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Richie Freebird

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3 hours ago, wandshogun09 said:

Did anything more come of those accusations against Foley a while back? Can't remember the woman's name but she accused Foley (and others, Heyman?) of raping her at shows when she was underage. Sounded well grim if it was true. 

Foley hasnt been back in WWE since. Didnt even invite him to the Hall of Fame. It was all weird, because she has his Cactus Jack tights from the Eddie Gilbert show that she says she shagged her. And Foley doesnt part with his own farts unless you pay him.

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Would be particularly scummy on Foley's part if it is true, seeing as how he spent a good chunk one of his less entertaining books blathering on about working for some sexual assault advocacy group. 

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16 hours ago, SpursRiot2012 said:

In fact, I might write a series of articles based on the many alleged incidents of harrassment, both sexual and otherwise, in the WWF/E, historically, against women and have just shot an email over to their media relations team asking for a comment on the Randy Orton story from Court Bauer's podcast. I'm not expecting much if anything back but we shall see.

I don't think that's an indication of his guilt though. They probably only reply to journalists.

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14 minutes ago, Little Johnny said:

I don't think that's an indication of his guilt though. They probably only reply to journalists.


Edit: well, I'm assuming it's a burn as I do hold a fully recognised UK press card. I doubt they'll reply to me more because I don't work for any outlet they'll have ever heard of.

Also, it's not an indication of his guilt, no. But if he was indeed whipping his dick out in front of new writers, rubbing it and then demanding they shake his hand lest he run to Stephanie or whoever (with the implied threat to the writers job), that's unacceptable behaviour in the workplace at best and serious sexual harrassment at worst.

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16 hours ago, SpursRiot2012 said:

8Imagine a #MeToo movement based around how women have been treated in the WWE in the past. Not just sexual stuff, but all the weird shit like somebody (was it Shawn?) shitting in Sable's bag (I think that's the story, I forget the details now, but you get the point.)

There is so much shit in wrestling's past especially that would bring down any over company. You can't tell me Vince wasn't doing some questionable shit with women back during the 80s boom period. I wouldn't believe you. For whatever reason, as much as pro-wrestling has moved into the light in terms of acknowledging it's all a work and the death of kayfabe, the boys all still seem to protect the boys (and the promoters even, given that much of the reason Vince  didn't get nailed by the feds on the steroids thing was because a bunch  of guys refused to talk about  inside stuff) And it's a wonder to me that half the guys working in the 80s and 90s haven't found themselves at the wrong end of a Twitter expose.

In fact, I might write a series of articles based on the many alleged incidents of harrassment, both sexual and otherwise, in the WWF/E, historically, against women and have just shot an email over to their media relations team asking for a comment on the Randy Orton story from Court Bauer's podcast. I'm not expecting much if anything back but we shall see.

X-Pac did the shitting. He's openly talked about it.

I'd be interested in those articles. Wrestling has to be one of the only industries where stuff like this just gets ignored. Look at Marty Jannetty's "hilarious" story about the time the WWF crew drugged a woman, sexually assaulted her and shaved her head. Imagine it was a prominent football player who'd told that story and expected people to laugh? 

4 hours ago, LaGoosh said:

Wasn't she a renowned mental case? I don't think it was ever taken seriously. 

Which isn't really a good thing. She's clearly got mental issues and is blatantly lying about some of the specifics - She clearly wasn't underage when she was in ECW, for example, but it doesn't mean that there was no truth to the allegations at all. She might not have been underage but I don't doubt she was treated horrifically.

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11 minutes ago, unfitfinlay said:

Which isn't really a good thing. She's clearly got mental issues and is blatantly lying about some of the specifics - She clearly wasn't underage when she was in ECW, for example, but it doesn't mean that there was no truth to the allegations at all. She might not have been underage but I don't doubt she was treated horrifically.

Nope. It makes it even worse if she was not only under-age, but under-age and especially vulnerable.

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1 hour ago, unfitfinlay said:

She might not have been underage but I don't doubt she was treated horrifically.

Her timeline absolutely fits, though. She seems to be lumping "ECW" in with the early 90s Joel Goodhart shows. She does as far as saying her and Heyman lived together when she was 14/15. She put up photos of her with the people she claimed molested her, and the dates weirdly make sense. She told a story of Beefcake backstage at SummerSlam 90 with his face all fucked up and it was so detailed I cant help but think its true. She can be seen in the front row of the Great American Bash 89 match between Heyman and Cornette as well when she was 14. So she's been around longer than the ECW days.

Another thing with Foley is, that rape charity quietly dropped him didnt they? Foley made some odd excuse that "I'm no longer affiliated because of my head injuries I cant stay on the computer long enough to contribute." Mental.

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I don't know enough about the whole thing to comment on it, but a common tactic used to discredit an accuser is to pick out a flaw in an account, no matter how small, and use it to discredit the whole testimony by making out they're untrustworthy.

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I really think I'm going to make a go of, firstly, cataloguing alleged incidents that certainly have a ring of truth to them before then deep diving into each incident, seeing who'd be willing to speak with me (alleged victims, witnesses) and see where it goes.

Jannetty certainly has a lot to answer for. He has essentially admitted date raping women during his Rockers run, so he's on my list, so to speak.

