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Richie Freebird

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Kendrick works for them doesnt he? He's training Eva Marie.

I thought she had sought him out of her own accord and he was training her independently. Only reason for not having Kendrick around is that he is probably happy getting stoned with the occasional gig

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Can't see why Kendrick wouldn't be welcome. London is a big giant child whose taken every opportunity of the last 10 years to slag off Triple H so not only is that bridge burned but London himself has probably driven far, far away from it. 

I really dislike Kendrick. Never seen much from him at all. And his attitude stinks. WWE let in be known they were hardening on those smoking weed, Kendrick was given a chance, failed and lost his job over it (in 2009). Never liked him since then

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Can't see why Kendrick wouldn't be welcome. London is a big giant child whose taken every opportunity of the last 10 years to slag off Triple H so not only is that bridge burned but London himself has probably driven far, far away from it. 

I really dislike Kendrick. Never seen much from him at all. And his attitude stinks. WWE let in be known they were hardening on those smoking weed, Kendrick was given a chance, failed and lost his job over it (in 2009). Never liked him since then



Well he loves smoking weed and he was hardly booked on shows anyway. Why quit doing something you love for no reward? He's not a mark like Zack Ryder who will just take all the shit thrown at him and is miserable and deluded enough to think he still has a chance on the main roster. Kendrick was miserable and wanted to get fired.

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Can't see why Kendrick wouldn't be welcome. London is a big giant child whose taken every opportunity of the last 10 years to slag off Triple H so not only is that bridge burned but London himself has probably driven far, far away from it. 

I really dislike Kendrick. Never seen much from him at all. And his attitude stinks. WWE let in be known they were hardening on those smoking weed, Kendrick was given a chance, failed and lost his job over it (in 2009). Never liked him since then



Well he loves smoking weed and he was hardly booked on shows anyway. Why quit doing something you love for no reward? He's not a mark like Zack Ryder who will just take all the shit thrown at him and is miserable and deluded enough to think he still has a chance on the main roster. Kendrick was miserable and wanted to get fired.



I thought he was being pushed as the next HBK with Ezekiel Jackson as his Diesel? I remember he even got a sniff of the main event with that Six-Pack scramble or whatever it was - even got to be "interim champion" during the match.


From what I gathered, it was his stupid attitude towards giving up the bud that got him de-pushed and then canned. Given how many people would give their right arm to have been in the position he was put in, he's a fucking idiot for not just putting the doob aside a bit to give himself some time to get a bit more play in the main event. He could always have got back to it later.

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From what I remember they split him and Zeke up, with Kendrick off to Raw and Zeke to Smackdown presumably for a singles push. Kendrick got a few matches on Raw and then they just forgot about him. 

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it's a shame London's so bitter. browsed his tweets the other day and someone was asking him about if he'd return to WWE in any capacity, he said it would only be for the wrong reasons ($$$$) ..... i just thought $$$ is the wrong reason since When? not like it would be the sole motivator either, he can help up and comers, get New Day over with a tag-title record reign programme, then fuck off back to PCW and the likes with a re-raised profile

in fairness to him he did crop up in a bad era for a guy like him and seemed to have a miserable time, with hazing and politics. if he came about a decade later he'd have likely had a fairer shot, but the complete refusal to let pissy ten year old bygones be bygones is very disappointing

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Roderick Strong and Moose leaving ROH it seems. NXT bound? Quite hard to imagine how successful they will be if so.

Strong is bad on the mic, no two ways about it, but ace in the ring, never usually that hyped to see him but has more than good matches with just about everyone, but whether that'd translate on WWE remains to be seen.

Moose, most of his matches are him doing Moose chants and his great dropkick, but he seems to have the basics under control and is good for a no DQ match and that's a feat having been in the business just 2-4 years from American football. Japan liked him. I think he could do really well for himself in WWE, he aint small, is a great athlete and most importantly, he has the presence to not mind ragdolling a Ziggler type about a bit and looking cool in the process

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I think moose has the potential to be great in NXT/WWE.


Not sure how Strong would do, mainly due to his mic skills. I love watching him wrestle but he doesn't seem like the type of wrestler that WWE are looking for. I hope I'm wrong though and he thrives there.

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