nice hapy feud until it goes into the real takeover match


Didnt understand Ciampa Vs Burch, a nice little match but neither are contracted talent and it seemed a waste. This is still a development territory and for me that still needs to be at the forefront so unless they are going to do something with one of them it seemed a wast of airspace

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Decent little show I thought, bit of a reset after the xmas and new year break.


Really looking forward to the triple threat No. 1 contender match. Where is Crews, from challenging Balor and being given a proper shove he lost to Corbin in London and doesn't seem to be the focus he once was. I really like the guy, think he has massive upside, looks good, talks well and the way he presents himself and represents the company you could see Vince shoving him on a talk show or something thinking people will look at him and be impressed.

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And nobody has been asking about where Cameron was.


I thought it once or twice, but never made any official enquiry




The Drifter looked a tiny bit better this week, probably cos he was back at Full Sail where people will have seen him a few times rather than trying to get over in the UK. Still a very puzzling gimmick but commentary were working hard to put him over, we'll have to see but for now I can get behind it I guess

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NXT's back! Really pleased to have it back, I'd missed it. I actually look forward to a wrestling show every week now, which is still a breath of fresh air for me.


Liked the opening segment a lot, the triple threat should be good in two weeks. The Asuka-Eva stuff in the main event was great too. But I hate Emma because she eliminated Alexa. Hate her forever. 

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Mad that Sami Zayn is so comfortable on the mic considering he spent the first decade of his career under a mask in a gimmick that meant he would never ever cut a promo. I think he's very good in his own way now. Loved the opening segment interaction between him and Joe.


The rest of the show was pretty unremarkable, but I agree that the Diva promos were good value.


That Drifter gimmick is the drizzling shits isn't it?

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Zayn is very natural on the mic and unlike most wrestlers he can act a bit too, again mad when you think he spent so long under a mask. It is very hard in this day and age to pull off the classic pure babyface but Sami does this better than anyone else in wrestling at the moment. I do hope he isn't NXT for too much longer because I think there is a place for him on the main roster and I believe he could not just fill the spot left by Daniel Bryan but significantly upgrade it.

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That Drifter gimmick is the drizzling shits isn't it?


I disagree — I feel like the Drifter comes across as a Maverick with a short Fuse. This gimmick could give his career a real Boost, as long as he has a few Twix up his sleeve. I'm not saying he'll be a top Star, Bar none, but I've heard Wispas that as long as he doesn't Flake out, he could be a hot Topic in the future. And please, this is just my opinion, so no Snickering.

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Cant imagine how good Joe vs Zayn is going to be.

I've seen next to nothing of Zayn outside WWE, have they had a match or matches elsewhere?


Yeah, but it wasnt anything significant. And it would have been for a Canadian indy about 11 years ago, when Joe was making his rounds. If they wrestle, it would be the first time of any proper note.

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