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Richie Freebird

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If he was keeping the same character even on a vague level his look would suit the "spent years in the wilderness after WWE" thing perfectly since that's what WWE tend to attribute to somebodies TNA years anyway.

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Latest Observer reporting that HHH wants Broken Matt Hardy.


Good! Do it. If they allow him to do what he's been doing, then brilliant. It's not as though TNA are difference makers in his gimmick. I tend to think of TNA as a separate entity to Matt and Jeff these days, Impact is just a vehicle for their own two-man mini fed. The other TNA talent outside the Hardy family don't contribute to the 'broken' storylines whatsoever. Who gives a fuck about Decay, they're just fodder.

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10 minutes. I'm not even convinced Hardys need the money so they may aswell prat around in TNA rather than end up on Superstars and leave after a year a la The Dudleys. I don't think there's anyway Matt can have a WWE style match every week anyway.


As much as I love it, it's arguable whether TNA and Matt can make the gimmick last another 6 months, and that's with complete creative control.

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I'd give it a week.


Look at Bray fucking Wyatt, they simply can't maintain a gimmick and let someone live it, they have Bray singing and dancing and on USA commercials acting like a goof, I now look at him like a nice cuddly chubby bloke. It makes a huge difference, Matt just won't break will he, podcasts, appearances, indies, he don't give a shit, to the point where it makes me question whether he has actually lost the plot.

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You cant just have Matt and Jeff Hardy turn up on Raw as the Broken Brothers. Anyone outside of people who read twitter on a Thursday wouldnt know what the fuck was going on. "Why the fuck is Matt Hardy dressed as Steven Toast?" Its not like they're the Headbangers. They're one of the biggest tag teams they've ever had, and Jeff was a major star for them.


Maybe they dont even want Matt onscreen. The guys built a rep this last few months of booking all his own shit. Maybe they want him on the creative team. Foley's fat son is on there, wouldnt stun me if they bring Matt in.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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If they were bringing him in for the 'Broken' character it just wouldn't work as well would it? As Ambulance said above, WWE tend to ruin anything with potential pretty quickly these days, so I'm of the same opinion, give it a month or so in the WWE and it'll be a standard Hardy Boyz reunion if Jeff ends up going with him. I'm surprised Matt/TNA have managed to keep the story line going and relevant for this long, but it's kept me interested and hooked all the way (and lead to me watching Impact week to week again for the first time in years), which the same can't be said for WWE story lines nowadays.

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What about the part time deal? Would that apply? I'm a bit fuzzy on who gets tested, what strikes count etc. after the Brock/UFC thing. I doubt there's anyway Jeff Hardy would come back and work a house show schedule. Would those strikes count if they brought him in for WrestleMania season and possibly SummerSlam?

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Jeff Hardy's still on two wellness policy strikes, so unless he's willing to do the rehab to get the second one wiped out, WWE couldn't risk pushing him to any extent as one more fail and he'd have to be fired for a year.

So is Orton though, isn't he? Ian raised an interesting question- if he comes in on a part-time schedule he'd probably avoid testing. Tell you what though, that'd give him some unreal heat from some of the boys, given the fact Hardy will likely still piss about with drugs and get away with it.

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