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Richie Freebird

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Speaking of ITV, Klondyke Kate got a mention on The Chase yesterday. Not sure if it was a repeat or not. The question was along the lines of "in what sport does Klondyke Kate compete?, and the contestant got it correct.

The wrestling butler David DeVille is appearing on either The Cube or The Chase, can't remember which one now, saw it on Facebook yesterday. They're both game shows, right?

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Think it's been mentioned before but yeah, Richard seems to have a bit of a wrestling knowledge, or at least does his research. It's popped up as a subject on a few occasions.

Its Richard, he's mentioned wrestling a few times on Fighting Talk as well, even Worlds Strongest Man got a mention last week from him

Edited by Sheffbag
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Sin Cara has been released from the WWE. He claimed that there was a space for him to return but that he wanted to be free to do his own thing. By the sounds of it there's a strong chance of him appearing all over the place. The most interesting thing in thecubsfan recap of Sin Caras interview was that Cara claimed to have both the rights to the name and the look. Cmll supposedly had rights to the name in Mexico so God knows.

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There is a Sin-Cara-Gym promotion in Mexico, buts as much as I know with regards to them owning anything (maybe someone more clued up on Lucha can help me out)

As far as I can tell, Luis Ignascio Urive Alvirde is due to wrestle again in Mexico at the start of February for Sin-Cara-Gym, but he won't be coming back as Mistico as CMLL already have someone else doing the gimmick. He could end up in AAA until a completely different name.


Either way, he's gone. And its probably best for WWE and for himself. The whole thing was a monumental failure

Edited by KingOfMetal
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There is a Sin-Cara-Gym promotion in Mexico, buts as much as I know with regards to them owning anything (maybe someone more clued up on Lucha can help me out)

As far as I can tell, Luis Ignascio Urive Alvirde is due to wrestle again in Mexico at the start of February for Sin-Cara-Gym, but he won't be coming back as Mistico as CMLL already have someone else doing the gimmick. He could end up in AAA until a completely different name

I don't know much about Lucha (other than Ian and Konnan don't care for each other), but what about them doing a Fake Mistico v Real Mistico storyline? Assuming they still want to do business with a bloke that is supposedly a massive knob, of course.


You would think that done well that could be a big money maker for them, seeing as it's a super popular gimmick.

Edited by ColinBollocks
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You'd figure the potential to make big money would encourage them to do that but they tend to hold grudges. Plus they still have a big mask match in the kitty for a rainy day. It could happen but Sin Cara being a hippy like LA Park seems more likely.

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Really good 30 min interview with CM Punk done yesterday in his home by Ariel Helwani, obviously some UFC talk but mostly wrestling based interview.




Interesting about him being out of contract in 6 months and texting Vince at 4am saying he wants to induct Ultimate Warrior.

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He shouldn't be wrestling at the moment anyway. Apart from maybe four or five of his twenty-eight Shield matches on TV, he hasn't done anything of note since SummerSlam. He looks knackered and half-arsed, and it's not like he's being used in a way that really adds to the show. I dread the thought of him hanging around for another six months in the state he's in.

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He really is looking dreadful and working half-arsed, isn't he? Every match he seems to just go through the motions without any conviction whatsoever. His shit hair and stupid mutton chops really don't help. He should get a short mohawk or something.

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