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The UKFF's 50 Favourite Films 2012 - The Results!

Devon Malcolm

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Terminator 2 was excellent.


Really enjoyed it, enjoyed the directors cut more mind, it just added something to original material, and back in the day, the TV mags would say which version you were getting and trumpet a different version of any film, rather than for example, putting down 'Bladerunner' and you watching it and hoping for the best.


The games of T2 range from excellent, the Acclaim shooter based on the arcade game is a good, but ultimately fucking ridiculously hard game ( that bastard truck level can fuck off) to the uber shit. Many of the home ports Master System, Snes, MD etc were naff and well boring tbh, The C64 tried something different, picking up the movie where both terminators meet and going on to the bike chase. At least it was better than the console version which started you off fighting several hundred, indestructable bikers whilst trying to find fragments of something that I cant remember it's that important, before jumping on the worlds most unresponsive bike for a jaunt to the next location, providing your will to live hadnt been sapped by a terminator getting pasted by an insane number of bikers.


The film itself I can watch over and over again, and memories from film things and that stunt show they used to have on ITV showing how they rigged the building to explode, or that Cameron used people who had lost a limb, when the T 1000 had been frozen and was falling to bits when walkin to add to the effect/ really added to the overall experience.


It didn't need to be as violent to be good and the death's of John's Foster Parents always freaks me out with the long knife through the Milk Carton.


The only thing that is looking old is the stop motion, modelled Nuclear Holocaust, which is weird as many other CGI/Model Splice's are tending to hold up better these days, but maybe that's just me.

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Glad to see T2 make the list, I only just watched the 157 (I think) minute Skynet version on Blu-Ray last week. An excellent film, but T1 still beats it for me.

Arnie is so much better as a bad guy, the plot is better, the setting is better and it doesn't drag on as much

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I was 14 when it hit the shelves at ASDA, there was no chance the parents would have got it for me but I was so desperate to see it there was no way I was leaving without it. I very nervously spent 30 mins walking around with it memorising a birth date that made me 15 and a half. Cashier couldn't give 2 shits when I eventualy went to pay for it.

Your parents wouldn't let you watch a 15 certificate when you were 14??? What the fuck? Poor sod.

My Mum was fairly lenient (although when I was younger would insist she watched more questionable ones first to see if it was indeed suitable), but my Dad would be an absolute arse about it.

Terminator 2 was summer 1991, I turned 15 on 9th September 1991, and yet I had to go see it on the quiet because he'd already voiced his disapproval.


Random James-Cameron-using-the-same-actors-in-everything trivia: John Connor's foster mum is played by the same woman that played Vasquez in Aliens.

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And in Near Dark, which was directed by his ex-wife Kathryn Bigelow, alongside fellow Aliens alumni Bill Paxton and Lance Henriksen.

Edited by Gladstone Small
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I still have the Bio-Flesh set in the loft, never used. I never wanted to use the stuff and waste it by not enjoying doing it as much as I expected.That tells you everything you ever needed to know about me.T2 still does look amazing which is unbelievable given how rough some far more recent stuff looks, and it is a wonderful film. It some how it feels more open to a wider audience that the first, I don't know if that's just me.I prefer 1 much, much more but if there was a group of people of mixed ages and interests it would be two every time, if that makes sense.I agree some of the music is spot on.I only watched Goodfellas for the first time a couple of years back but that too is a wonderful film, not high up for me personally next to other stuff but delightful to watch.

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some how it feels more open to a wider audience that the first, I don't know if that's just me.

It's really not just you, it's a much more mainstream big budget type movie, that's why me & many like minded people (including you presumably) prefer the first one.
It was weird, the first Terminator movie was a violent movie aimed at adults but by the time Terminator 2 came out it seems to me they were marketing that movie at kids. I mean it's still violent as fuck and the milk carton scene is particularly nasty but look at all the toys on the market, that's something you wouldn't get these days for a 15 certificate film so they obviously twigged early on they'd got a mainstream film that was going to find it's way on to kids screens. It seems like it was an "acceptable" violent film for parents to let their kids watch. Strangely enough when T2 came out the Aliens toys came out and that was an 18 certificate, maybe in 1991/92 toy companies didn't give a shit about what they were putting on shelves.
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some how it feels more open to a wider audience that the first, I don't know if that's just me.

It's really not just you, it's a much more mainstream big budget type movie, that's why me & many like minded people (including you presumably) prefer the first one.
It was weird, the first Terminator movie was a violent movie aimed at adults but by the time Terminator 2 came out it seems to me they were marketing that movie at kids. I mean it's still violent as fuck and the milk carton scene is particularly nasty but look at all the toys on the market, that's something you wouldn't get these days for a 15 certificate film so they obviously twigged early on they'd got a mainstream film that was going to find it's way on to kids screens. It seems like it was an "acceptable" violent film for parents to let their kids watch. Strangely enough when T2 came out the Aliens toys came out and that was an 18 certificate, maybe in 1991/92 toy companies didn't give a shit about what they were putting on shelves.
The budget of T1 was $6.4 million, the budget of T2 was $94 million and between the 2 films Arnie had made Commando, Predator. Running Man, Total Recall and even Twins and Kindergarten Cop! He was now a super popular movie star goodie. There was a big gap between T1 and 2 and the films are very different, T2 is fairly violent but it has few deaths, Arnie doesn't kill anyone. T1 he's pretty much a ruthless assassin going round killing innocent women, very different.Most big budget films had toys out in the late 80s and early 90s, unfortunately now lots of kids films don't even have toy lines.
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some how it feels more open to a wider audience that the first, I don't know if that's just me.

It's really not just you, it's a much more mainstream big budget type movie, that's why me & many like minded people (including you presumably) prefer the first one.
Also the first movie has Arnie mercilessly stalking through a police station brutally murdering everyone he comes across. That kind of thing isn't as mainstream as the awesome yet cartoony T-1000.
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some how it feels more open to a wider audience that the first, I don't know if that's just me.

It's really not just you, it's a much more mainstream big budget type movie, that's why me & many like minded people (including you presumably) prefer the first one.
Also the first movie has Arnie mercilessly stalking through a police station brutally murdering everyone he comes across. That kind of thing isn't as mainstream as the awesome yet cartoony T-1000.
Exactly, the 2 films are so different in tone that all the toys and stuff for T2 make total sense, what is interesting is that James Cameron took such a gamble and made a mainstream huge movie sequel to the first dark cult film in the first place, it obviously paid off.

Wasn't T2 a 15 anyway? It certainly would be nowadays. T1 is deffo an 18.

Correct on both counts, just another example of how different the 2 are*edit*

The first Terminator probably would only get a 15 today.

Probably right. Also remember that T1 had a proper 80s sex scene in it with blue lighting and boobs and everything, don't get that in the more family friendly T2. Edited by Steve 'Big' Jobs
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