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NXT - Post NXT Takeover discussion in progress


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I've found it hard to follow any weekly wrestling show ever since Raw moved to three hours and made it feel like a chore to sit through an episode every week, but ever since I started giving NXT a chance the last few weeks, I now look forward to catch my weekly dose of 'rasslin instead of dreading it, like when I had to force myself to watch Raw every week.


I personally felt that this week's episode was the best one I've seen yet. A great opener in Zayn/Cesaro/Kruger. Probably one of the better 3 -way matches in WWE for quite some time. Some very cool and original spots to be found in it.


The main event was a scorcher. I can't say I echo the Corey Graves hate. Yes, he's a bit of a TNA CM Punk, and yes, this will probably hinder him when he reaches the main roster, but he's doing great on NXT. I found his face-in-peril segment to be extremely compelling and the whole match is gloriously over-booked and has a great feel-good ending.


The only passable match was Bo Dallas's match, which felt they just threw him on the show for the hell of it. Even Charlotte's debut was worth watching. She and Bayley showed off some pretty impressive mat-wrestling and NXT continues to be the place where the diva's shine best.

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Bloody hell, full sail hate Bo don't they! You can see people turning their back to the ring or heading to the concessions as soon as his music hits. It was stupid putting the belt on him, even if they were turning him heel (which they're not it seems). I've no idea if Kruger's a face now after that beatdown and his glorious cheerleading of the 'Kru- ger!' chant. He's hilarious. He's not someone I ever see doing anything on the main roster but he's perfect for a show like this. Cesaro's much better for this setting too actually. Kruger vs Sami vs Cesaro was like one of them Xdivinsion triples at times. But good. Can't wait till Sami gets on the proper telly, I would love a flying baby team of him and Pac.


It's always nice to see Naitch. I can't stand that acrobat shit his daughter was doing but at least she was tidy and precise with it. I hope Bayley is just 'starstruck' and not full on retard. She's a talented girl and you can tell the crowd are already into her. I wish all the lady wrestlers could stay put on NXT where they're actually given time to wrestle and get their character over. The division will be pretty damn good once The Rebecca Knox turns up.


The main was decent. I disagree with you up there pits, I thought Corey was a terrible face in peril. Harper and Neville looked good in that but the other Wyatt bloke is really boring. I don't feel he projects the kind of presence that a big man should. Regal was gold on commentary during this match, especially when he was getting all hot and bothered for the hot tag ("Come on Corey, dig your fingernails into the mat if you have to! Claw you way to the tag!")


Who the fuck's Tyler Breeze? He was only on for 15 seconds and I already love him. 2013 'model' Martel? Yes please!


This was the best show in a while, really love the old school format to it. I wish the main shows had a Dusty Rhodes and not boring power struggles that make no sense and ego head GMs that treat the wrestlers like idiots.

Edited by Mr Butternut Squash
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Who the fuck's Tyler Breeze? He was only on for 15 seconds and I already love him. 2013 'model' Martel? Yes please!

It's Mike Dalton, who's been around developmental for a few years now. He's a former FCW champion. He's done a couple of jobs on NXT over the past year but nothing of any note whatsoever. Looks like they have finally found something for him to do.

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Bloody hell, full sail hate Bo don't they! You can see people turning their back to the ring or heading to the concessions as soon as his music hits. It was stupid putting the belt on him, even if they were turning him heel (which they're not it seems). I've no idea if Kruger's a face now after that beatdown and his glorious cheerleading of the 'Kru- ger!' chant. He's hilarious. He's not someone I ever see doing anything on the main roster but he's perfect for a show like this. Cesaro's much better for this setting too actually. Kruger vs Sami vs Cesaro was like one of them Xdivinsion triples at times. But good. Can't wait till Sami gets on the proper telly, I would love a flying baby team of him and Pac.


It's always nice to see Naitch. I can't stand that acrobat shit his daughter was doing but at least she was tidy and precise with it. I hope Bayley is just 'starstruck' and not full on retard. She's a talented girl and you can tell the crowd are already into her. I wish all the lady wrestlers could stay put on NXT where they're actually given time to wrestle and get their character over. The division will be pretty damn good once The Rebecca Knox turns up.


The main was decent. I disagree with you up there pits, I thought Corey was a terrible face in peril. Harper and Neville looked good in that but the other Wyatt bloke is really boring. I don't feel he projects the kind of presence that a big man should. Regal was gold on commentary during this match, especially when he was getting all hot and bothered for the hot tag ("Come on Corey, dig your fingernails into the mat if you have to! Claw you way to the tag!")


Who the fuck's Tyler Breeze? He was only on for 15 seconds and I already love him. 2013 'model' Martel? Yes please!


This was the best show in a while, really love the old school format to it. I wish the main shows had a Dusty Rhodes and not boring power struggles that make no sense and ego head GMs that treat the wrestlers like idiots.


