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Minor news items that don't deserve a thread

Richie Freebird

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Observer reports the plan is for Brock Lesnar to lose to Taker at Summerslam. I surely can't be the only person that think that's the most pointless and counterproductive option.


Ha! It's like they've pressed the resent button on the past 18 months.


-Build up moster star by having him beat the streak, the single biggest achievement in wrestling today

-Send monster star on continued path of destruction

-Carefully book him to lose title so that he retains his heat and is still the man to beat

-Strap a rocket onto an up-and-comer by having him beat monster star...nah actually fuck that lets just have him lose to Taker, full cirlcle innit, for the lolz bare jokes

Edited by PunkStep
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It was brought up yesterday by someone on twitter that the Undertaker has never beaten Lesnar ever. Every time they've wrestled, Taker has lost or went to a no contest. I would never have guested that. I thought Undertaker would have at least got one win. They feuded a few times in 2002 and 2003.


Probably wont happen, but the best idea I've heard someone come up with is for Lesnar to beat Taker again and for Taker to put his career on the line in the 3rd match of the series at WrestleMania. Where Taker could even lose again if he's jacking it in. If you truly want to make someone a proper unstoppable force, having a streak of 3 wins on the trot against the Undertaker (2-0 against him at Mania) would be huge. Lesnar vs Taker with the Undertaker's career vs redemption for the lose at 2 years ago is the best thing you could do with him.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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-Strap a rocket onto an up-and-comer by having him beat monster star...nah actually fuck that lets just have him lose to Taker, full cirlcle innit, for the lolz

They tried the strap a rocket plan, tears were shed, so they fucked it off. WrestleMania was the chance to make someone off Brock's big run. Who else could he feasibly face in the SummerSlam main event anyway? If the Undertaker says he's match fit, you book the Undertaker.


Although it seems a bit presumptuous to book him on house shows after the SummerSlam match. Besides the Wyatt match, how long has it been since Taker wrestled a match and didn't get injured in it? Brock is as far from softly-softly as you can get, too.

Edited by King Pitcos
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Observer reports the plan is for Brock Lesnar to lose to Taker at Summerslam. I surely can't be the only person that think that's the most pointless and counterproductive option.


If that happens then it's the final nail in the "WWE isn't for me anymore" coffin. Hate to sound so dramatic, but I'll be done with the company for a long while if this happens. 

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If that's all it'll take then I think WWE isn't for you right now.


They've been doing it for a long time, but over the last 12 months in particular, WWE have told me repeatedly that if I engage my brain when watching their product, my intelligence is going to be insulted. No continuity, no logic, no semblance of a long term vision other than which pensioners are we going to bring back for Mania. No company, of any kind, insults their audience quite like the WWE. And I'm not just talking wrestling companies. ANY company. 


This is a company with an incredible roster and no fucking clue how to utilize it. I've said the same thing after every PPV this year - "Good to great wrestling, abysmal booking". Every single one. And the booking is so bad it's become very hard to just sit back and enjoy the wrestling. It's almost impossible when you have Bray Wyatt interrupting matches for no reason, the stupid ass Money in the Bank holder ruining the best match of the year, and now old ass fucking Undertaker, whose been shit for 90% of his career anyway, returning to "get his win back" over the hottest commodity on the roster. And this is just one complaint of many.


The wrestling is mostly very good, but it's not good enough to override some of the shittiest booking ever seen outside of a Vince Russo penned product. And there's so many modern alternatives and easy access to historical footage that WWE just isn't worth my time anymore. I'll happily put my £9.99 towards NJPW World or NWA Classics instead. 

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We should wait to see what happens post-Summer Slam before losing our shit. Lesnar is probably pissing off until the Rumble/Mania stretch and maybe 'Taker is sticking about. While I'd rather see Lesnar win always, Taker getting his win back after getting thrown about isn't the worst thing. You can definitely see Kane playing a part in this feud, maybe even the finish (a decent time for Kane to turn up in his mask too).


Be a bit gutted if Cena doesn't win. Rollins is rubbish.

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It was brought up yesterday by someone on twitter that the Undertaker has never beaten Lesnar ever. Every time they've wrestled, Taker has lost or went to a no contest. I would never have guested that. I thought Undertaker would have at least got one win. They feuded a few times in 2002 and 2003.


He's never beaten him one on one but he at least pinned him once on telly, in a triangle match vs The Big Show on SmackDown in August (I think) 2003 when the winner got to fight Kurt Angle for the belt on a subsequent episode, which I'm pretty sure went to a no-contest. Angle obviously lost the belt back to Lesnar in that Iron Man match not long after, leading to the second annual Taker/Lesnar title program.

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And there's so many modern alternatives and easy access to historical footage that WWE just isn't worth my time anymore.



Time will tell.

I don't watch TNA and can take or leave Lucha Underground, if those are the promotions you're alluding to. WWE might be aggressively pursuing ROH, but they're not going anywhere. Neither is Japan, or Mexico, and the UK scene has a few guaranteed strong years ahead.


And the old stuff will always be there. If wrestling ended today there's enough footage out there to keep me occupied for life.

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