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The UKFF's 50 Favourite Films 2012 - The Results!

Devon Malcolm

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With the Aliens/Aliens special edition thing, it's probrably best to watch the original version first to build the tension, then watch the special edition, where the extra bits don't really spoil the story.

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"I need more life, father."


How disappointing, I always thought he said "I need more life fucker" :(


You've got to wonder what films are ahead of this in the poll, considering the general high opinion of it round here. It was my No. 1, obviously.

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Hopefully there's at least one comedy that cracked the top ten, you miserable bastards.


It certainly did - and only those that voted for it could possibly expect it to get as high as it did.


In the meantime, though....





Commando (1985)




People wot put it in 1st place: 0


IMDB Rating: 6.3


What's it about?


Lots and lots and lots and lots of shooting. Awesome.


What do we say?


"Back when I was a nipper, just a tad smaller than I am now, I turned over my Aunty's sofa, and attacked everyone with rubber-ended arrows when they came in the door. Commando was my inspiration. I wanted to grow up to be like Arnold."


An insight into life in the WeeAl household, there. It's true, though, isn't it? Commando was one of those films when you saw it as a kid that made you pick up anything that even vaguely resembled a gun and pretend to shoot your mates with it. You don't get that with films these days. As great as, say, The Transporter is, you can't easily do a mock-up of the oil slick fight scene, can you?


By the time Commando was released, Arnie was a huge deal. Both Conan films, Red Sonja and The Terminator had come and gone, but this was a different vehicle altogether for him, a straightforward action film that was slightly less serious than those aforementioned films and was all set to test out his abilities with a one liner or two. He managed pretty well, didn't he?


Director Mark L Lester was on something of a mini streak himself when he picked this up, having just directed the pretty good double bill of Firestarter and Class of 1984, but despite a brief return to fun form with Showdown In Little Tokyo in 1991, he wouldn't really come close to bettering Commando. Cast wise it's pretty smart - instead of padding it out with a jobbing thespian as the main villain (although Dan Hedaya is, of course, a superb actor) they decided that Vernon Wells would be a better bet. That turned out pretty well, too.


The back-up villains are great as well. Bill Duke and the underrated David Patrick Kelly are great fun although the former possibly could have done with a bigger role. Rae Dawn Chong does skirt duties pretty well, too, before retreating back into a largely B-movie riddled career. Alyssa Milano ISN'T on skirt duties just yet (unless you're Loki) but cries and flaps effectively enough.


It really is absolutely marvellous fun and although accusations in some quarters that there is rather a lot of ironic love for Commando, I'd say such accusations were bollocks. It's one of the fastest moving and most fun action films of the 1980s, and that it STILL stands out in what was the greatest decade for action films is a testament to its quality and why it is still so loved. If you don't like it then what exactly is your problem?


Take it away, TripleA:-


"The best action film ever."








Some good bits!



Lock and load



"Any carry-on luggage?"


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Hopefully there's at least one comedy that cracked the top ten, you miserable bastards.

The only one of my top 5 that hasn't appeared yet is Airplane, I reckon that would have made it in somewhere at least, and as it hasn't come in yet I'm hoping it's made the 10. I can't think of many comedies that would be on enough people's lists as I think it's a genre that splits taste more than any other. I had Spinal Tap in my 10, that's a possibility, I think the Pythons might be ones that struggle from people splitting votes between them, Dr Strangelove as an outside chance?.....Groundhog day and maybe Anchorman could maybe sneak in too.

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"I need more life, father."


How disappointing, I always thought he said "I need more life fucker" :(


I think it was originally fucker, but it was changed for the Final Cut. I think father is better.


I expected Commado in the top 10. I didn't vote for it, but it's fun and excitement cannot be denied. Also the end credits song is a fucking belter.

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When I was about 9 or 10 we lived right out in the sticks & we had a 'video van' that came up to the house once a week. My mum rented Commando & I remember begging her to renew it over & over again. She must've rented it out for a month solid with me watching it ad-nauseum, along with Predator & First Blood this was the film of my childhood.


Hopefully there's at least one comedy that cracked the top ten, you miserable bastards.


Yeah, if 'The Sex Lives of the Potato Men' isn't in here I'm kicking off.

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Commando was the first 18 certificate film I saw and it helped mold me into the man I am today, I love it and Arnie will always be my childhood hero.


I'm 30 and I showed Commando to two younger friends (about 20-23) last year and neither of them enjoyed it saying it was boring and too old fashioned, I honestly felt like beating the shit out of them, I never looked at them in the same way again, wankers. To guys my age Arnie will always be the man.

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Although i didn't vote in this, regrettably, i've kept tabs on it back and forth. It's an interesting list and raised quite a few smiles. Commando is one of those staple childhood films which will always get a warm reaction from our generation. I'd put it in a similar niche with the likes of Predator and Bloodsport. There is just something undeniably awesome about it; i had to beg to be allowed up to stay up and see this when i was younger with it being an 18 and then the playground would be buzzing with chat on the Monday morning. You just don't get that anymore.


It also has a lot of good memories for me as in our first night in student halls i put this on in my room and two of the guys i shared with came in to watch it and had a few beers and spliffs. The ultimate ice breaker. We were great friends all the way through uni and to this day; ended up being an usher for them at their wedding(s) and vice versa and that story always comes up when people ask how we all met. Good old Matrix !!

Edited by Stylin_and_Profilin
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Brilliant. Glad to see Commando in the list, although I had a self-imposed "only 1 Arnie film" rule, and ultimately went with Total Recall.


If I do this again at the end of this year, can I implore people to just vote for what they fucking want rather than this tactical cobblers!

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Also the end credits song is a fucking belter.

I fucking love

. I only found out on Saturday, after all these years of loving that track, that Robert Palmer was in the band and they were a supergroup of sorts with a couple of members of Duran Duran and the drummer from Chic.
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Saw Commando a bunch of times growing up, was the video shop rental of choice during the school holidays mainly because it was only 50p per night.


The opening credits theme by James Horner is immense and it's weird because it suggests a very different film than what you get in the end.




The rumour going round school at the time was that Arnie's limp came from a squib explosion that went wrong when filming the attack on the Island, which was always a good one.


Great Film

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Brilliant. Glad to see Commando in the list, although I had a self-imposed "only 1 Arnie film" rule, and ultimately went with Total Recall.


If I do this again at the end of this year, can I implore people to just vote for what they fucking want rather than this tactical cobblers!



That's not 'tactical voting' for what I wanted to see in the final rundown, it was just an easy way of whittling down to just ten films, and managing to span some of my favourites from all the different types of films I enjoy.


Commando wasn't in the running anyway though. Running Man, Predator, both Terminators, Kindergarten Cop and Last Action Hero were the other candidates.

Edited by Chest Rockwell
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