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Richie Freebird

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Interesting news. With Martha's backing it will be an all positive story probably. I assume it will probably sell really well with how Owen is held in regard, probably a lot of royalties going to the fund his family set up.

Edited by WWFChilli
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Interesting news. With Martha's backing it will be an all positive story probably. I assume it will probably sell really well with how Owen is held in regard, probably a lot of royalties going to the fund his family set up.

Plus, the chance of an Owen HOF induction increase. HHH has intimated that he'd like to see Owen go in sooner rather than later.

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Interesting news. With Martha's backing it will be an all positive story probably. I assume it will probably sell really well with how Owen is held in regard, probably a lot of royalties going to the fund his family set up.

Plus, the chance of an Owen HOF induction increase. HHH has intimated that he'd like to see Owen go in sooner rather than later.


Reckon we might get Davey Boy in there too?


I know his death was something they would not want to draw attention to but he was a HUGE star in the UK when WWF first started on Sky in the early 90's.

Shit, he was one of (if not THE) reason Wembley got the crowd it did in my opinion.

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I was just watching RVD's timeline where he mentions the Heatwave 98 match and I thought I'd see how Hayabusa was doing nowadays as I'd not looked him up for a while and he can walk now with a cane (and a bit of assistance from Taka Michinoku amongst others) which is pretty incredible.

Apparently FMW is coming back too..
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I wonder how it felt for him to be in a ring again. That was his life for years and years, and when he broke his neck, the idea his feet would touch a wrestling ring again must have been a non-thought.


Just checked his wikipedia, he's been very active promoting and even singing over the years. He's been doing all sorts of stuff.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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Bittersweet I suppose.

Reminds me of those survival situations where someone is stuck on a raft in the middle of the ocean or whatever. It's just next level mental strength to perservere through that kinda thing when it all must seem so hopeless. I guess it helps when you have other avenues/options to pursue though like he has. Would be interesting to know if he did that kinda stuff as a hobby before the injury or if it was just the best of a bad situation..


I'd forgotten about some of the VHS tapes I used to get from GWI. I think they/he were based in Manchester? Global Wrestling something? Imports?  Think I'll give it a watch over the weekend as this was one that I played the most. Will be interesting to see if it is actually any good now or if I just liked it all those years ago because it was my first exposure to such craziness. Good ol Taka pops up again in the first match. 

Horace Hogan makes a brief appearance too..

Edited by icke83
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I loved Hayabusa. Spotty as hell, but just such a load of fun to watch. Was gutted when he was paralysed, glad to see he's managed to get where he has.

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I'm sure GWI actually bought out Rob Butcher and took over his trading business when he was looking to quit.  They would send sporadic updates but nowhere near as frequent as Butcher, and didn't last very long IIRC.  I was always a Glen Radford guy but Butcher was the very first trader I ever bought from back in (I think) 1996.

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Interesting news. With Martha's backing it will be an all positive story probably. I assume it will probably sell really well with how Owen is held in regard, probably a lot of royalties going to the fund his family set up.

Apparently Martha's not backing it and isn't happy about it.


From Meltzer's site;


Martha Hart, the widow of Owen Hart, said that she was not happy when hearing the news yesterday that WWE was doing an Owen Hart DVD.


After reading that she was supportive of the project on Wrestling DVD News, she said:


"My children and I were unaware of this project until May 7, when it was brought to our attention by a friend who had read about it online. Contrary to your report, we do not back or support it in anyway, nor has WWE requested our backing or support. From what little we know of the project, it seems to be another attempt to exploit Owen's memory, and his tragic death, for commercial gain. We have resisted that kind of initiative for almost 16 years. If WWE really wanted to honor Owen's legacy it would just let him rest in peace."

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