I also think the WWE specifically has a lot to answer for. They're at the forefront of the "women's revolution" yet no other company has been as guilty of turning a blind eye to the mistreatment of their female performers, on such a large stage, as that company. And that's before you even think about the days of the "wrestling rats" that the boys used to use and discard, town to town, to while away the hours before traveling to the next spot. I'm going to get in touch with one of my journalism lecturers from uni (he's been a journalist for 30 years and was *the* journalist for the ANC during apartheid in South Africa) because, frankly, I'm not experienced enough to navigate especially the legal side of things by myself and can imagine that, if the WWE felt threatened with anything I'm able to put together, I'd have McDivitt on my arse pretty quickly.

If anybody with a deeper knowledge of a lot of the incidents we've heard about would like to collaborate on this, drop me a PM

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The only reason the WWE's not been totally fucked over by the #metoo movement is the mainstream media don't give a shit about wrestling and assume it's full of vile, carny shit.

If The Rock ever stood for political office though they'd send out their research team and the shit would really hit the fan.

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11 hours ago, Loki said:

The only reason the WWE's not been totally fucked over by the #metoo movement is the mainstream media don't give a shit about wrestling and assume it's full of vile, carny shit.

If The Rock ever stood for political office though they'd send out their research team and the shit would really hit the fan.

Kane’s just gotten into office and he’s kidnapped people, attached a car battery to the CEO’s son’s testicles, attacked women, set people on fire…

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19 hours ago, IANdrewDiceClay said:

Her timeline absolutely fits, though. She seems to be lumping "ECW" in with the early 90s Joel Goodhart shows. She does as far as saying her and Heyman lived together when she was 14/15. She put up photos of her with the people she claimed molested her, and the dates weirdly make sense. She told a story of Beefcake backstage at SummerSlam 90 with his face all fucked up and it was so detailed I cant help but think its true. She can be seen in the front row of the Great American Bash 89 match between Heyman and Cornette as well when she was 14. So she's been around longer than the ECW days.

Another thing with Foley is, that rape charity quietly dropped him didnt they? Foley made some odd excuse that "I'm no longer affiliated because of my head injuries I cant stay on the computer long enough to contribute." Mental.

I never thought about that. That would make a lot of sense. I'm not convinced that she isn't older than she claims to be though. She certainly looks older than 43, but again, even if she is, it doesn't mean that the core of her allegations aren't true. It's the same with the way that she tried to market it, and kind of use it to try and get herself over. It looked odd, and kind of creepy, but it doesn't necessarily mean she's lying about what happened.

Has anyone in the business actually talked about the allegations? Everybody was quite happy to talk about Enzo but it doesn't seem like anyone has said a word about this. It's in no way evidence of his guilt but it's surprising that Foley, in particular, hasn't responded or got the lawyers involved. He's tweeted folk from here before to tell them how upset he was that they slagged him off, but he's saying nothing about getting called a nonce? It might be a "if we ignore her then she'll go away" thing, I suppose, and to be fair, it does seem to have worked.

18 hours ago, SpursRiot2012 said:

I'm going to get in touch with one of my journalism lecturers from uni (he's been a journalist for 30 years and was *the* journalist for the ANC during apartheid in South Africa) because, frankly, I'm not experienced enough to navigate especially the legal side of things by myself and can imagine that, if the WWE felt threatened with anything I'm able to put together, I'd have McDivitt on my arse pretty quickly.

Oh, definitely be careful in that regard. From what I've seen their tactic in lawsuits is to just drag things out until the other side runs out of money. You don't want to end up having to spend thousands to fly to Connecticut every month to fight whatever motions they decide to throw at you.

12 hours ago, Loki said:

The only reason the WWE's not been totally fucked over by the #metoo movement is the mainstream media don't give a shit about wrestling and assume it's full of vile, carny shit.

If The Rock ever stood for political office though they'd send out their research team and the shit would really hit the fan.

I'm surprised nothing really bad ever came out during Linda's political campaigns. I know the Democrats are a bit shit at that stuff but you'd think the Snuka story alone would've been raised.

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@unfitfinlay Shelly Martinez did an interview with her. Shelly then said she texted Mick about the allegations and he blocked her from twitter and told her not to contact him again.

Shelly totally outed Cornette's pal Kenny Bolin, though. Saying it was just accepted by everyone in WWE and at OVW that he had an underage girlfriend and how he'd brag "get them while they're young, because they dont know any better." It's that pro wrestling thing of let people do whatever they like until they get caught.

Look at Hogan. Vince spent every day of his life with him both as pals and as his top guy. If anyone knew what a scumbag Hogan was, its Vince. So the idea he was surprised at the racist slurs is ridiculous if you think about it.

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1 hour ago, unfitfinlay said:

It's in no way evidence of his guilt but it's surprising that Foley, in particular, hasn't responded or got the lawyers involved. He's tweeted folk from here before to tell them how upset he was that they slagged him off, but he's saying nothing about getting called a nonce? 

Because it's Foley, it could be a case of tweeting someone is free but as Punk and Cabana will tell you, getting the lawyers involved costs a decent wedge of bunce.

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