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Minor news items that don't deserve a thread

Richie Freebird

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TNA had that guy in the front row with the bushy beard who used to do the Daniel Bryan ROH bit by shouting "he's/she's got till 5!" every time there was a rope break. Annoying tit.


Would it be worth starting a Wrestling Fan Love/Hate thread?


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I went on one of Mike Johnson's bus trips from New York to Philadelphia for a TNA show in 2006 and sat behind Vladomir and Charlie (Long, greasy haired chubby fella who has gone to shows with Vladomir for years).


Vlad was playing Tetris on a Nintendo Gameboy for most of the trip. Not one of those trendy thinner, brightly coloured Gameboys mind you. It was a proper old school chunky grey Gameboy.

He speaks with a really deep voice and sounds kind of like Andre The Giant.


That TNA trip was two nights before the second ECW One Night Stand ppv, when the ECW re-launch was due to begin the following week.

Charlie was asking Mike Johnson what WWE had planned for some of his favourite ECW wrestlers. I remember hearing such things as "Franny is being put with PJ" (which never happened), "Tommy & Paul have got free reign for Sunday but Vince's guys are booking the TV show", and "C.W. has called me every night this week asking if they are going to offer him a contract".


Did I imagine it or did the shell suit couple appear in a backstage thing on WWE TV once? I'm sure Christian walked past them on a SmackDown in the early 2000's. I'll check YouTube when I get chance but I reckon it might have been when Christian told Edge their Grandma had died just before their match at Unforgiven or No Mercy in 2001.

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Owen Hart used to sponge off shell suit couple and that's how they got free tickets for much of the 90s


I heard Owen used to blag car rides to the arenas from the hotels from fans. But sponge of that couple? Any truth to this story?  I noticed that they usually had backstage passes wrapped around their necks most of the time.

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Just in case anyone else is interested, the sorely missed Kelly Kelly has a new TV show coming out, unfortunately it's a reality show based on the lives of wives and girlfriends of professional sportsmen not an action comedy show featuring regular nudity.





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I'm surprised it's not about women that's been with the most sportsmen seeing how Kelly Kelly is involved. Probably see her show up on Raw in the next couple of weeks to plug the show as E! is owned by the same company as the USA Network.

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Owen Hart used to sponge off shell suit couple and that's how they got free tickets for much of the 90s


I heard Owen used to blag car rides to the arenas from the hotels from fans. But sponge of that couple? Any truth to this story?  I noticed that they usually had backstage passes wrapped around their necks most of the time.



The fella wrote a column about it on figure 4 a couple of years ago in remembrance of Owen.


When he was in their area they would drive him round, feed him and put him up and in return Hart would sort them out decent tickets. Not that dodgy but it's an explanation.

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Just in case anyone else is interested, the sorely missed Kelly Kelly has a new TV show coming out, unfortunately it's a reality show based on the lives of wives and girlfriends of professional sportsmen not an action comedy show featuring regular nudity.



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Just in case anyone else is interested, the sorely missed Kelly Kelly has a new TV show coming out, unfortunately it's a reality show based on the lives of wives and girlfriends of professional sportsmen not an action comedy show featuring regular nudity.





Pretty sure that was Bellend having a joke.

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Just in case anyone else is interested, the sorely missed Kelly Kelly has a new TV show coming out, unfortunately it's a reality show based on the lives of wives and girlfriends of professional sportsmen not an action comedy show featuring regular nudity.





Pretty sure that was Bellend having a joke.

Nah man, I love me some K2, she's my favourite diva.

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Can someone fill me in on the whole Stone Cold / Piper / Patterson situation that happened lately? Keep hearing it mentioned, but have no idea what actually happened. Thanks.

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