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Minor news items that don't deserve a thread

Richie Freebird

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Just spotted one of Tyler the Creator's lads wearing a DX hockey jersey in the background of the video for What the Fuck Right Now. It's visible for much of the video.



The best rapper x wrestling shirt deal is Skepta wearing an old Undertaker shirt in the That's Not Me remix video.


Another one for the rappers-in-Attitude-era merch files. Bishop Nehru spotted in a Goldberg hoody in his new video for 'It's Whateva'.


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It sounds like he had a really shit life, but still.


The most shocking thing is that, at the time he was commissioner for UCW when I was wrestling there, he was only 35. I thought he was much older! He once asked us - a heel tag-team - to carry a new drink his brother-in-law was developing to the ring. We tried to explain that heels don't do that stuff but he was adamant. We "forgot" them. The drink turned out to be Pomegreat, and became quite a big thing. Still, heels. He also once put a photocopied picture of his face on every seat before a show, so that the crowd could hold them up when he came out. They didn't.

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so previous suspensions are not written off if a superstar is fired and then re hired? (Konnor)


Does a WWE Talent who leaves WWE with a strike or strikes retain those infractions if they return to WWE?

Any WWE talent who leaves the WWE for any reason with a first or second violation on his/her record will maintain those strikes if he/she returns to the WWE.


Is a WWE Talent who is terminated for a third strike able to return to the WWE?

A WWE Talent who is terminated by the WWE for a third violation will be prohibited from returning to the WWE for at least one year. Before a possible return, the WWE Talent must test negative for all prohibited substances under the Policy during a pre-contract screening. If they pass the pre-contract screening and are approved to return, the WWE Talent must undergo mandatory unannounced testing for at least one year after the execution of the new contract. The WWE Talent will return with two strikes on his/her record.




For the record, not that it matters, but Konnor wasn't fired, he quit.

Edited by The Dart
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