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Minor news items that don't deserve a thread

Richie Freebird

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Did anyone hear Court Bauer's story about Vince this week on the MLW podcast. It was from a while ago in a production meeting where Arn is going through a really intricate finish, and Vince is sat behind him, bored, motioning that he's pulled out a sword from his belt and is stabbing himself. The way Court told it was brilliant.

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Hell in a Cell drew 200,000 domestic buys. Up 18,000 compared to last years outing. People were obviously into Ryback.




Four of the last five PPVs have done better numbers than last year's efforts though so it's not a huge spike despite being a pretty good number. The previous event, Night Of Champions did 189,000 this year compared to 169,000 last time, so an improvement of 20,000. Ryback wasn't even on that show.



I can only assume that the extra 20,000 for HIAC were fans who ordered because Cena wasn't in a match ;)

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