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NXT - Post NXT Takeover discussion in progress


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The women's division is pretty dire. The writers are giving them a lot to work with, but the talent is fucking abysmal. Eva Marie looks great and plays the heel so well for that crowd, but she is cringeworthy when doing a promo. Bayley is even worse, and should be wearing Asuka's mask. Asuka seems alright and she has a great outfit, but the weird pronunciation of her name annoys me. Dana Brooke is okay but again, awful promo. Emma's not worth watching. Nia Jax has the Chyna voice.

Considering they just promoted Charlotte, Becky Lynch and Sasha Banks - I think it's remarkably strong. Asuka is great. She's beautiful but she does look like she'd knife you at the time of the month. Her work is excellent. She's eaily the best talent they've imported in the last couple of years. Dana Brookes is going to be a really good talent. She's got everything but just needs a polish in the ring. She's in the perfect place. Bayley is great. She's not a looker. She' not a diva. But people love her. She's utterly likable. Her work is really good too.


Emma is fine as an enhancement talent. Same as Nattie. Not interested in any angle they run but they provide a decent opponent for girls on the way up.


Jax is an odd one. I like her look. She brings something different to the division. She's a bit cumbersome though. She definitely needs to iron out some faults.

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Right lads, let's call it what it is.

Is it wrong that I really, really would love a crack on Nia Jax?

As long as it's not weird that I would do a list of dirty things to Becky Lynch then nah. Crack away.

Not nearly the same thing. Now I have a "thing" for redheads but Becky Lynch is bloody lovely. Nia Jax is a bit odder. Not because she's plump but because she's a bit mannish. Let's face it, most of us would. We're not exactly turning them away, eh? Except Butch and PurpleMonkey anyway.

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Right lads, let's call it what it is.

Is it wrong that I really, really would love a crack on Nia Jax?

That you'd fancy a pretty, former plus-size model? Not at all.

There isn't a female in the NXT Womens division, past or present, that I would turn down.

Or one that would ask any of us.

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Yeah I'm after a London ticket and struggling to find one. I'd probably pay whatever for it

Savvy negotiating tactic
Ah yeah I fucking suck at money shit these days. On Saturday I had to buy three lighters because I couldn't decide which had the cutest picture of a dog on the side


I refuse to pay more than double the asking price and if anyone has a problem with that they can fuck off!

Edited by UK Kat Von D
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Yeah I'm after a London ticket and struggling to find one. I'd probably pay whatever for it

Savvy negotiating tactic
Ah yeah I fucking suck at money shit these days. On Saturday I had to buy three lighters because I couldn't decide which had the cutest picture of a dog on the side


I refuse to pay more than double the asking price and if anyone has a problem with that they can fuck off!



I'll fuck off... for a price.

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Good show again and some good progression and slow build towards Takeover. Would love it if we got Zayn - Neville in London just from watching the recap video from there last match. Nia Jax can just fuck off though, she is useless and just doesn't make her character believable. For someone her size she should be destroying all the women but she just doesn't do a thing which is annoying as she comes across really well on Breaking Ground.


Oh and Gable/Jordan just seem to get better each week.

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