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Minor news items that don't deserve a thread

Richie Freebird

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Brian Kendrick put on a tournament, Brian Kendrick's King of Flight, last weekend.


Round 1:

Paul London vs Samuray Del Sol

Nick Jackson vs AR Fox

Matt Jackson vs Rich Swann

Amazing Red vs Ricochet


Here's a trailerL


I wouldn't expect catch-as-catch-can.

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Sounds like Mascarita Dorada signed with the WWE at some point and it's only now just coming to light.


God knows what they'll do with him. Amazing little dude though, i'm sure they'll manage something fun.


Since reading this on the luchablog I've been hoping, rather selfishly to be honest, that there's been a mistake. I love Dorada, and I barely watch WWE, so him signing makes me sad. In theory he should be amazing for a family friendly show, but there's too many other factors to consider, such as whether he speaks English well, whether he adapts, whether the 'E take him as a comedy midget (which I'm not so sure he'll be good at) or let him show his stuff (I realise entirely the kind of fan I shound like there). Dorada strikes me as one of those guy's who is incredibly entertaining where they are but might not be up to scratch to what the 'E wants and expects.

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