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Minor news items that don't deserve a thread

Richie Freebird

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Yep, Briscoes were all but signed up last year before the unfortunate tweets. Having to wait another year was presumably their punishment. You wouldn't have ever thought them to be WWE material even 5 years ago, but since then they've massively modified in terms of style, pacing and character, and these days they would have a lot to offer.

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Don’t know where to put this…


I don’t think Sting will be cutting any live promos for a while if this video’s anything to go by: https://www.facebook.com/wwe/posts/10152795913481443


Unless of course they stick a voice modulator on the microphone, but that’s some serious tampering they’ve done.

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Don't expect a live promo, sadly. Meltzer was saying after Raw that WWE still think it's the 90s with Sting and he isn't a reliable live promo.


Does Vince listen to the crap his writers come up with for promos?


Down right insulting to a guy like Sting, he should tell them to stick it after Mania.

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Because Hulk Hogan always saves his mistakes because he's a good public speaker. He's got a good rap, and a million attention seeking things he does when cutting his promos, thus he doesn't kill it segment by being all "ah, fucking hell" like Nash did that time with Punk. Which means when he fucks up the 800 word speech they give him to say, he can always get it back on track because he's so over with the fanbase and he has a lot of rope. Sting on the other hand, they dont think he's up to the job because all he has on his CV is two companies Vince McMahon doesn't respect. This was always going to happen when Sting showed up. He's WCW's golden boy and they still have a hard on for that time period. If they'd just run with Sting and HHH cutting promos every week instead of the bald crow version of Sting, it'd be way, way more interesting. Sting's a really good talker these days.


Shame it wasn't Undertaker vs Sting this year. You'd have two blokes not showing up and not talking everyweek. They'd probably have to dig up Paul Bearer to cut promos with Lex Luger on his walking stick. Or some Smith and Jones like sketch where the urn is chatting to Sting's bird.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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He just doesn't look like 97 Sting to me. Even in 1998 Sting was back talking again. The balding t-shirt wearer wouldnt look as bad as he does if he could talk a bit. It just doesnt do him any favours when he is playing his old character when he pretty much looks nothing like it. He doesn't even have his old outfit. He's just TNA Sting on mute.

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They sort of ruined the mute thing with that rubbish video on Raw. Still trying to figure out why they thought Sting's first WWE promo (and first time he's said anything in months) would be better with a Barry White voice. I suppose to add mystique and that, but it was a goal kick of an idea.

Edited by ColinBollocks
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Lisa Marie Veron's husband seems to be the latest hero.



She probably doesn't think so. Their restaurant is closing because he's been having an affair with one of the waitresses.

It might catch on fire before that.

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