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Richie Freebird

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Such a shame for him after his incredible rise to the top. Yakashi's point about him killing himself in front of 50 people in a school hall doesn't really apply. Looks wise, he has nothing going for him and he's a lousy promo. So the only way he was ever going to make it was sheer hard work. Unfortunately in wrestling, hard work generally means getting hurt.


He couldn't really change his ring style to compensate like Steve Austin did. He's at his best when he's in peril. He needs to be able to go really.


He needs to take an extended break. At his age, he can come back even in 3 or 4 years like Shawn Michaels did and still have a good run. He needs to get his neck done properly and give himself a chance down the line. And if not, then so be it. It isn't worth ending up a cripple for.

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It's the whole lengthy process to signing someone for NXT development that's had a good licking from previous promotions, earn hardly any money unless given guaranteed contracts until they move to the main roster and make some good money.


What happened to monitoring someone's style and try to eliminate the amount of high risk moves which can easily put paid to their career sooner rather than later. For me personally I think it was such a lunatic idea to bring Bryan back when they did. So why the fook did they not protect his safety with his neck injury allegedly knowing full well his prognosis. It's a basic question to ask someone.


I've seen in the past two weeks several AFL players suffer concussions in games. When early reports suggested these players may return the following weekend, the alarm bell started ringing in the media. Thankfully several players made the right choices and sat another week out to recover. The emphasis to play the following week is such a warrior type thing here, but sense has to prevail for their futures.


The same for guys like Ziggler and Bryan. The bump card slogan is certainly at the forefront for many wrestlers all across the board.

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It's all well and good saying that they shouldn't have brought him back when they did, but surely Bryan, as a grown adult, is in a position to have been able to say no. He's the only person who can safely say how his body is feeling and it's not like the old days where he'd have just been sent packing. If he'd have taken another six months or so to rest up, maybe things might not be so bad.

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Such a shame for this to happen to Bryan at this stage of his career. Seems so stupid now how they took him back for the Rumble this year, really hindered Roman Reigns too.


As someone said above he should take a Shawn Michaels leave of absence and return if and when he's good and proper for a final run. Go make some babies with Brie.

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If Bryan has to retire I'll be gutted. He's my favourite current guy on the roster by miles and I was really looking forward to him having good matches with the IC title over the next year.


Makes their choice to go with Reigns as the winner of the rumble look more sensible now.

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When was Bryan called up to the main roster, Summer 2010? He's had a hell of a five year run if the end is nigh, one of the most eventful in WWE history relative to it's length (batista.jpg). No one would ever, ever have predicted it back when he was the boring one in the main event of ROH 1.

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He did the NXT thing when that was new and that started straight after Wrestlemania 26 and then went main roster proper end of June with The Nexus angle and getting fired before being brought back at Summerslam that year. It wasn't all plain sailing for him though, whilst he did have decent matches whilst he was US champ against your Zigglers and DiBiase Jrs, there was a stretch were he was jobbing to botchamania mainstay original Sin Cara in under two minutes.

I remember saying at the time going into Wrestlemania 28 to my mate that it's mental to think the two world titles were both on ROH guys (CM Punk being the WWE Champion at the time)

Edited by WyattSheepMask
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