Graves's bumping and Regal egging him on to make the tag made me feel like a little kid again. It's been a while since anything in the 'E has done that for me.


I like Bo for his gimmick alone. It's such a unique character, but it works. He's a heel who's character is that he's a babyface that is so cookie-cutter and generic. Reminds me of Daniel Bryan's gimmick when he won the World title for the first time. It's a very convincing gimmick that can even work the smarkeist of smarks.

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Sorry for double posting, but did anyone else catch this week's episode?


It's good stuff as always. I think they should move the Diva's title match up to the main event slot as it would make the title feel important but it's a minor complaint. The main event was fun stuff, even if it did take a while to get going and the Diva's title match was brilliant and was one of the better women's matches in years (even though that's not saying much). Both women are extremely over and it's great to see some decent women's wrestling on a consistent basis from WWE. The other two matches were fun squashes. The Ascension seem to thrive best in that environment and Tyler Breeze's squash was very unique and cool. Updating the classic model gimmick by taking selfies pre and mid-match was a great and innovative way to draw a lot of heat and it was one of my favorite part of this week's show.

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Paige and Emma was a great match and everything was done to make it feel important - the pre-show interviews, all the Divas congratulating Paige, HHH appearing, Paige's reaction. NXT is the place to see the girls wrestle.


Tyler Breeze's mixture of Rick Martel and The Million Dollar Man ('summer residence in Milan, Italy) etc. had a promising start. His posturing and picture taking is instant heat.


NXTs always an entertaining watch.

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Loved Tyler Breeze. The phone gimmick is superb, people pouting into their phones is something you see everyday and I'm sure I'm not the only one it irritates. A simple and effective way to get heat.


I wasn't overly keen on the last incarnation of The Ascension but this latest one seems to be an improvement. I think Rick Victor needs to change his ring attire though. For some reason, it doesn't seem to fit. Otherwise, it was a good squash match.


I didn't think Paige and Emma was a great match but, by diva standards, it was very good and probably better than anything on the main roster. I agree that the build-up made both the match and the title seem important and the post-match ceremony was a nice touch too.

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I love the Tyler Breeze gimmick, it's a nice 'modern' take on a wrestling touchstone. The Zoolander poses are a cracking idea too.


The hiring and subsequent influence of Sara Del Rey (whose presence was felt in the women's match) gives me tiny hope that we might more stuff like Paige vs Emma in the future of WWE.


Harper vs Sheamus was also quality. It was nice to see Harper get a biggish spot by himself for once. Some awesome bombs were thrown. Bray's clearly got evil intentions for next week. Can't wait.

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Does the Tyler Breeze run the risk of being too similar to Fandango? Yeah they have different "professions" but the gimmick is the same. Slightly effeminate, image conscious yet athletic heels. The photo taking thing is fun but I'd rather see it as a slight update on the MNM gimmick, perhaps have him taking selfies with his battered opponent in the background or with guys in promos. If he created an Instagram, that would be a pretty fun way of using the gimmick to build their social media agenda.


I'm a massive support of the Sylvester LeForte & The Rednecks gimmick. On paper, its absolutely ridiculous but it works so well. They could definitely turn it around into a face gimmick too. It's amazing.


Although, NXT's biggest strength seems to be the entrances. They know the importance of them and the guys that really stand out are those with the best. Tyler Breeze's is amazing, and The Ascension is pretty unique also. All NXT needs now is a proper face tag team. None of this thrown together nonsense of Neville & Graves, I'm talking 2 guys with similar looks, identifiable gimmicks and a sick entrance. WWE would bring them up in no time.

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I'm surprised it's taken this long for someone to use this Tyler Breeze gimmick. I was saying someone should come out with their camera and take pictures with the crowd if they're a face, have a social network link on their attire and get people to see their pictures there. The idea was with British wrestling in mind. As a heel, they'd come out with the camera, go as if they're going to take a picture with crowd members but turn the camera so it's just on themselves. People would go to the social network to check their pictures and be exposed to all other stuff about you like where you're next wrestling, more nuggets of information on the character and the like.


This was back in 2005, and the social network in question was MySpace. A few years back I had the idea of someone tweeting between rounds as well (British scene), though this could be now updated to Instagram as well. At the time I first thought of it in 2005, the character was going to have computer references like a knee submission called the Caps Lock and a combo called Ctrl Alt + Delete.

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I'm surprised it's taken this long for someone to use this Tyler Breeze gimmick. I was saying someone should come out with their camera and take pictures with the crowd if they're a face, have a social network link on their attire and get people to see their pictures there.


Zack Ryder had a period where he brought a handicam out with him and did stuff for his YouTube show during his entrance, and had a QR code on his trunks which apparently linked to his YouTube page. So he's kinda done that, but with video.

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