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Richie Freebird

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The best rapper x wrestling shirt deal is Skepta wearing an old Undertaker shirt in the That's Not Me remix video.


Yeah nothing's beating that, was proper 97 Deadman era too. I might tweet him to ask whether he kept it from back in the day or got it off eBay or something.

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Goldberg sent out a tweet straight after Mania saying "there was never any plans for me to be at WrestleMania and I didn't bother mentioning it incase I spoiled the show for you, but thanks for giving a shit"  Some people were really convinced that Goldberg or Angle were going to show up.

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Yeah the Goldberg rumours seem to come up more or less every year and I don't really understand why as he strikes me as the type of guy who is totally done with wrestling and wouldn't come back unless they threw him tens of millions.


I mean, would anyone even give a shit after the initial pop?

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He said he wanted to wrestle one more match for his son, a few years ago. Seems that's probably why. Although you're right, Goldberg knows what he's worth and WWE don't want to pay him the money he's after.


I remember they were trying to get him to wrestle Ryback or something a coupon years back after his DVD did shockingly big numbers.

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Goldberg likely vastly overestimates his worth. The only thing anyone wants to see is him demolishing someone, and nobody of note is going to be the victim there, so there's no dream match happening. And there's no gain in paying him millions to squash the Wyatts or Social Outcasts when you can get a massive film star to do it and achieve more press.


The mystical audience who disappeared when WCW folded never came to WWE when Goldberg was there before, did they? They'll not get their PayPal out to watch him beat Ryback or Baron Corbin as a one off, either.

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The old WCW audience just stopped watching altogether after they folded. My theory is that they were southern and saw WCW as theirs and WWF as evil yankees. Much like the people of Georgia going mad when they brought in New Coke, seeing it as damn yankee shit.

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Would they have softened their stance now, do you think? And if not, who is Goldberg for?


Edit: It was probably old people, like the ones who make up most of Raw's audience. They might be dead by now.

Edited by King Pitcos
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Was there much of a following for wcw compared to WWF back during the wars? Never really remember anyone following it when we were at school in the late 90s/early 2000s.

Yeah, WCW got bigger ratings than the WWF at times. As pointed out on recent SCG podcast, Nitro wasn't on a subscription channel like Raw but there was plenty of interest.

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Was there much of a following for wcw compared to WWF back during the wars? Never really remember anyone following it when we were at school in the late 90s/early 2000s.

Yeah, WCW got bigger ratings than the WWF at times. As pointed out on recent SCG podcast, Nitro wasn't on a subscription channel like Raw but there was plenty of interest.

Even without the Sky subscriptions the old analogue box used to pick up Cartoon Network/TNT as a freebie channel. Along with DSF for the classic old PPV's and shows.

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