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Richie Freebird

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Couldnt have picked a better time. Sheamus has been dead for so long and there really isn't anything on the horizon for him. Back for WrestleMania as well, so you could make a big deal out of his return. A World Heavyweight title match against a heel Orton is what I'm predicting. Good chance of him being back for the Royal Rumble.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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Sheamus does take some pretty nasty bumps for a bigger guy. I'm surprised it's taken this long for him to pick up a big injury.


Pencil him in for a grand Rumble return.

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Won't miss him, but I'll be glad to see him back after a break. I like Sheamus but his character has become incredibly stale over the past year. Not that he's alone in that respect. He guarantees a good match, but I've seen him wrestle everybody a thousand times now. Hopefully they put a little creative effort into his comeback.

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I was just starting to warm to him weirdly enough. Them bloody 1-800 Fella ads made me appreciate him for the goofy sociopath he is. When Sandow was getting his head kicked in for beating him at a game of chess I'll just laughed, "he's just being Sheamus." Bless him. He's probably the best bloke on the roster at making the midcard heels look credible in the ring too. I'll miss him.

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A break is the best thing for him at the moment I think, depending on what he does when he comes back.


Totally agree, he hasnt stood out since hos Big Show fued sum 7/8 months ago, if he come back as big bastard heel Sheamus to start a fued against a face Bryan or Ziggler i would be happy

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That stint in rehab and prison hasn't done much for Tammy Sytch it seems.

There's been a lot of rumors about Tammy Sytch since the Mid-Atlantic Legends Fanfest? I know Mike Johnson was there, so what exactly went down with her that led to Tom Prichard and Tully Blanchard cutting promos on her in front of fans?


There were a few incidents over the course of the weekend, although I don't think anyone outside of the immediate area truly knew about them.


Sytch came to the Fanfest with her latest boyfriend/indy wrestler, who I won't name because I don't believe he was the cause of any of this. As some exposition, her boyfriend came down to the weekend training seminar with Tully, Prichard and several other trainers. During the Hall of Heroes banquet on Friday, Sytch got him some unwanted attention as she "broke from the script" and gave him a long introduction and asked him to stand - only the introduction was longer than some of the legends that were in attendance received. At least two of them intimated to me that by doing so, she probably kept him out of the running for the Reid Flair Scholarship, as the second she put him over so big, it would have made it look like the entire thing was a work if he had won it.


Over the course of the weekend, her boyfriend was in the ring with another, female trainee and he tossed her to the outside. She ended up getting busted open hardway. Later on, during one of the live events, Sytch tried to talk to the female trainee, the other female didn't want to hear what Sytch was saying and instead wanted to watch the show. Sytch was offended that the female didn't want to listen to her and was offended a rookie would do such a thing to a veteran. This was all going on behind the hard camera and next to the announcers. Prichard finally left his position announcing, during the broadcast, and told Sytch to knock it off and let it go. He demanded she go stand somewhere else.


After a few minutes, Sytch returned to where the trainee was standing and started again, which led to Tully Blanchard coming from across the room to browbeat Sytch in a way that well, would have made some men wince, before Sytch finally stopped.


There may have been other instances, but those were the only ones that I was witness to in Charlotte.

What a divy.

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Sytch was offended that the female didn't want to listen to her and was offended a rookie would do such a thing to a veteran.


Why would a young female wrestler want to listen to Tammy Sytch's advice anyway, other than to do the opposite of everything she tells you?

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Sytch was offended that the female didn't want to listen to her and was offended a rookie would do such a thing to a veteran.


Why would a young female wrestler want to listen to Tammy Sytch's advice anyway, other than to do the opposite of everything she tells you?

Because he has a Hall of Fame ring (that she sold). That means something (in her world).

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Meltzer's saying Hogan's deal with the new WWE game is a deal with WWE as opposed to a deal with the games company like he did a few years. That's interesting. Also interesting that a bloke who TNA is paying $35,000 a week can sign major licensing deal with company in the same market as them. What sort of stupid deal did they sign Hogan to? Also says a lot about WWE's opinion of TNA that they dont give a fuck if their featured performer is all over their new game.


Come home Hulk. You dont need it, son. His deal is done in October, so they should get him back to promote that thing I reckon.

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Them bloody 1-800 Fella ads made me appreciate him for the goofy sociopath he is.


Im a fan of Sheamus but those adverts were just plain awful and a terrible gimmick/catchphrase (whatever it is).

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