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WWE Royal Rumble 2012 Discussion Thread


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In fairness, they have had to explain stuff for Randy Savage in several years.


Poor old Savage. He really never did get a hang of the Rumble, did he?

I've just noticed they ignored him eliminating himself in the '92 Rumble. I always remembered that as him flying over the top and then brawling to the back with Jake, but instead, the commentators mumbled something about how it didn't count because nobody threw him, and he got back in and carried on.


They talk a few times about Bushwhacker Luke having the record for shortest time in as well, but WWE's videos now say it was Warlord until Santino broke it.

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In fairness, they have had to explain stuff for Randy Savage in several years.


Poor old Savage. He really never did get a hang of the Rumble, did he?

I've just noticed they ignored him eliminating himself in the '92 Rumble. I always remembered that as him flying over the top and then brawling to the back with Jake, but instead, the commentators mumbled something about how it didn't count because nobody threw him, and he got back in and carried on.

In fairness, both Heenan and Monsoon both said he had eliminated himself and how Savage "made the mistake of a lifetime" (obviously playing along with the rules). When the refs let him back in the ring, as if nothing happened, Heenan saves it all by making up the 'you must be eliminated by an opponent' rule, which Monsoon quickly accepts as one of the rules. I think they did the best job possible.

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Yeah, they did their best to cover it, but I was surprised by it. I really remembered it as the Macho Man character not having a clue how Rumbles worked, but it seems like he really was just an idiot who didn't know how Rumbles worked.


I think it makes for a great little quirk, with him going for the cover on Yoko at the end in '93. In 1991 he forgot to even go to the ring for it. If he had a clue what was going on, he'd have won it every year, i'm sure.


Seeing as its on at 1 am, its a bit of a bummer that we are not able to sky + the event anymore. Some of us have work in the morning lol


Woah, wait, what? We can't record it!?

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Really looking forward to this like. Enjoying WWE TV a lot lately so expecting a good show here.


I reckon it'll be a standout night for Dolph Ziggler, could really make him. I don't think he'll win the WWE Championship of course, but I think he'll have a great showing, followed by entering the Rumble and performing well in that, maybe even being in the last 3. Could be a night that makes Ziggler.


Jericho has been repeating the shtick he said on RAW about the end of the world as we know it, on house shows so there must be something planned for him here. Would just winning the Rumble realy live up to them words? Intriguing to see what he does. Got a feeling he will indeed win the Rumble though.


Really dissapointed if Henry is out of the match tonight, this 3 way has been the top feud in both WWE and TNA the last couple of months so was really excited for the match. I think Bryan will end up retaining, maybe fall out the cage somehow or something. Hopefully Henry can still show up in some capacity, WWE might start to lose faith in him for good now if yet another injury is gonna sideline him properly which is a shame.


Not sure how Kane/Cena will go but think it'll be more of an angle than a match, either Cena will completely snap and beat the fuck out of Kane, kind of a like a more extreme version of his Swagger beat down, or Cena will end up just beating Kane, who will then beat the fuck out of Cena so he can't enter the Rumble, probably leading to a rematch next month.


Should be a really good show though, very very unpredictable event, the actual Rumble match could go quite a few ways as could the other matches. Should be good!

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Seeing as its on at 1 am, its a bit of a bummer that we are not able to sky + the event anymore. Some of us have work in the morning lol


Why are you not able to sky+ the event any more?


I do this with every WWE PPV I choose to buy. When did they change this?


It's letting me sky+ for tonight...

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Seeing as its on at 1 am, its a bit of a bummer that we are not able to sky + the event anymore. Some of us have work in the morning lol


Why are you not able to sky+ the event any more?


I do this with every WWE PPV I choose to buy. When did they change this?


It's letting me sky+ for tonight...



And it should be... which is why I don't understand the original post.

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I agree with Doog in that Cena/Kane will be more a match to move the story-line on further as opposed to settling anything decisively. With the way that the story has played out so far I'm going to say that it's more than likely we'll see the two in a Last Man Standing match at Elimination Chamber.


Again I agree with Doog in regards to Dolph Ziggler. He had a phenomenal showing last year at the Rumble and with Punk as his opponent, it should be nothing less than that last year. I too can see him going into the Royal Rumble match and performing well. I can see Punk threatening to G2S Johnny unless he counts the pin-fall, leading to Punk retaining.


What's the story with Del Rio? If there's any chance that he can be back for tonight I can see him being the one who eliminates Ziggler from the match, hopefully setting up a story heading into 'Mania with Ziggler turning.


Two giants, a cage, and Daniel Bryan. Something tells me that there'll be a collapse of the ring/cage, leading to a D-Bry victory.


I've got a feeling that it's going to be Undertaker/Jericho at Wrestlemania which means that Jericho can't really win tonight. I'm guessing it's going to be an Orton win who will eventually go on to face Mark Henry at Wrestlemania for the title.

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Two giants, a cage, and Daniel Bryan. Something tells me that there'll be a collapse of the ring/cage, leading to a D-Bry victory.


Good call...The ring/ cage structure collapses and Bryan either emerges from the wreckage first or goes flying through the cage ala Austin.


However, may have trouble putting on the rumble match straight afterwards with a collapsed ring and no top rope, no?

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Two giants, a cage, and Daniel Bryan. Something tells me that there'll be a collapse of the ring/cage, leading to a D-Bry victory.


Good call...The ring/ cage structure collapses and Bryan either emerges from the wreckage first or goes flying through the cage ala Austin.


However, may have trouble putting on the rumble match straight afterwards with a collapsed ring and no top rope, no?


Yeah, it would certainly be something different if that's how they decided to go with it :laugh: . I didn't specifically mean for the ring to collapse per se; just something along those lines.

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