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Minor news items that don't deserve a thread

Richie Freebird

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It's a shame Sting's WWE run turned into the disaster Real Estate Steve was anxious about. It started out all nice with those great Triple H angles, but it soured the moment Vince hilariously spent nearly 20 minutes shouting at Cole and co to remind us all that he's still bitter about WCW beating him. Of course, then he goes and buggers his neck against Rollins. He should have just stayed away.

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I doubt The Rock would be announcing he will be at Mania this early and that he is getting into shape if he wasn't wrestling?


Tenner then?

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I doubt The Rock would be announcing he will be at Mania this early and that he is getting into shape if he wasn't wrestling? Even in previous years its either been a big surprise or announced nearer to the show, an appearance after this announcement makes no sense.


The Rock is always in that shape. It's if he starts getting smaller we think he will wrestle, as being jacked to the gills and struggling to stretch wrecked him last time.


Still member had an answer from anyone as to why they think sting vs Taker is something taut should happen. Bar 9 months 18 years ago of sting being taker Lite in wcw, I don't get it at all. And that was before his bang average wwe matches. His fault or not, he's been shit a long time including tna, where the good matches were vastly outnumbered by pedestrian plodding.

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I'm dying to see Lesnar vs Cessaro personally. Outside of Rock/Brock, that would be my pick. Obviously Cesaro would need to come back like a house on fire to be credible, but if the writers get their arse in gear it could work. The uppercuts, the big suplex from the apron, the big swing and the neutaliser would all be great near fall spots and would be a great visual.


Heyman being the mouth piece in the fued would keep it going. I know he managed Cessaro before, but all he talked about was how good Lesnar was, now he could actually do that and it wouldn't bury Cessaro.

Edited by PSF
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Lesnar v Sheamus has been announced for the WWE live event in Houston January 8th. No word on if this will be another one of those exclusive Network events or not

Not really a fan of Sheamus but blimey that could be a great match. Hope it's shown on the Network.

It won't be a real match though, will it? These never are. Brock will just hammer Sheamus and a couple of his mates.

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I can't get over how much they've fucked up the past 18 months. This WM they've got Cena, Lesnar, Triple H, Undertaker and The Rock to use in some form. With foresight, this could have been the Mania where Reigns, Ambrose, Wyatt, Rusev, Owens, Rollins, etc become made men.


Whether Reigns goes up against Cena or HHH, he should still come out of it strong but the fact that the others aren't anywhere near over enough to even consider matching them up with the real stars is such a fucking waste.


That I'd rather see The Rock fight HHH more than anyone fresh on the roster is ridiculous.

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That I'd rather see The Rock fight HHH more than anyone fresh on the roster is ridiculous.


You're not the only one. The novelty of seeing them fight each other again after over a decade would be phenomenal. It's the history that gives that match intrigue. In a hypothetical Rock at Mania match, the guys I want to see him in there with are guys he's seen before - Hunter, Lesnar. Guys that all got made to look massive by being able to go over the midcarders of their time. All todays guys are midcarders because of that fucking 50/50 Club booking. The current roster theoretically is an awesome midcard, but there isn't a main event scene to speak of outside of Reigns, part time Lesnar, winding down Cena, short-term Sheamus (who's going straight back down the card shortly) and injured Rollins / totally fucked Orton.


I had a sick feeling as the buzz started winding down from this year's Mania, that we might have seen the last one where I turned around and went "That was superb" for some time. They've just about still got the tools to put on a good one next year, but Mania 33 could very easily end up with a card that looks like an above-average episode of Raw.

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Even with 5 hours of TV to fill a week it's not hard to keep the top guys apart so that, for instance, Reigns only meets Rollins once a year. But they don't see it as necessary or desirable for some reason.

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