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Richie Freebird

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1996 Olympic Games Wrestling event must be cursed or something. Guy that won the Greco-Roman Light-Heavyweight Gold medal, a Ukrainian guy, fights off 7 cops and gets himself arrested..



Edited by bAzTNM#1
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Ryback has officially lost all credibility. He's been booked to look like a right turkey by having him lose back to back matches with Kalisto not to mention how they don't even use him on the actual PPVs.  Wouldn't be surprised if they let him out of his contract soon.

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Ryback is such a waste. He has everything they look for in a main eventer, face of the company type. He's charismatic, doesn't suck in the ring and has a look that screams big-time pro wrestler.


He's made the best out of shit material with his surprisingly entertaining bully run. Got back over as a face in time for that Survivor Series run but since then they've done nothing with him. I wish I lived in a world where Ryback was exactly where Roman is. That's not a dig on Roman either, I just wish WWE would see that Ryback is exactly what they're looking for.

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